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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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I think they're just trying to throw us off with this one. They already have a great Log Flume, Bumper Boats and Sklooosh... I don't see why they'd need another water ride. I don't see them building a water coaster because it seems like a huge expense for a ride that won't run all year in a park that's dependent on the sale of ride tickets.

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Water coaster would be a huge letdown for me personally...can't stand water rides/waterparks.


They appeal to a large portion of the park-going populace and in recent years the increased effort to add embedded water rides (and water parks) within existing dry parks speaks to the demand. While I doubt we'd ever see anything at Knoebels on the scale of what Hersheypark did with the Boardwalk overhaul, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new water coaster or something like it added to the park at some point.


While most of us here wouldn't choose a water attraction as our first choice (myself included), we don't represent the majority of the guests who visit these parks, so our point of view has a far more limited influence on things.

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While most of us here wouldn't choose a water attraction as our first choice (myself included)...



...sorry, I got a little excited there. I love water rides!


Seriously though, Knoebels has started to play the "you can only experience this at Knoebels" card with Flying Turns, so, if they're looking for one of the most unique attractions on the market, I think an AquaTrax would be awesome.

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Ug. Oh well, all the speculation was fun while it lasted. Maybe they're relocating Roller Soaker.


You can say only enthusiasts would be disappointed here, but if Knoebels had taken a poll among the GP about whether they'd rather get a new wooden coaster, or a new water ride, I strongly suspect I know what would win.

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Ug. Oh well, all the speculation was fun while it lasted. Maybe they're relocating Roller Soaker.


You can say only enthusiasts would be disappointed here, but if Knoebels had taken a poll among the GP about whether they'd rather get a new wooden coaster, or a new water ride, I strongly suspect I know what would win.


...Has there been any confirmation yet?

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If that really is the control panel from Sklooosh, then we can be pretty sure it'll be a water ride. But wait, maybe it'll be a terrain water ride going down the side of the hill!!!


Oooor, maybe those marks on the control panel are where they're placing the demolition charges so they can knock it down and put a coaster there.

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Ug. Oh well, all the speculation was fun while it lasted. Maybe they're relocating Roller Soaker.


You can say only enthusiasts would be disappointed here, but if Knoebels had taken a poll among the GP about whether they'd rather get a new wooden coaster, or a new water ride, I strongly suspect I know what would win.


But in seriousness, I think Soaker was partly chopped up using a blowtorch from what I saw last year.


The picture of the control panel might not mean much if you think about it. It may just mean that it is a new ride that would need a control panel.

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The picture of the control panel might not mean much if you think about it. It may just mean that it is a new ride that would need a control panel.

NORMALLY, I would completely agree with you because I know that you know what you're going on about. While it could very well be any ride that needed a control panel, the screen was intentionally blurred out, as if they wanted us to put the pieces together...

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Soooo, jumping in a page late to the Skloosh control panel.




^ It'll be interesting, that's for sure. My money is on a Skloosh refurb.


Page 201. I'll accept my reward in the form of cold, hard cash.

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Water coaster would be a huge letdown for me personally...can't stand water rides/waterparks.


They appeal to a large portion of the park-going populace and in recent years the increased effort to add embedded water rides (and water parks) within existing dry parks speaks to the demand. While I doubt we'd ever see anything at Knoebels on the scale of what Hersheypark did with the Boardwalk overhaul, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new water coaster or something like it added to the park at some point.


While most of us here wouldn't choose a water attraction as our first choice (myself included), we don't represent the majority of the guests who visit these parks, so our point of view has a far more limited influence on things.



I understand that Broseidon, all I was saying is that I personally don't like water rides or waterparks.

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