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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Off topic to the ninja:


I heard Fireball was topped off. Any photos?

I don't have any photos to post. However, it really looks fantastic from I-44. You can see it really well. While driving on 44 this morning, I could see that they were testing the different LED light patterns. Even during the day I could tell that the lights are truly awesome. Even if it wasn't a ride, the lights would be a fantastic addition to the park. I'm really starting to like the Fireball more and more as the park keeps it's flat ride collection refreshed.


If any of you remember my optimism at the beginning of last season, this season is even better!

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^The lighting package is wonderful. We have it here at SFOG and it's truly spectacular. It's awesome that SFStL's version has such great placement in the park to really make the ride seem bigger and to show off that lighting package.

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Off topic to the ninja:


I heard Fireball was topped off. Any photos?

I don't have any photos to post. However, it really looks fantastic from I-44. You can see it really well. While driving on 44 this morning, I could see that they were testing the different LED light patterns. Even during the day I could tell that the lights are truly awesome. Even if it wasn't a ride, the lights would be a fantastic addition to the park. I'm really starting to like the Fireball more and more as the park keeps it's flat ride collection refreshed.


If any of you remember my optimism at the beginning of last season, this season is even better!


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If any of you remember my optimism at the beginning of last season, this season is even better!


If we end up with a slide complex for 2017 I will hunt you down. Or, maybe said optimism is because you're going to be employed at a different park with more lofty goals.

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If any of you remember my optimism at the beginning of last season, this season is even better!


If we end up with a slide complex for 2017 I will hunt you down. Or, maybe said optimism is because you're going to be employed at a different park with more lofty goals.

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I read somewhere, Screamscape I guess, that SF registered the name Titan again. Maybe that is a glimpse into our future?? We've been road this road many times, maybe I should just stop now.


Glad to hear the LEDs on Fireball look good, now if they could only do that with the Eagle (at a minimum the Lift and First Drop)

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I heard Fireball was topped off. Any photos?


I mean, I'm no expert at this, but I bet it's going to look very similar to this:



To me there is no real mystery around what a Larson Loop is going to look like.


It's a big circle. That's all.

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I heard Fireball was topped off. Any photos?


I mean, I'm no expert at this, but I bet it's going to look very similar to this:



To me there is no real mystery around what a Larson Loop is going to look like.


It's a big circle. That's all.


It's time to find your place on the path unwinding. In the circle, the circle of life.....

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^ Don't do what, Prozach


Don't talk about his beloved Six Flags Mid America. He will get his panties in a bunch.


It's now blatantly obvious how well you don't know me, which is good, because I certainly don't want to know you. Ever... which is probably similar to most people you come in contact with. I'm sure some of the SFSTL people might get a chuckle out of your comment.


Do yourself a favor and don't scroll back through the majority of my posts in this thread, unless you really want to feel dumb about the comment you just made.

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^ Don't do what, Prozach


Don't talk about his beloved Six Flags Mid America. He will get his panties in a bunch.


It's now blatantly obvious how well you don't know me, which is good, because I certainly don't want to know you. Ever... which is probably similar to most people you come in contact with. I'm sure some of the SFSTL people might get a chuckle out of your comment.


Do yourself a favor and don't scroll back through the majority of my posts in this thread, unless you really want to feel dumb about the comment you just made.



I'll admit the Larson Loops aren't everyone's cup of tea, but they have great lighting packages. Great Adventure's has added a lot of wonderful color to its section of the park at night.

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