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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I'm confused.


The dippin dots guy said that the RMC Boss is coming while the Mine Train ops said that Tidal Wave is going away


Maybe they are both right!! They are going to RMC Boss, AND RMC Tidal Wave.

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I really hope that Six Flags has a warranty from the builders that built the facade of Justice League. This looks really bad and has gotten worse over the last few weeks. This is not Six Flags fault.


The facade has done that since the first year. It seems to do it after prolonged exposure to heat and humidity (we get none of that here) then once it cools off it seems to go away.


I did a little digging into Tidal Wave and it appears a leak on the splash basin got worse. It sounds like the plan is to fix it and reopen it. But then again Mine Train ops said its closed forever so I have to be wrong.

The Tidal Wave is set to reopen in the next couple of days, maintenance was almost done with it today and then they have to refill. The train should also be reopening in a day or so as the new part has arrived.

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I personally think it is kind of a silly idea to open Tidal Wave back up this season since it will be closing again in just a few weeks for the Fall. It just seems like a lot of expenditure to fill the pool again and staff the ride.


With that being said I am no where near experienced in the theme park business so I really have no idea what I'm talking about. Just stating my thoughts.

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Other than the fact that the park In general hates having rides down, I think it is even more important for them to get Tidal Wave open as soon as they can as Boomerang and Superman are both inoperable for now... one of them I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was for good... But already having 2 rides closed in that specific part of the park might make them want to reopen Tidal Wave faster. Having that many rides down in a small area tends to upset the guest a lot more.

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Other than the fact that the park In general hates having rides down, I think it is even more important for them to get Tidal Wave open as soon as they can as Boomerang and Superman are both inoperable for now... one of them I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was for good... But already having 2 rides closed in that specific part of the park might make them want to reopen Tidal Wave faster. Having that many rides down in a small area tends to upset the guest a lot more.



That is true. I didn't think about that. Has Superman operated at all this season?

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Other than the fact that the park In general hates having rides down, I think it is even more important for them to get Tidal Wave open as soon as they can as Boomerang and Superman are both inoperable for now... one of them I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was for good... But already having 2 rides closed in that specific part of the park might make them want to reopen Tidal Wave faster. Having that many rides down in a small area tends to upset the guest a lot more.



That is true. I didn't think about that. Has Superman operated at all this season?


Yes. I got to ride it 2 weeks ago

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It was closed yesterday. There was only one car on the tower at the very top and it looked like the station was covered up.

One thing I forgot to say in my TR was that the locals were very nice. Way better than my park. This was my 3rd Six Flags park outside of my own. The other two I've been to are SFADV and SFOG.

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I drove by the park last night for the first time in years on our way to the current river. Then I immediately found bed bugs in our cabin, so we drove back at night... It would be nice to see SF to sink some more effort into attractive night lighting packages like CF has done. It just makes me realize that these two brands are miles apart, not necessarily in quality, but of their views on how a park should look and feel inside and out. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I know which I prefer more. I still look forward to my HITP trip.


I totally agree and have been putting this on my park surveys for years. The St. Louis park is so drab compared to other parks. Carnivals have better ride lighting. With all the amazing LED lighting packages available, it's so disappointing that the park doesn't take advantage of any of them. Seeing the chasing lights on the Screamin' Eagle was an incredible site, especially when seen from the highway. The lighting they got for Sky Screamer was just dumb. Now they don't even turn that on. Fireball looks great. However, since the very beginning there were problems with lights at the bottom of the loop randomly flashing and not following the patterns. Now that has started on other parts of the loop and on both sides. Of course the park does nothing about it. The LED lights they put on Colossus a few years ago are so dull. And the lighting program on that has glitches as well.


For some reason, SFStl seems to have difficulty maintaining certain things at the park, lighting being one. Every time I've ridden Justice League this summer, effects have not worked. I have never seen the fog screen work this summer. Last night, the fire effect was also off. This was an issue with every dark ride that has ever been in that spot. If you're not going to maintain it. Don't bother putting it in!

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^ Although I do agree with some of your points, I do have to say that I really like the lighting on Skyscreamer (when it is working properly).


I just feel like the lighting on Sky Screamer, like Colossus, is very dull and boring compare to what we could have.


Something like this would be nice.


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^ Although I do agree with some of your points, I do have to say that I really like the lighting on Skyscreamer (when it is working properly).


I just feel like the lighting on Sky Screamer, like Colossus, is very dull and boring compare to what we could have.


Something like this would be nice.




That would REALLY make the park look nice at night

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^ Although I do agree with some of your points, I do have to say that I really like the lighting on Skyscreamer (when it is working properly).


I just feel like the lighting on Sky Screamer, like Colossus, is very dull and boring compare to what we could have.


Something like this would be nice.




Yes, that is an amazing light package and it would be great to have it at our park. I stand corrected lol

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If you're not going to maintain it. Don't bother putting it in!

I just feel like the lighting on Sky Screamer, like Colossus, is very dull and boring compare to what we could have.


Something like this would be nice.


These two statements are at odds with one another.


That lighting package is brilliant though.

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Oooooooookay. So let's re-group here for a second. Here's my response to the last couple pages (I won't quote posts because I'm on my phone):


1. Mr. Phantom: It's always good to hear from you. Keep up the high quality posts, sir!

2. I actually ran into Pete yesterday, and he stopped me to talk for a good ten minutes. That chat just reaffirmed my confidence in him.

3. Vonni: Regarding your post about reopening Tidal Wave, Pete wants to have as many rides up and running as possible. When you think about how he came from an operations background (Director of Operations at SFNE), it makes sense. He's actually huge on lowering downtime and increasing efficiency...rather than running Mr. Freeze with one train just to save money.

4. Pete is actually headed to Holiday World soon and knows Matt Eckert. The two had fun talking at the ACE event.

5. "Hey number six! Why are you afraid of seven so much?"

6. "Because seven 'eight' nine!"

7. "You bet I did! But let's get back to the park, shall we?"

8 (coming from inside seven's stomach). Pete really likes to focus on the small details. For example, he's actually really excited to check out things like the lockers at Holiday World. He said that it's mainly because a lot of those type of details are what can really help improve guest experience.

9. For the (probably) ninth time this year: The park has been investing a lot into upkeep and maintenance to make the park look better and better. Don't worry; corporate is giving SFSL plenty of "love". That level of investment in the park's maintenance really kicked into high gear between 2014 and 2015 (e.g. The new roof & exterior renovation of the Palace Theater. Speaking of which, the landscaping in the Palace Garden are of the park is seriously impressive this year.)

10. If anyone here likes A) putting up Cheistmas lights, B) the idea of getting to work in the beautification of a theme park, or C) making money, you can still apply for a job working with the lights contractor setting up for HITP. There are also plenty of other exciting jobs, which can all be found at http://www.sixflagsjobs.com!


Have a Six Flags Day everyone!


^I meant that ending in a nice way, btw. I know that some posters like Mr. Phantom might take me saying "Have a Six Flags Day," as an insult.

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Sorry. One last thing:


Shout out to Screamscape for very dramatic but lacking-facts post. #ThanksLance

Actually some of his post sounds pretty accurate. And if superman does reopen, I wouldn't be surprised if it were only 2 or three cars.

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