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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^ Oh, so HITP doesn't start until Black Friday. I thought it would start the next weekend after FF ended. Well, that's a little disappointing, but at least we are still getting it, and a still shorter off season.

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See it still lists Panda Express. Was under the impression it was changing to a Six Flags branded Asian food stop this year. Was hoping the dining pass would work there.


My understanding is each park's contract with Panda Express has different expiration dates, and Chop Six is replacing them as they expire.

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^ Oh, so HITP doesn't start until Black Friday. I thought it would start the next weekend after FF ended. Well, that's a little disappointing, but at least we are still getting it, and a still shorter off season.

With Fright Fest continuing to grow bigger & scarier than ever, they will need some time to take down at least the visible Fright Fest decor that needs to be gone before HITP, as well as then adding HITP decorations.

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For those of you visiting on Opening Day and the following Saturday, would any of you be up for a little meet-up sometime Friday morning and/or Saturday afternoon? Friday morning I would have to leave the park at 11:00 for my shift but on Saturday, I get off around 4:30. If you're interested, PM me, and I'll find a way to sort out all of the details by noon on Thursday. I know this is last minute, but I think it would be fun. If everyone takes a few or a lot of pictures, we could compile them into one nice, big SFSL Opening Weekend trip report. Hope to see you there!

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^ Oh, so HITP doesn't start until Black Friday. I thought it would start the next weekend after FF ended. Well, that's a little disappointing, but at least we are still getting it, and a still shorter off season.



It's gonna take them awhile to remove all of the Frightfest decorations and put all of the Christmas decorations and lights.

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Okay, I guess I'm confused on The New Revolution/Ninja VR upgrade! Is it going to be the same video for every VR ride at all the parks? I figured it would be different for each ride and based on each ride's unique elements.

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Okay, I guess I'm confused on The New Revolution/Ninja VR upgrade! Is it going to be the same video for every VR ride at all the parks? I figured it would be different for each ride and based on each ride's unique elements.




^I hope this helps. The video in this link is the SFOG New Revolution

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2 days left. Excited for the double rides on Screamin' Eagle


Seriously? Other parks in the chain are getting RMCs or similar - but hey, at least we get double rides on the Eagle.


What wrong with double rides on Eagle. Allow me to answer that rhetorical question. Nothing. We got Justice League last year. Fireball, general improvements, and Holiday in the Park this year. Looks like a good year to me.


Not to mention New Revolution. This is the first time I'm willing to ride the Ninja.


One thing I wish SFSTL did to Screamin' Eagle is reopen the original entrance,

But that won't happen this year.

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Okay, I guess I'm confused on The New Revolution/Ninja VR upgrade! Is it going to be the same video for every VR ride at all the parks? I figured it would be different for each ride and based on each ride's unique elements.




^I hope this helps. The video in this link is the SFOG New Revolution


Maybe it's just me, but the video in the VR looks like a Playstation 2 game.

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Can't wait until tomorrow! Long drive ahead of me today to St. Louis. 60 degrees here we come. 35 degrees high today in Wisconsin. People at work looked at me weird, "You're going to Six Flags in this weather?"


Getting freezing rain and snow currently here in Madison. I can't wait to visit the park this weekend!

Edited by ribsinbacon
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Can't wait until tomorrow! Long drive ahead of me today to St. Louis. 60 degrees here we come. 35 degrees high today in Wisconsin. People at work looked at me weird, "You're going to Six Flags in this weather?"


Getting freezing rain and snow currently here in Madison. I can't wait to visit the park this weekend!


I'm in Beloit. Same crappy weather. Wisconsin... the last state to join the Union east of the Mississippi.

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