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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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So the full lineup for Fright Fest 2017 has been revealed:



The Slaughter House - Gateway to the West

Blind Fury - Gateway to the West

Blackout - Chouteau's Market

Camp Killamore - Hurricane Harbor

Night Terrors - Studio Backlot


Scare Zones:

Vengeful Trolls - 1904 World's Fair

Gnawlin's Hollow - 1904 World's Fair

Zombieville - Illinois



Love at First Fright - Palace Theatre

Freaks Unleashed - Palace Theatre Porch

The Banishing - Palace Theatre Porch (renamed from Final Freakout)


Literally nothing new this year, although it's still a good lineup. It also seems like Steve Daly has left the event for good, don't know if his comedy hypnosis show is still happening but it's not on the site.

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I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Six Flags closes at 9 each day during HITP, and I-44 is a very easy road. You can be home by midnight. If you want to go, go. If you don't, don't. But the schedule and road conditions are not stopping you.

That is later than I would like to be out. It isn't road conditions holding me back, it is not wanting to be out driving late (midnight is late).


I'm not trying to be a dick, but how old are you? You should have plenty of energy at your age. Bring someone with you to keep you awake. Stop for soda or coffee brakes. You also don't have to stay all the way until closing. You'll be fine.

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When are you going to KI?

I think we're going one of the first weekends in October. We have a wedding to go to on the 21st. We plan on checking out Great America again during the beer and food festival they're having in November. I've never been to a park event like that. Should be good times.

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So the full lineup for Fright Fest 2017 has been revealed:



The Slaughter House - Gateway to the West

Blind Fury - Gateway to the West

Blackout - Chouteau's Market

Camp Killamore - Hurricane Harbor

Night Terrors - Studio Backlot


Scare Zones:

Vengeful Trolls - 1904 World's Fair

Gnawlin's Hollow - 1904 World's Fair

Zombieville - Illinois



Love at First Fright - Palace Theatre

Freaks Unleashed - Palace Theatre Porch

The Banishing - Palace Theatre Porch (renamed from Final Freakout)


Literally nothing new this year, although it's still a good lineup. It also seems like Steve Daly has left the event for good, don't know if his comedy hypnosis show is still happening but it's not on the site.


Hmmm....well I wonder what the sign on Thunder River is for then. Sure makes it seem like some sort of haunt is going in there. Although my son was there yesterday and said it didn't look like they were working on anything inside the ride sight. They have used part of the queue for when the line backs up for Blind Fury before but I wouldn't think there is anything to prepare in that case that would warrant them closing it early. And I would think they will have some sort of show in the Empire Theater to replace the hypnotist.

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^ You know, I've wondered about Thunder River, especially since Six Flags America is hinting at something with theirs, and Six Flags over Texas might be too. I'm hoping it's not the removal and rather something exciting about these rides. I love rapids rides myself, but more importantly they're popular everywhere, so that would be a good reason to renovate. On the other hand, they're expensive, so if Six Flags goes the cheap route, I can see them getting the axe. I'm hoping, but really it's hard to tell what's going to happen.

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Just got back from the park - as I am known to put forth criticism when I see something I don't like, I am likewise obligated to praise something I think is very good -


just saw the new station ceiling fans in the St Louis and Chicago train stations ( see photos) - I am a firm believer that amenities like this make the park much more enjoyable and attractive. While very certainly not the type of thing that will bring in visitors, it will go a long way to making the visit much more pleasant. I guess when you have a home park that you visit frequently, you see the faults a lot more than a casual one time visitor. Well done and thanks to those involved...


I think simple things like fresh paint on railings and buildings, repairs to roof shingles, fixing or rebuilding the waterfalls in the upper section of the park - even the newer plantings I have noticed in the flower beds this year, all go towards making the park a better place to visit. I think even $250,000 worth of general maintenance and upkeep would be hugely noticeable in the park. Again, not glamorous but welcome.


and they are definitely getting the jump on Halloween this year.




Chicago station new fan --- whoot......


new fan.... how about new ceiling paint????? look at those chips.....


skeletons in trees already...


and on posts ...

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Just got back from the park - as I am known to put forth criticism when I see something I don't like, I am likewise obligated to praise something I think is very good -


just saw the new station ceiling fans in the St Louis and Chicago train stations ( see photos) - I am a firm believer that amenities like this make the park much more enjoyable and attractive. While very certainly not the type of thing that will bring in visitors, it will go a long way to making the visit much more pleasant. I guess when you have a home park that you visit frequently, you see the faults a lot more than a casual one time visitor. Well done and thanks to those involved...


