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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Keep it on topic, guys.


Thank you. I have enjoyed this thread all along till now. How did the focus change to a crappy, now defunct coaster?

Now that I got that out, I have to say I am so entertained by seeing the progress of this masterpiece. I enjoy all the photo reports. Keep them coming you guys, you are the ones that make this thread so enjoyable:)

I think Universal has a winner on their hands. Lets hope the ride is as smooth and it looks.

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I am still very interested to see if this ride somehow has some kind of sleeper hit to it. “Hope so”


It looks boring, and very low capacity with way to many blocks. I hate blah straight track, any good parts of the ride will be absorbed into the straight line of death trims. But saying that hey anything new to the parks is always a plus either way.


Just hard for me to get excited about it, for me anyways.


Hope to be proven wrong

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I know someone who entered and never heard that they one but they did get a survey via email about Universal. We could never quite figure out how he didn't win (when it seemed everyone else who entered around the same time won). Then today he got an email with the free ticket. Go figure.

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I got mine a few days ago.

Now if I can just find someone that can get the time and money to go with me!

Makes me wish that I was dishonest so that I could have cheated and registered one of my friends, too.

excuse me...how is it dishonest to register a friend or family member? I mean, I feel it didnt matter who registered who as long as they dont live in the same household like the rules stated. Universal studios doesnt care who registered who ...ohh I guess you took the whole one registeration per person to heart... but that meant one person can register themselves...


Jarvis "bitter much or just being witty?" Morant


Oh yeah I havent gotten my ticket yet nor my mom...who I registered...FROM MY BLACKBERRY, before the game started...while hacking into uni's site....all while stealing wifi from the ronald mcdonald house. guess im dishonest to the umph teenth power lol.

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Aww man!! They changed the lift decor?! It looked like a giant video screen before with that cool looking chunk taken out of it. Now its just a giant.. poster.. sigh..


Well since the economy is bad and Universal is most likely hurting a little bit this year. If that's the only cost saving measure made on this coaster.. that's more than ok with me!


It already REALLY exceeds my expectations! It's shaping up to be a great looking ride!

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Does anyone know when IOA / USF typically publicise when rides are going to be closed for a while. Planning a trip to Orlando for last week September / 1st Week October, but if Duelling Dragons will be closed, I'll leave it to the spring, but if they're not going to close until November, might push back to mid October (I like quite parks!).


I read the post stating it's likely to be September - December time, but that's a fairly broad time scale!


thank you (and hope this post is Ok in this thread)

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It looks boring, and very low capacity with way to many blocks. I hate blah straight track, any good parts of the ride will be absorbed into the straight line of death trims. But saying that hey anything new to the parks is always a plus either way.

What? Straight Track? Too many brakes? Boring?


That's ridiculous since the ride looks completely insane! The only straight track I actually see is the series of brakes that the ride will have. Plus, block brakes are used to actually INCREASE capacity because they allow more trains to run on the circuit IIRC. That's why rides like Great American Revolution and LNM have so many.

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Still waiting on mine. A bunch of friends and I registered at one time and all got confirmation e-mails, so we'll see if it pans out. I guess I won't end up getting down there until the summer, so I guess it's a good time to visit Sea World again, too.

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...FROM MY BLACKBERRY, before the game started...while hacking into uni's site....all while stealing wifi from the ronald mcdonald house. guess im dishonest to the umph teenth power lol.


Ha! Hopefully you won't be struck dead the minute you walk into the gates with your unholy comp tickets . Still waiting on mine also, although I haven't checked my mail in a few days. Maybe I'll do a Photo TR of checking my mail everyday until they get here....

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AndrewRnR- Can you snap a couple of pictures of the first drop? Also, has any track been installed on the lift tower? Thanks for letting us know though!


^I agree with you, this ride looks anything but boring! A non inverting loop, an actual headchopper, the crowd surfer and all those sudden direction changes. I find it hard to believe anyone can call this ride boring.

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AndrewRnR- Can you snap a couple of pictures of the first drop? Also, has any track been installed on the lift tower? Thanks for letting us know though!


I didn't get a chance to drive by today (drove by Sea World and saw Manta cycling though). Here are some photos from yesterday. I'm hoping to take my SLR camera out there in the next few days and get some quality pictures instead of my usual iPhone photos. So stay tuned!



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