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Update: 02/23 – PTR: My Day In Berlin – Page 16 / Part 1


Hey guys,

I am back from Berlin! It was a unbelievable day! I stood up at 03:00am and caught the train at 04:15am! It was so damn early in the morning and I was so tired! Anyway, at 08:15am I arrived Berlin central station! I had a first class ticket, so the train journey was really relaxed and so comfortable! I put my camera and cell phone in a locker. Then at the train station I caught the subway to the US Embassy! I arrived the US Embassy at 09:10am! That means I had enough time, because my meeting time was 09:40am! I walked slowly to the Embassy, watched something here and there! At 09:30am I was there and 6 people waited in front of the Embassy! They let only 1 person per time in the first building! There it looked like an airport. They had all these security things there! I had to put all my things like keys and other stuff in a bowl! Then they checked my jacked and the rest of me! After they had seen everything is okay, they opened the next door to the main building! There I had to pass 4 safety doors and a angry looking military officer. At the end of all this things I was in the waiting room, were I saw around 30 other people, all waiting for a visa stamp! So far so good! I walked to the first person and she checked my documents! Right at that moment, started a bad alarm! Rolling shutter jumped down and from each corner a military officer screamed to us “EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE! THIS IS A REAL WARNING!" Then they pushed us out of the building on the other side of the street! I thought I am in a bad movie! Everything looked so unreal and scary, with their uniforms and weapons! We waited there appr. 10 minutes! Then someone came out and told us it was a false alarm! We all run over the street and I was the fourth person in the line! We had to make all the checks again! =( After another 10 minutes I was in the waiting room again as the fourth people of more then 30 persons! LOL, on one side it was so scary with the alarm, on the other side it was good for me, because I was one of the first persons back in the building and they could start looking at my documents! 20 minutes later I was done and could go home! I left the building and saw the rest of the group reentering the Embassy!

They told me if everything is okay, I get my passport with the stamp back within 1 week! I really hope everything was okay!

So, I was done with everything so early, that’s why I had a lot of time in Berlin, my time for the train back to Bremen was 05:00pm! For the hours of free time I had there, I walked around Berlin and made so many pictures! I think I told enough – here are the pictures from my day at Berlin!




Another part of the Brandenburger Tor!


That is the view down the street from the parliament!


Some figures on the building!


Another shot of the German parliament!


I called this building the German White House! In that building is our president Angelika Merkel living!


And again.


The German Parliament!


The US Embassy! They built all the barricades after 09/11! The US Embassy is one of the best protected buildings in Berlin!


The whole Brandenburger Tor!


One side of the building!


Back at the Brandenburger Tor!


A bit of the Deutsche Reichstag (German Parliament)!


A bit of the Brandenburger Tor!


Thats how it looks like when you are in the middle of the memorial!


Yes, I needed a picture with me and the memorial! =)


The Holocaust Memorial!


A piece of the Berlin Wall!


I like this part of the center!


The Sony Center.


Craig, this is for you! =)


After the meeting I walked around Berlin.


04:30am and I am so tired!

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Update: 02/23 – PTR: My Day In Berlin – Page 16 / Part 2


Here are more pictures from Berlin! I hope you enjoyed the photos!?




So , thats it! here you see my snack for the journey back home! Thanks for reading!


And again!


A curch from the second world war, or better said the rest of it!


Oh, I found some birds there! I hope they have no bird flu! =)


Another shot of the big ball!


You can see the soccer WM is in Berlin this year!


I had enough time, thats why I was at a nice store and bought a few shirts there!


Is this PG-13? I hope so! =)


I found this bad bears!


No, I went to McDonald´s! =)


Time for lunch! Maybe Burger King?


They have some cool big screens there!


Have I ever said that I like this part of the Sony Center? LOL


I hope you can read it, thats why they made the bears!


And many more.


Some bears!


Back at the Sony Center!




Some buildings for the guys who can´t get enough of this stuff!


The street of Juny the 17th!

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I only have one comment...Germany has Dunkin Donuts, and SoCal does not!?!?!




Because Dunkin Donuts is a North Eastern tradition, and the Germans just can't resist our charms. Besides, isn't their Krispy Kremes in SoCal?


I laughed at the US embassy photo.. They really are that paranoid...


We're not paranoid, it's because we need our security beefed up to prevent terrorists from trying to get into our country, or destroying an embassy.

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I laughed at the US embassy photo.. They really are that paranoid...


Haha, I made no picture of the UK-Embassy, but be sure it looks like the same after 09/11! They built all the barricades after 09/11 at the US- and UK-Embassy! 24 hours 7 days a week you´ll find a few German police officers there!



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Glad to hear everything turned out alright at the Embassy. It is pretty crazy when an alarm goes off, but good for you to run back there and leapfrog people in line.


You know, at Themeparks I hate these guys who jump around the lines, but there it was good for me!



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Good job Soren! You didn't get ramdomly picked for the body cavity search at the embassy! I wish I was so lucky at the public library last week. :still sore:


I don't know if Paranoid is the right word, obnoxious, pompous, yeah I guess paranoid works too maybe!?!??


Well, according to our government 'They hate us because we're free', ergo by removing our freedoms the 'turrest's' will no longer hate us! It's win/win!!


-name removed due to homeland security patriocity-

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