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Fuji-Q Highlands Discussion Thread

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
This is probably a really stupid question, but do these Japanese/Asian parks really stay open year-round? Even with snow? Why can't US parks do this!


I feel like American parks are slowly heading in this direction. More and more parks are adding holiday events in cold climates, the parks that have well established holiday events keep adding coasters to their holiday lineups due to increased competition (BGW and Hershey for example) and guests are flocking to the parks despite the weather so hopefully this will eventually lead to parks opening earlier or pushing their hours beyond the holiday season.

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  • 1 month later...

And I thought the vertical loop on Full Throttle was large. With the speed Dodonpa has coming off that launch, the inversion has the potential to be something awe-inspiring. Any word if they are keeping the launch the same or is that still an unknown?

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  R17 said:
  SharkTums said:
Doesn't anyone else think this is a terrifyingly bad idea!?!??! Have you ridden Dodonpa?!!? I don't think it should go upside down!!!!


The wheels will explode


Yeah, I think it's intense enough without an inversion.

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  SharkTums said:
Doesn't anyone else think this is a terrifyingly bad idea!?!??! Have you ridden Dodonpa?!!? I don't think it should go upside down!!!!


Sick or injured passengers can only slow down operations. Sounds like a good move for Fuji-Q, in-line without their business philosophy.

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Can't wait to hear if they enhance or totally redo the queue music...


Do - Do - Dopna - Do - Do - Dopna - Do - Do - Dopna...



(Two+ HOURS was enough in queue, back in 2011, no thanks again. Robb and Elissa had {Thanks Again!}

gotten us FastPasses in the 2013 tour. But I'd had enough of the coaster/queue, as it was. So I passed.)


I did take a nice pic of the "hump" back in the TPR 2013 Japan Tour. But - I didn't ride it that visit. )o:

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^ Tempura me. I dare ya.


Or...... I'll take the "mystery bowl" for lunch, Arigato Fuji-Q! With BEER, too! (o:

TPR 2013 Japan Tour. And, please ignore David's plate, in front of me. It's just....wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  knaiwear said:
^not sure how you can get that from those pictures, but ok...


I'm going to go with the fact you can see how the footers, and support for the loop are laid out, and you can tell by how close everything is together that it's not going to be a massive loop.


Also, as small as the loop is, I'm wondering if they will be slowing down the launch?? I can't imagine a loop that small will be taken at as high of a speed as the hill was?? Oh well, we shall see!!

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