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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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The "Disney Cast Member Info" Thread

Who can help to learn more about that occupation?


Hey guys,

Does it sounds like a dream, to work at a dream place, like Walt Disney World? For me it sounds not bad, because I am looking for a occupation at WDW.


However, I was at a Disney Casting Call and there were approx. 50 people! Last week I called the recruiting company (International Services / in France) 3 times to learn more about that.


First I sent them an E-Mail that I want to work at WDW. Next I had to call them for the first interview on the phone! That was easy for me! Then I got an E-mail, with the request to come to a city for a personal meeting! It was really nice, they showed us a few movies and told us what would happen, when we are at WDW.


Then everyone had a personal interview, which took about 10 minutes! There were 3 Cast Member from WDW and one person from the French recruiting company. First I had to go to the one from the french company, she checked my documents. Next I had to go to one of the Cast Members, for a short interview. I was the last one in my group (6 people per group). He asked me a few things, like: "Why do you want to work at WDW" or "What would you do, if..."! That all was very easy and then we started to talk about some attractions at WDW and DLRP. At the end we all 5 (3 Cast Member + 1 french girl + me) talked about god and the world, more than 30 minutes. It was really nice and I have a good feeling after that! I am sure I have a good chance to get a job there!



However, now I have a few questions:

1. I can only work at EPCOT, at the German Pavilion and it looks like there is no chance to work at another place! Is that true?


2. As a Castmember from Germany I will only get $ 6.- per hour! A normal Castmember gets $ 8.- or more! Why?


3. It is only for 12 months! What can I do after that time? Is there a chance to stay for a longer time? Has anyone here been involved with the Intentional or College program that WDW offers that could help give me more information?


4. The full International Programs at WDW looks more like a students program, for me! But I still have a firm job for the past few years! Is there no chance to get a job at WDW, which has nothing to do with the International Program? Perhaps in Guest Relations? How does one, who is not living in the US go about applying for a job that is not the International Program?


Anyway, I don't want to be unrealistic, but I think with my qualifications, I am a bit over-qualified for a students program! Is there anyone, who had a idea what I can do?


Thanks in advance



P.s. inkl some pictures in my own style. I am sure you know what I mean!


mmhhhh, the day was not bad!


After the Casting I needed some "Elissa friendly food"! =)


We got this document (International Programs).

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Our whole family wants to move down to Orlando, and we'll all work at WDW. Seriously. I could be a monorail or steam train driver (and visit Soren, by the look of things ), my sister could work at the Living Seas, Dad could work...well, anywhere, and my mom is already qualified to work at one of the daycares!

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:o :o :o Sören !! I might be working at WDW this summer... my Interview is in 2 weeks!!!!


How cool would it be if we were working together?? I would actually kinda know some1!


I know that I'll be participating in the student programme but I will let you know everything they tell me when Im there.


$6 dollars an hour... Is that good money? Coz Converted bk 2 GDP its pretty bad


Chrissie "Hopes Sören gets a job there" Stevenson

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I'm not too familiar with the International Program, but I was a cast member apart of the College Program.


I know you'd be housed at the Commons, which is near the College Program places. Actually, most Cast Members (especially those starting) either get higher part of $6 or lower $7. None really start out at $8. College Program currently make $6.40.


There is one guest relations (or more I don't know) that are from each country usually at Epcot. I was friends with the one from some country, which escapes my head, but maybe even Germany.


If you want to work for Disney full-time, part-time, etc after your International Program, you'd have to get a Visa to live over here and find your own housing. They will only provide housing on the programs.

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Like others have said we would love to have you come to the states!


As RCTfan pointed out if you'd like to stay after the program you'd need a visa. This is what I would suggest...


Take the opportunity to get the crappy Disney International job which will at least get you into the US on a temporary work Visa. Then do your research on sites like this: http://www.unitedstatesvisas.gov/ which have all the information you need about how to extend, get a permanent, or get a work Visa.


Here's a link about getting a permanent visa to the US as a German: http://germany.usembassy.gov/germany/visa/iv.html


It's going to be easier to do all of this once you're in this country, speaking the language better and have all of us to help you!


