I still regret having to back out of the Midwest trip this year due to our new baby (don't regret the baby, however!).
I don't think schedule wise I can make any of the longer trips, but the Texas mini-trip should be golden despite the fact they're all the parks I go to normally anyways. I know the locations of several of the Carrabas between my house and Kemah, which has to be on the itinerary (too bad there isn't much else to do in Houston these days).
edit: by the way, due to a new law Texas public schools are starting much later than they used to this school year, which means school won't be out until the beginning of June (they used to be out the beginning/middle of May). This means that any non-weekend days around Memorial Day the parks are open should be relatively empty. The SF parks tend to open daily a week before Memorial Day, however I wouldn't be surprised if they altered their schedule due to school being out later. Kemah is open year-round, however.