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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I drove by the park last night for the first time in years on our way to the current river. Then I immediately found bed bugs in our cabin, so we drove back at night... It would be nice to see SF to sink some more effort into attractive night lighting packages like CF has done. It just makes me realize that these two brands are miles apart, not necessarily in quality, but of their views on how a park should look and feel inside and out. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I know which I prefer more. I still look forward to my HITP trip.


I agree the Sky Screamer tower used to light up in neon colors and looked really cool from the highway. It hasn't lit up since last year.


During Fright Fest last year when they had it on some of the neon color-changing bars were burnt out as well as a bunch of LEDs on the Six Flags logo, not sure what the reason for that is, but I hope the only reason it's off is because they're planning on fixing those.


If I remember correctly the tower took a lighting strike last year which took out a section of the light tubes on the back of the tower and messed up the lights on the logo. They might be working on them or they turned them off until they have time to work on them.

As of right now they have no plans on fixing the LEDs. They told me that the LED bars that came from the manufacturer were not very good quality and became very brittle and if they try to fix them they just break more.

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Was Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia originally meant for Six Flags St. Louis? I head a rumor about it awhile back, and was wondering if someone could clear that up for me


Yes. Tragic day for us when they moved it to Georgia


Is it known why they decided to move it from the third park they built to the second park they built?

If I had to guess, Six Flags probably realized there was a greater possible ROI at SFOG than at SFStL. It wouldn't surprise me if SFOG made more money yearly than SFStL.



If I remember correctly from back then, the plans had been around for a couple of years and the station would have gone over where American thunder is and gone over the entrance road. To answer the question though, it was in part due to missed goals. In fairness if you have ever ridden it at SFOG, you should be thankful we didn't get it.


In other news, rumor has it were capped for awhile at 8 million attractions.

Why would anyone be thankful their park didn't get a B&M hyper? All B&M hypers are good and Goliath stands out in terms of intensity and airtime.


Hopefully one day SFStL gets a hyper too because I feel like a sprawling hyper coaster would be awesome at this park, especially if they used the terrain a bit (although it would most likely traverse the parking lot I would think).

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you should be thankful we didn't get it.


What are you talking about? I ridden it 2 years ago during my family's trip to WDW and I loved it.


A hyper is one of the few things that would give people a reason to visit SFSTL and it would look cool seeing a roller coaster train zip above you as you enter the parking lot.


The only things I would be thankful for are:

1. RMC Boss

2. A Hyper

3. Removal of Ninja.

4. Something unique and won't appear at other Six Flags parks.



Now I feel that SFSTL is really starting to improve since 2013, I was disappointed that we were getting a Boomerang, but Six Flags did a nice job with the location. I love how Boomerang interacts with the midway. SFSTL also got rid of the SBNO Hannibarrels and replaced it with a ride that helps keep us cool during the hot summer days. And when JLBFM was announced, I was very impressed. Even though 2016 wasn't a big year (except HITP) I feel that the chances for some of the things I listed above are increasing.


Long story short, I feel that we might get a hyper between 1-8 years

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Can someone enlighten me on the Batman The Ride loose article policy at SFStL?? We have never seen anything like it in our live's (and we have been to a lot of parks.) Keep in mind throughout all of this there was never any announcements about loose articles, or sandals or anything like that. . . The ride operators would start our by allowing everyone to take their flip flops, loose shoes, sandals, and cell phones over to the side, and set them down. Once everyone was in their seats, restraints were locked, and checked, and the train was cleared. . . The ride operators would then pick up the flip flops/sandals/shoes and go row to row asking whose shoes these were. Once they found the people who the shoes belonged to they would un-buckle the seat belt, and put the belt through the sandals, and have the people ride the ride with their shoes attached to the seat belt. After that they would go get all the phones that were on the side, and go row to row asking whose phones these were. Once they found the phones owners, they would have the riders hold on to the phones through out the ride. Explaining to them that "no loose articles were allowed to be left in the station."


Okay, I get that you don't want loose articles left in the station, but forcing a rider to hold on to their cell phone while on the ride seems backwards of all the polices I have ever seen/heard of. Usually you DON'T want a rider to pull their phone out mid ride, much less make them hold onto their phone the entire ride. What happens when someone drops their phone mid ride, or their phone flies out of their hand and hits another rider?? Is Six Flags the ones who are going to claim responsibility?? (Doubtful) But they were the ones having the people hold the phones while on the ride. . .


