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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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Thanks for the nice words! I can´t wait to go!


I plan to come to the Flower and Garden Festival and I will stop by and try to see you...I always enjoy your reports and have been enjoying reading about your upcoming trip to the states. It will be intersting to see it from your point of view.


That would be nice! Let me know the date as soon as possible! I also want to post some pictures and updates as often as possible!



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Thanks for the nice words! I can´t wait to go!


I plan to come to the Flower and Garden Festival and I will stop by and try to see you...I always enjoy your reports and have been enjoying reading about your upcoming trip to the states. It will be intersting to see it from your point of view.


That would be nice! Let me know the date as soon as possible! I also want to post some pictures and updates as often as possible!




You may want to keep your cat inside....


Cat Death Puts Some German Pets on Short Leash


Germany ordered cats to be kept indoors and dogs on leashes in five states hit by bird flu.


After the deadly bird flu was found to have killed a cat on the German Baltic Sea island of Rügen, where the virus was first detected in the country, consumer protection agency officials said cats must be kept indoors, and dogs on leashes.


The government said the order would take effect immediately in a radius of three kilometers (1.8 miles) of all areas where infected wild birds have been found.


So far, the flu has been found in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

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^ I think this is the wrong thread for this, but...


... at the moment the bird flu thing isn´t so bad in Germany! They have found a few dead birds and one cat, who was infected with the H5N1 virus! But I am glad, that I am leaving Germany in a few days, before it flood whole Germany!



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^ Hope that some of these peeps who visit with you at the Germany Pavillion actually buy something from you, Soren! Heh heh heh


And watch out for all those Beer Steins you're going to sell, with this bunch, nudge nudge wink wink ....


Don't forget to take a breath once in awhile, look around you, and just enjoy the moment, k?


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^ Hope that some of these peeps who visit with you at the Germany Pavillion actually buy something from you, Soren! Heh heh heh


And watch out for all those Beer Steins you're going to sell, with this bunch, nudge nudge wink wink ....


Don't forget to take a breath once in awhile, look around you, and just enjoy the moment, k?



LOL, everyone who visit me there needs to buy something or I´ll kick his ass out of the German Pavilion! Hmm, I am sure after that Disney will kick me out of the program! Okay, no good idea! But I would be happy if you guys buy something there!


I am sure I will enjoy the time there and stop from time to time to enjoy the atmosphere!



Less than 2 weeks now Soren! The time has passed really quickly since you first started the thread.


Have you started packing for Florida yet? I haven't even bought a suitcase!


Yeah, the last weeks flew buy like nothing! I have started last week, packing my bags! But be sure, I am not done at the moment! There are so many things! But I can post a picture, near the end!



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Less than 2 weeks now Soren! The time has passed really quickly since you first started the thread.


Have you started packing for Florida yet? I haven't even bought a suitcase!


Yeah, the last weeks flew buy like nothing! I have started last week, packing my bags! But be sure, I am not done at the moment! There are so many things! But I can post a picture, near the end!




How much stuff are you allowed to take over there? Will it just be one suitcase and one item of hand luggage, or can you take more?

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Farewell Party At Work!


Hey guys,

in a few hours is my farewell party with my boss and all the coworkers! I am really a bit sad, because I was near 9 years at this store! Next week I have some free days only thursday I have to go to work, which will be my last day there. However, we are going to the bowling center! Maybe I can post a few picture, later!



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Farewell Party With My Boss And Co-Workers!


Yesterday I had a great evening with my boss and co-workers! We had so much fun and it was great to meet them all before I fly to Disney! First we were at the bowling center! There we had a few beers and games! After that we walked to a nice restaurant, called "Cafe Del Sol"! There we had some good dinner at 11:30pm! But before we get the meal, my co-workers had a nice present for me! A Survival Package, filled with things I could need, like: a toothbrush, a candle, some instant coffee, some condoms and other stuff! It was so cool and funny! Then, my boss had a really awesome silver pocket watch for me, with a nice engraving! I was so touched, that was the best present ever! After that I was really a bit sad, that I will leave the store!

However, no onto the pictures!




This was mine! Okay, thats it guys! Thanks for reading!


And then came the food!


Brigitte and Kirsten!


... and Teeeeaaaa! =)


... champagne ...


... hmmm ...


Filled with some socks ...


My Survival Package!


Susi and Imke


And the other side!


Another view of that side!


In the restaurant was a nice atmosphere!


Is it the Olimpic fire? No, but the had some real fire on the outside, that was so cool!


Then we walked to the Cafe Del Sol!


... and I!


... Torsten ...


Imke again ...


Yes, It is a Desperados and I had a few!


... and then my boss, Torsten! Do you see the beer in the background?


Next was Imke...


Susi was the first one!


It is time to start the game!


Welcome at the Bowling Center! This is the whole gang!

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Congrats on all your accomplishments on your way to doing what you really want to do! If all the support on these boards are any indication, you'll be anything but lonely.


Hopefully I'll be able to stop by the pavilion and say Hey someday. Its one of my faves in WS. I even have the stein on my desk at work. mmmmmm.....lowenbrau.


All the best,



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Soren, I never tought how funny this is, but.....


I'm Going to Germany this summer for a month and a half to visit a former exchange student which is a friend. You're coming here and I'm going there! Coindence? No?


Once again, Good Luck and hopefully you'll do fine at WDW, The thing I'd wish you could do is come to CP in the fall. But you never know do you?

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As soon as I can make it back down to WDW, I'll be sure to stay at the Germany pavillion for a spell. Heck, the model train exhibit was my favourite attraction of all time the first time I went, back in '94!


Good luck, and just remember that wishes do come true. Congrats on your success, and see you in Lake Buena Vista someday!

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Great TR Soren! I can't believe that in under a week you'll be in the US for a year. I hope to see you up in the north east.


Yeah, it is unbelievable! However,, if there is a chance for a trip to the north east, be sure then I am visiting you!


Sorry... but I have to say this... Brigitte is a milf!


LOL, you are right, Wally!


Once again, Good Luck and hopefully you'll do fine at WDW, The thing I'd wish you could do is come to CP in the fall. But you never know do you?


I´ll see what I can do! I really want to meet Wally and visit CP with him. Maybe it would be in fall!?





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