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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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But, be careful, you may run into some "American" girls who may try to take advantage of you!


They may wish to use you for their personal or "physical" needs!


So Soren, you need to be strong! I'm sure you won't give into temptations! Good Luck to you! [/url]


There's a problem with letting american girls take advantage of you for their physical needs?!!?

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I hope to revisit Florida within the next year, and whereas I'll avoid Disneyworld (Like the Plague) I would go back to Epcot!




You'd go back to Epcot but not Disney World? Yuh. That makes sense .


Anyway, enjoy yourself Soren! Hopefully someone will take you on a Joys of Wal*Mart tour. Some even have McDonalds in the back!

I personally have always wanted to see the backstage of Germany. Maybe you'll get to live this dream this for me, and post an illegal job threatening PTR.

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Well all I can say is GOOD LUCK SOREN! I really hope you like working at WDW for the next year. Also, if you ever get a weekend off, let me know! Ill give you the grand tour of Sarasota! Your gonna meet a lot of cool people at WDW so dont worry about being home sick or anything!


Colin C

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Zipity do da zipity ayy my o my what a wonderful day. Soren is going to Florida in two dayyyss.. zipity dooo da zipity ayy!!!


Wishing you have a magical, funtasmical, Disneyrifical time with your stay at the Happiest Place on earth!


Hope you get to meet a bunch of neat people and make some great friends with you time there! Overall have fun!!!

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Thanks Mike and Colin.


The Disney Look!


Hey guys,

today was a hard day! I changed my look for Disney! They sent us the Disney Look Book! There I found what is not accepted! I had to shave a part of my beard! I have worn that beard since a long time and I really liked it! However, now it is gone. So, do you like it?







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Well, Disney has been pretty good lately, with all the cultural differences they had to put up with, NOT all being like Tokyo. i.e. Paris?


Still like their Cast Members clean and spot-on, as Mary Poppins would put it (or is it spit-spot?), including the facial hair, boo hoo.


You'll grow it back, once the year is gone, You'll see.


Have a safe flight.


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Wow! Soren, it's like you were forced to shave off to much!


But, that's a small price to pay to join the great Disney Empire!!!


Good Luck to You!


Your going to have a great time in Florida!!!


You'll make countless new friends, and have many great experiences!


Your life will only get better from this point on!!!

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Thanks Mike and Colin.


The Disney Look!


Hey guys,

today was a hard day! I changed my look for Disney! They sent us the Disney Look Book! There I found what is not accepted! I had to shave a part of my beard! I have worn that beard since a long time and I really liked it! However, now it is gone. So, do you like it?




You do look like someone else I've seen before....


Another guy sporting the "disney look"

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