I think simple things like fresh paint on railings and buildings, repairs to roof shingles, fixing or rebuilding the waterfalls in the upper section of the park - even the newer plantings I have noticed in the flower beds this year, all go towards making the park a better place to visit. I think even $250,000 worth of general maintenance and upkeep would be hugely noticeable in the park. Again, not glamorous but welcome.


and they are definitely getting the jump on Halloween this year.





Agreed! I noticed the new plantings this year as well. Wasn't sure if it would be the same for others as I am into gardening and flowers and always look at that kind of thing. Noticed several cleaned up roofs as well.

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I love rapids rides myself, but more importantly they're popular everywhere, so that would be a good reason to renovate. On the other hand, they're expensive, so if Six Flags goes the cheap route, I can see them getting the axe. I'm hoping, but really it's hard to tell what's going to happen.

I for one enjoy Rapids Rides, but I do not enjoy being on them. I think they're as good for the general atmosphere as they are at pleasing some riders. I love to be around the water or hear it rushing. I also love the clean smell of chlorine it gives the area. Water is life. It's just nice to be around, as quirky as it may sound. Like much of what I enjoy about parks, these water rides are nice to look at and be around, despite having no desire to ride.

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I love rapids rides myself, but more importantly they're popular everywhere, so that would be a good reason to renovate. On the other hand, they're expensive, so if Six Flags goes the cheap route, I can see them getting the axe. I'm hoping, but really it's hard to tell what's going to happen.

I for one enjoy Rapids Rides, but I do not enjoy being on them. I think they're as good for the general atmosphere as they are at pleasing some riders. I love to be around the water or hear it rushing. I also love the clean smell of chlorine it gives the area. Water is life. It's just nice to be around, as quirky as it may sound. Like much of what I enjoy about parks, these water rides are nice to look at and be around, despite having no desire to ride.


I completely agree. I hardly ever ride Bigfoot Rapids at Knott's, but I love the atmosphere it gives that area of the park. Even if they weren't rides, I'd love if more parks had streams or rivers running through them. That's one of the reasons I love Frontier Town at Cedar Point. Even though it's not necessarily a stream, there is lots of water in that area with Maverick, Snake River Falls, and the Rapids.

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I love rapids rides myself, but more importantly they're popular everywhere, so that would be a good reason to renovate. On the other hand, they're expensive, so if Six Flags goes the cheap route, I can see them getting the axe. I'm hoping, but really it's hard to tell what's going to happen.

I for one enjoy Rapids Rides, but I do not enjoy being on them. I think they're as good for the general atmosphere as they are at pleasing some riders. I love to be around the water or hear it rushing. I also love the clean smell of chlorine it gives the area. Water is life. It's just nice to be around, as quirky as it may sound. Like much of what I enjoy about parks, these water rides are nice to look at and be around, despite having no desire to ride.

That's a good point. A lot of parks have a "riverfront" area or something of the sort, and the rapids ride becomes theming for the area. I always prefer the parks that are more than just running from one ride to another and standing in queues all day. The parks that have an atmosphere are fun even if you're not on a ride.

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...Sound the Alarm

Not sure if that is a hint. It does sound like Six Flags will be using the Hurricane Force name for more rides next year so maybe we'll get something with that name? Great America has been using similar language. Corporate has shown they don't mind using the same names for different types of rides.

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I'm going to say it will be one of two things. Either a free spin or a water coaster. If it ends up being something else I will be surprised.


Either one of these would be a great addition to the park. I would rather see the Free Spin but the water coaster would be a big hit and a major draw for the GP. I rode my first two electromagnetic water coasters this summer (RiverRush at DW and Krakatau at Volcano Bay) and they are fantastic rides.

Edited by VegasBaby
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One would think that if it was a Free Spin they've would've already announced the closure of something else to make room for it.


I've come around on the water coaster. It will actually get me to do Hurricane Harbor at least once and I'm sure it'll be a draw.

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I don't know what's coming, but I anticipate it will be served with a large helping of butt hurt.

We could have a B&M Giga announced and some would complain it isn't an Intamin


One would think that if it was a Free Spin they've would've already announced the closure of something else to make room for it.


I've come around on the water coaster. It will actually get me to do Hurricane Harbor at least once and I'm sure it'll be a draw.

I'm sure they'd actually have room for a Free Spin somewhere without even needing to remove a ride, it looks like you could work with the area behind Mine Train and Tidal Wave without having to touch either. Maybe it'd even be possible to squeeze one in between the Boss' bridge and the railroad tracks, the only closure would be the Go Karts.


A water coaster would be the best addition to this park in years.

I agree. I'd call it best since American Thunder. And the park could use another slide to chew up crowds, Big Kahuna's line is far too slow with the glacial dispatch times and unenforced minimum group size.

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