Not to mention it caused for awfully long dispatches. . . Anywhere from 8-15 minutes depending on how fast people "claimed" their items. There must be a better way to handle the situation than what Six Flags was doing. . . I mean, Cedar Fair parks (From those we have been to) never seem to have this problem.

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^ That literally means nothing. Yeah, you can get a locker, but why would they force you to keep your loose articles out on the ride? Why not just in the station? That's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. That seems like the most illogical thing a park could ever do for loose articles.

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Can someone enlighten me on the Batman The Ride loose article policy at SFStL?? We have never seen anything like it in our live's (and we have been to a lot of parks.) Keep in mind throughout all of this there was never any announcements about loose articles, or sandals or anything like that. . . The ride operators would start our by allowing everyone to take their flip flops, loose shoes, sandals, and cell phones over to the side, and set them down. Once everyone was in their seats, restraints were locked, and checked, and the train was cleared. . . The ride operators would then pick up the flip flops/sandals/shoes and go row to row asking whose shoes these were. Once they found the people who the shoes belonged to they would un-buckle the seat belt, and put the belt through the sandals, and have the people ride the ride with their shoes attached to the seat belt. After that they would go get all the phones that were on the side, and go row to row asking whose phones these were. Once they found the phones owners, they would have the riders hold on to the phones through out the ride. Explaining to them that "no loose articles were allowed to be left in the station."


Okay, I get that you don't want loose articles left in the station, but forcing a rider to hold on to their cell phone while on the ride seems backwards of all the polices I have ever seen/heard of. Usually you DON'T want a rider to pull their phone out mid ride, much less make them hold onto their phone the entire ride. What happens when someone drops their phone mid ride, or their phone flies out of their hand and hits another rider?? Is Six Flags the ones who are going to claim responsibility?? (Doubtful) But they were the ones having the people hold the phones while on the ride. . .


Not to mention it caused for awfully long dispatches. . . Anywhere from 8-15 minutes depending on how fast people "claimed" their items. There must be a better way to handle the situation than what Six Flags was doing. . . I mean, Cedar Fair parks (From those we have been to) never seem to have this problem.


I had the same thing happen to me on the boss about a month ago. I set my phone down (along with another person's phone) on the loading station and they handed it right back to me. They said I had to hold onto the whole time, and that leaving items on the loading station was not allowed. I explained to them that I had no where to put it (like a pocket or a bag), but they just said to secure it. I worried about my phone falling out the whole ride. One reason that I believe they make you do this is because they don't want to risk anyone's stuff being stolen, therefore making you hold onto it. In my defense, I didn't visit the park for about 3 years prior to last month, so I was unaware of this.

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Can someone enlighten me on the Batman The Ride loose article policy at SFStL?? We have never seen anything like it in our live's (and we have been to a lot of parks.) Keep in mind throughout all of this there was never any announcements about loose articles, or sandals or anything like that. . . The ride operators would start our by allowing everyone to take their flip flops, loose shoes, sandals, and cell phones over to the side, and set them down. Once everyone was in their seats, restraints were locked, and checked, and the train was cleared. . . The ride operators would then pick up the flip flops/sandals/shoes and go row to row asking whose shoes these were. Once they found the people who the shoes belonged to they would un-buckle the seat belt, and put the belt through the sandals, and have the people ride the ride with their shoes attached to the seat belt. After that they would go get all the phones that were on the side, and go row to row asking whose phones these were. Once they found the phones owners, they would have the riders hold on to the phones through out the ride. Explaining to them that "no loose articles were allowed to be left in the station."


Okay, I get that you don't want loose articles left in the station, but forcing a rider to hold on to their cell phone while on the ride seems backwards of all the polices I have ever seen/heard of. Usually you DON'T want a rider to pull their phone out mid ride, much less make them hold onto their phone the entire ride. What happens when someone drops their phone mid ride, or their phone flies out of their hand and hits another rider?? Is Six Flags the ones who are going to claim responsibility?? (Doubtful) But they were the ones having the people hold the phones while on the ride. . .


Not to mention it caused for awfully long dispatches. . . Anywhere from 8-15 minutes depending on how fast people "claimed" their items. There must be a better way to handle the situation than what Six Flags was doing. . . I mean, Cedar Fair parks (From those we have been to) never seem to have this problem.


