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SixFlagsOMA80 last won the day on October 31 2023

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  1. Six Flags really wont be running anything, 95% of the company will be ran by Cedar Fair upper management from a corporate level. The new Six Flags is really just the old Cedar Fair. I overheard some conversations that Cedar Fair people were recently at our park and see a lot of future and charm with our park. Not like we haven't heard that before. While this is a merger it is similar in fact that when Premier Parks (the company that killed the Six Flags name) took over from Time Warner that they just changed their name to Six Flags. One thing to bare in mind however is that much like the Time Warner years a lot of people liked the parks that Cedar Fair took over when they were owned by Paramount, ie Kings Island. Movie companies just have a way of making their parks look and run better. This is proven by Disney and Universal Studios.
  2. That would be it. They had saved some and used as places to sit near the train. I guess they recently trashed them.
  3. It was put there for a specific reason, it was similar to the ride that used to be there minus the water.
  4. I thought the communication in March was that the carousel would be open around June. Doesn't look like much progress has been made. Probably wont open until October at this point.
  5. Yes, the platform is definitely lowered in the position that it would be if the ride was running to allow water at the bottom. Normally its level with the station platform for loading.
  6. Anyone know what is up with Tsunami Soaker being closed this summer? I guess they are dumping another ride on the death block?
  7. Back in 2020/2021 there was talks from the park that was even on the news that they were restoring the Bat Mobile and it was bringing brought back to the que line where they recently redid the Bat logo. Is that not happening anymore?
  8. From what I have read I believe, these type of rides are custom made. Great America's was built first and ours was next. I would expect as soon as it is on site it would be up within a few days. Longest part to build might be the Fun House.
  9. Actually the post was on Facebook. Six flags themselves said they were in the general lot which is weird since the picture clearly shows them in the preferred lot. Either they made a mistake or the whole lot is general now.
  10. Someone that works at Six Flags that manages the facebook page must be a fan here. Every Friday they we start to share what goes on during the off season.
  11. Personally, I like seeing park updates. I think Six Flags Fiesta Texas does an outstanding job of keeping the public up-to-date. To me it shows the Park cares about it's customers.
  12. Gravitor is the old Rush Street Flyer from STL - if La Ronda did in fact remove it would be nice if they brought it back here Park News - (11/21/2023) According to a reader who passes by La Ronde almost daily on their work commute, it appears that the park has now removed two rides. Our source says that the Condor (Huss) tower ride has been taken down, as well as the park’s Gravitor ride, which was said to have sat closed for the past couple seasons anyway. Currently both rides are still listed on the park’s website, but the site has also not been updated to feature information about the 2024 season yet.
  13. In the 70’s thru the early 00’s there was not the staffing issue there is too and less ppl lived in the area. I don’t think the park being in Eureka is the issue. Most kids are more lazy today and don’t want to work. Also min wage in Missouri is $12. I don’t think theme park ppl should be paid $20 an hour when corporate jobs start at $20 an hour. This is why we have an inflation problem. I would agree management is the reason why ppl no longer want to work there and/or stay there.
  14. This shareholder wants to see the Six Flags sell all their land and lease it back to them. Stupid idea. They need to move on
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