If you'd like to do more research ahead of time, IM me some time and we can look through the US Government sites together and try to figure out what your chances are of staying.


The one thing I've learned in the working world is that a lot of times you have to start at the bottom, and as much as it will suck being treated like a temporary $6/hour international guy, with your work ethic and personality I see you having a chance at really impressing the Disney folk and having them help you find a more permanent location after your 'contract work'.


I hope this helps, Please if there are any Disney Cast Members reading the board but who don't want to post, I can vouch for Soren, so please send him an email, or a PM or something to help him out.



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Soren, just from what I know of you from these boards, I think you'd be a fantastic Cast Member! It takes a good attitude and willingness to work for next to nothing, but it definitly pays off! I was on the College Program in 2000 and it was honestly just about the best decision I have made with my life. I learned so much about myself, my interactions with others and how to provide good service at at job that it has proven extremely valuable in every other job I've had.

Not to mention that it's fun! You get into the parks and Pleasure Island for free, and you are there with hundreds of other people close to your age. You all live and work together, so everyone is in the same boat.

Best part for you Soren...you'd probably have to wear Lederhosen at work! hahaha And you know every TPR member who sees you would take a picture of you wearing it.

All kidding aside, I think you need to jump at the chance if you can because there is just no other experience like it! If you want to PM me, feel free and I can give you advice/support through your interviews. Chrissy, you too!

You can also look at my WDW College Program scrapbook online at:



-Julie (hoping to see Soren in lederhosen teehee)

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Does it sounds like a dream, to work at a dream place, like Walt Disney World? For me it sounds not bad, because I am looking for a occupation at WDW.


At first it may all seem to be like a dream job, but once you get involved in the politics it all changes.


I still say do it while you can. It will be quite an experience you’ll always remember. But remember this; never forget the magic of the place. Because once you do that, it’s just a job.


Good luck!

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Oh, good luck Soren, I so hope you get tha job! Even if you only end up doing 12 months for crappy pay, what an amazing experience that would be! That's the way you've gotta think of it, work like you don't need the money, it'd be so great! I


wanted to apply for the programme Chrissie's gone for for next summer but unfortunately with the other things I'm doign next summer it wouldn't work. It's a shame though, because this may be the last time in my life I could do this. I'm so jealous!


Best of luck, hope it all goes really well! Imagine all the random photo TRs you could do for us if you were in the states!



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Hey guys,

First of all, thanks for all the nice infos, comments and PM´s I got! It looks like there is only one chance for a German, to start working at a Disney Resort and that is the International Program! Howeve, if I get the job, I am sure I will go there for that time! That means maybe you see me next year in Lederhosen at the German Pavilion! Oh, that is unbelievable, a North German guy with Lederhosen!?

Anyway, if you have more infos for me, please post it or write me a PM!



-- Sören

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Hey guys,

First of all, thanks for all the nice infos, comments and PM´s I got! It looks like there is only one chance for a German, to start working at a Disney Resort and that is the International Program! Howeve, if I get the job, I am sure I will go there for that time! That means maybe you see me next year in Lederhosen at the German Pavilion! Oh, that is unbelievable, a North German guy with Lederhosen!?

Anyway, if you have more infos for me, please post it or write me a PM!



-- Sören


Lol!!! Sören we can do Lunch

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, I have some news! I´ve got an E-mail from the International Services in France! That is the recruiting company in Europe for WDW, where I had my interview!





We are happy/ Glad to let you know that you have been accepted for the

Walt Disney World international cultural representative program.


We have a departure date for your on March 14, 2006

for a "Walt Disney World/CPR Germany/Merchandise GR" position.


It looks like I made it!



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Glückwünsche Soren!


Hoffentlich will Ich dir besuchen bei die Deutschland Pavillion. Ich muss mein Deutsch üben!


Letze mal Ich die Guest Services brauchte sah Ich dass eine Junge eine . . . oh screw this, my german sucks.


I did see a German guy with a German flag pin on him (meaning he speaks German) in Guest relations -- so I guess you can be guest relations and from Germany, as long as your English is sufficient.


March is just around the corner.

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