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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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only discovered this tread now.


I think it's great Sören, that you follow yr dream. I know that's a huge but also exciting decision to take as a few years ago, i was close to moving to the US to work as an expat for the company i work for. At that time i was already married and we had 1 daughter of 2, which only made the decision even more difficult (although my wife was very much in favor about moving to the US). Eventually i've chosen to stay here because not every condition i had, was fulfilled (most important one was that i would not know on beforehand where in the states i would end up) and also my boss here convinced me to stay. Looking back now, i don't really regret my decision but sometimes i wonder where i would be if i would have moved to the states.

Anyway, i'm really glad for you that you have decided to move to Florida and really really hope that everying will work out fine for you out there.


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Hello to all from the lovely UK, as you can probably tell I am new to these forums and I would just like to thank Soren and Chrissie, as it is due to them talking about these forums on a different site how I found out about them! I, like Soren and Chrissie, am going to work at Disneyworld for 12 months representing the UK in World Showcase, and if I have my facts right I will be arriving the same day as Soren March 14th


Anyway, its very nice to meet you all, I think thats site is fab and no doubt I shall be back on these forums very soon


Take care all, Jess

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Hey Jess,

Welcome to the boards! I am glad you like this site! I am sure you´ll have a lot of fun here and after a few times visiting this great site you can not stop posting anymore! I promise!


However, it would be great to meet you on March 14th at WDW!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I´ve gotten my Disney package!


Hey guys,

Today was a sad day for me! I had a bad discussion with my parents about the whole Disney thing! They don´t want, that I go to Disney and they are not really helping me with the things I have to do and I have to plan! I mean it is only 10 weeks away and my parents are so pigheaded. They gave me some money a few years ago for my car! Now they want the money back, or they will not let me fly! Come one guys, I am 25 years old and they will not let me fly? That all really sucks and I can not wait to fly to Disney in a few weeks! Then I am far away from my parents! :?

However, there was one good thing, today! I´ve gotten my Disney package! Now, there is no way back, Disney I am coming!




... more Disney stuff!


and again...


Yes, I am happy! =)




Look, it is a nice Mickey sticker! =)


Aww, that is cute!


I can´t wait to open it!


It doesn´t really looks like a package!

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I am so sorry that your parents are making this difficult for you. It can be very hard for parents to let go, even when you are an adult. My mother cried the last time I moved away from Massachusetts, and I was 33 years old! I'm guessing that they are just having a hard time accepting that you will be so far away from them. That's a scary thing, for parents.


Can they actually prevent you from flying, or are they just saying that?


Best of luck to you, with the rest of your preparations. We will be making many trips to WDW this next year, so I am looking forward to meeting you!



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Soren, what's in the package? I always wanted to do the Disney College Program but, it just wasn't in the cards for me....


Sorry, to hear the parental units are being tough, you should let them knwo of all the people at TPR that will keep you company when they visit WDW. I'll be there next October, will you?

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Sorry this is my first time posting in this thread, but I've been following along. I find it really cool that I might be seeing you in WDW someday!


Walt himself had hardships with his parents. His father, especially, didn't support anything he did; his cartooning was "a waste of time", and "all you're doing is chasing dreams that can never come true".


Just because your parents are making it difficult for you at the moment, doesn't mean you can't dream big.


You'll be in Florida in no time, I'm certain!

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Thanks guys, for the kind of words! It looks like my parents will never understand what I am doing, but that is not my fault! I want to do that for me and if they don´t understand that, then is it not my problem! I am really old enough to decide what I want to do!


However, I am at Disney from March 2006 - March 2007 (12 month)!


Here is, what I found in the package from Disney: the Disney look book, name tag on your luggage, personal letter from Jeff Tasset (Disney recruiter), some information about what to bring with you to the USA, like passport, Q-visa, original birth certificate in english etc., insurance application form, and some other information about the rules at the commons ect.



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perhaps yr parents are doing difficult because they don't want to see you leave for 1 year (or who knows for a much longer period), just because they love you so much.

Remember i told you that a few years ago i also had to decide to move to the US. I can tell you that especially my wife's parents were really unhappy about this possible move and i remember that during that decision period, every time i saw them they tried to talk that out of my head with all kind of stuff they heard or read somewhere. In the end, them doing so did not really have an influence on my decision, although i realised that it would have been very very hard to see their daughther and granddaughter leave to the US.


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I have just finished reading this entire thread and I am very happy for you and the decision you have made! It is so hard with parents sometimes and although a lot gets easier as we become adults, some of our relations with them get more difficult. I think that in the end they will see the good in this choice. You seem like a great guy and I really hope everything works out!


That said, have a great time! I am so looking forward to hearing about everything! Will you be staying in those treehouse things? When we wree there a couple of weeks ago, we took the boat by them and they said the International Program people stay there.


Keep us up to date!!!

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