I had the same thing happen to me on the boss about a month ago. I set my phone down (along with another person's phone) on the loading station and they handed it right back to me. They said I had to hold onto the whole time, and that leaving items on the loading station was not allowed. I explained to them that I had no where to put it (like a pocket or a bag), but they just said to secure it. I worried about my phone falling out the whole ride. One reason that I believe they make you do this is because they don't want to risk anyone's stuff being stolen, therefore making you hold onto it. In my defense, I didn't visit the park for about 3 years prior to last month, so I was unaware of this.

Interesting. Because SF Great America had lock boxes on most coasters for loose articles, and pouches attached to seats on Viper in addition to the boxes on the platform.


SFSL is literally moving backwards at this point.

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In fairness if you have ever ridden it at SFOG, you should be thankful we didn't get it.

I've ridden Goliath. While it wasn't nearly the best coaster I've ever been on, it was my favorite coaster at SFoG. I don't think it would get many complaints at SFSTL.


SFSL is literally moving backwards at this point.


You can say that about the entire St. Louis area for as long as I can remember...

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.



Good point.


I just meant, SFMexico has Justice League announced, an RMC that is amazing, a nice Joker themed coaster and is a much more attractive visit; NOT IN AMERICA, to boot. Strange.



Edited by TrippinBillie
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How has JL been running recently? I haven't been there since 2014 so I missed it. I seem to recall there still were frequent issues earlier this summer.


JL seems to be running fine so far. There's one or two effects broken, but it's operating WAY better than last year


Welcome to TPR by the way

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.



Good point.


I just meant, SFMexico has Justice League announced, an RMC that is amazing, a nice Joker themed coaster and is a much more attractive visit; NOT IN AMERICA, to boot. Strange.




But do they have Boomerang!???

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.



Good point.


I just meant, SFMexico has Justice League announced, an RMC that is amazing, a nice Joker themed coaster and is a much more attractive visit; NOT IN AMERICA, to boot. Strange.




But do they have Boomerang!???


THEY DO! That's even funnier.....

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How has JL been running recently? I haven't been there since 2014 so I missed it. I seem to recall there still were frequent issues earlier this summer.


JL seems to be running fine so far. There's one or two effects broken, but it's operating WAY better than last year


Welcome to TPR by the way


Are they going to fix them or will this be 2-3 broken by next season and so on?

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How has JL been running recently? I haven't been there since 2014 so I missed it. I seem to recall there still were frequent issues earlier this summer.


JL seems to be running fine so far. There's one or two effects broken, but it's operating WAY better than last year


Welcome to TPR by the way


Are they going to fix them or will this be 2-3 broken by next season and so on?


It's likely that there will be a broken effect every ride. Every time I ride it, a different effect is broken. Last week, the exploding barrel didn't work. this week, the fog before the shelf that falls on you didn't work.

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.


Unfortunately, that is pretty much true at this point. SFSTL is now the only Six Flags park without a hyper or a RMC. (Note that I don't consider Great Escape a real SF park.). It's a nice enough park with a good selection of rides, but it doesn't have that one signature attraction. JLBFM was a great addition, but now it looks like all SF parks will eventually get one. I recently visited SFGA and I'd take Goliath, Raging Bull, and X-Flight over any coaster at SFSTL.

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I was really impressed by SFStL last season. I had my first visit this season this past Sunday and in the 20 years I've been going to this park I had the worst visit I've ever had. The park was packed and Mr. Freeze, American Thunder and Screamin Eagle were all running one train causing unnecessary hour plus lines! The ride ops were all moving at a snails pace! The park just looked drab. The bathrooms were gross. I encountered four adult employees the whole day. I saw so much unprofessionalism from countless employees. One ride op for Screamin Eagle was wearing shoes about two sizes too big with long shoe strings that were untied! I was just appalled. I usually can still find good things to say about the park amongst the typical negative criticism but not this time. It was just bad. I have a season pass and I'm only expecting to go twice more this year, once for FF and once for HITP.


I'm sorry for the negative post. I usually try not to post like this. This was just an unusually awful visit. I cant help but feel a lot of it had to do with the absence of Dave Roemer.

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Pretty sad that SF Mexico is more attractive to visit than SFStL, which was an original SF Park.




After my most recent visit to the park I think any Six Flags park is more attractive to visit than SFStL.


I don't think you completely understand how terrible La Ronde is. Don't look at the ride lineup online, don't watch POV's... you really have to experience it to understand.

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