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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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^Well with the addition of "Pixar Land" and if the rumors are true about an addition of more Lucas Properties, Walt Disney Studios wouldn't be an appropriate moniker would it? Hollywood Studios is a broad enough title for the park that it could encompass about anything related to entertainment and basically that is what the park has been moving towards over the last few years. No longer is it just the glory of "old Hollywood" we now have "in things for now" appearing there like HSM and Playhouse Disney.


The issue with the new name is that it sounds misleading as to where the park is located. Just shortening the name to "Disney Studios" would have been fine, or perhaps "Disney Studios Florida" taking note of USF across town.


I don't see a problem with recycling the "Walt Disney Studios" name myself - the Paris park actually has very little dealing with the man other than the name, though no one has any complaints about it there. (Pixar attractions are scheduled for that park too)

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I don't like the name, and even though MGM decided to drop the partnership, the park could have just been called Disney Studios. The name they chose seems too long, but I'll probably continue to call it MGM. I think they chose Hollywood Studios over Disney Studios because Universal Studios is also in Orlando, and Disney might have thought some problems would arise.

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Would also be great if they FINALLY remove that cap in front of the Chinese Theater?


I mean, that Theater facade is more "Hollywood" and was designed to be seen as a Hollywood icon at the end of the park's "Main Street".


Since the wand came down off EPCOT's Spaceship Earth now, it could be possible for the cap to go, too.


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Hadn't they tried to get rid of the "MGM" portion of the name before, only to have it stick? Last year, when we were there, everything referred to it simply as "Disney Studios", but all the signage remained "MGM".


What bothers me more is the statement about getting away from "old Hollywood" or whatever they said, because that charm (the streetmosphere characters, art deco design, etc) is what have always endeared me to that park.



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Hmm. I'm not really sure weather I like the new name or not. I had heard rumors for a long time that it would end up being called Disney Pixar Studios. Which to me sounds much better than the name they picked. But if they did call it Disney Pixar studios then Star Tours, and ToT are out of place because they are neither Disney or Pixar.


So it makes sense that they picked the Hollywood name. But to agree with everyone else, plain old Disney Studios would have sounded just fine.

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FINALLY! There have been rumblings about this name change for years and it seems it will finally happen.


When I was on my college program in 2003, they'd reinforce the proper names for the parks. We were to call Disney-MGM Studios by its full name, if not then "Disney Studios", or simply "the Studios" when speaking with guests (as opposed to MGM as everyone inevitably called it). I remember taking one of those educational tours of the park and them telling us that eventually the name would be changed due to the agreement over the use of "MGM" expiring. I think it remains to be seen how quickly the name will catch on with the public. There's still people calling Epcot, EPCOT Center.

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Would also be great if they FINALLY remove that cap in front of the Chinese Theater?


I mean, that Theater facade is more "Hollywood" and was designed to be seen as a Hollywood icon at the end of the park's "Main Street".


The problem is, the people who own the real Grumman's Chinese Theatre don't like Disney using the "image" of their theatre. I think the hat was built to cover the theatre up until a new licensing could be agreed upon by the new owners of the Chinese Theatre... but since Disney owns the rival Capitan Theatre across the road, I wouldn't bet on seeing an agreement between Disney and the owners of the Chinese Theatre anytime soon. The hat stays.

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Anybody else get the feeling of "Out with the old and in with the soon to be old and under appreciated?" Name change aside, the show line-ups seemed to be the only other changes. Wonder if they'll put in a new thrill ride or two. If not, all this newness isn't really much of an announcement.

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^^ Forgot about that.


Too bad.


When you take in the whole effect of the park's entrance street leading up to it....


Glad I got to see it in it's original state on my first and only visit, 1991.

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Personally, I think they should've went with Disney's Des Moines Studios. Now that would be unique.


"And now the Imagineers of Disney will work their magic, and transport guests to the magical splendor that is Des Moines! Yes, the movie-making capital of the Midwest is now in Central Florida!"


Put that in your wand a stick it where the sun don't shine, Harry Potter land at IOA!

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^Um, ok.


With regards to OTHER attractions being added, there has been a lot of rumors about a "Crush Style Coaster" being added to Studio 1 (where the giant X-wing fighter is during Star Wars Weekends) as well. The WDWMagic boards were making it sound like Ratatouille's sewer escape might be the theme for it though.


Of course there is the rumor that Pixar Land will be taking over the backlot area as well, so who knows what all this will bring... I would say that this is only the "tip of the iceberg" with regards to what "operation: something to combat HP" will end up being.

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Hmm...disturbing new trend here. Take out back lot tours/movie/tv history in favor of expansion. Read that Universal demoed the Golden Girls set and some other stuff to put in a stunt show.


Granted, a park's gotta change, but this makes me feel funny. And not the funny like climbing the rope in gym class either.

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Hmm...disturbing new trend here. Take out back lot tours/movie/tv history in favor of expansion. Read that Universal demoed the Golden Girls set and some other stuff to put in a stunt show.


I believe that both Disney/MGM and USF abandoned the idea of being actual working studios long ago...now they are just theme parks.


For a while Orlando was going to be the east coast Hollywood.

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Ummm.. actually it was Disney that had the Golden Girls set (Touchstone tv shows and movies were heavily highlighted on the old backlot tour) and the Lights, Action, MotorCars Show was put it, which I actually thought was fantastic. At least you felt like you were getting the "behind the camera" look at movie-making that the park was getting away from.


I was disappointed when Disney abandoned the idea of the working studio at WDW, especially with the animation department. As much as I love the park and it's "feel", I do think they need to rethink the concept and some of the attractions. After our visit last year, I commented in my trip report that I feel that an overhaul of the Great Movie Ride was seriously needed. There have been so many classic films (many from Disney and their subsidiarys) in the past 20 years, I would love to see the ride updated to reflect them.



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Hmmm, how about Disney's Afterschool Studios? Eh, they can "officially" change the name all they want, it'll still be MGM to me. But at least they're realizing that if some fool actually wants to spend $71 on a one day ticket to this park, it should have $71 worth of entertainment in it (Toy Story is a great addition, btw). Although, until plans include hat removal and Star Tours refurb/update/do-over/whatever you wanna call it, I'll continue to be mostly unenthused.

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