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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I threw in a search for project strongarm, looking for any type of HP updates, and came across this pic of the kuka (spelling?) arm coaster thing... I never saw this before. Not too sure if what I was reading was true, as it was early on in the posts from the beginning of the announcement. I have been trying to follow the updates here also, and have definitely skipped pages because there are so many and I cannot remember where I left off, so I apologize in advance if it has been posted. But seeing the last two pages here and the link given with the two seater Kuka, it seems this MAY be true after all..?? I'm not sure, but it is different, that is for sure! I definitely cannot wait to see the outcome of this entirely magical world!


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Did anybody get anything in the mail from Universal yet?

I notified my mom to look for something from universal studios in her name starting last week cause she would think it is spam snail mail and throw it away lol...but I havent gotten anything yet...im expecting it any day now...

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Mine said 4-6 weeks. I haven't gotten anything yet either. Did anyone see Universal had another contest-right after the ticket giveaway-they were giving away 28 trips for each day in Feb? I was trying to win that one too. I entered almost every day. When do they announce the winners for that one?

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Here are some pics I took yesterday on a visit to the park, the loop should be done pretty soon at the rate they've been moving.


Along with the new restaurants, Universal has decided to extend their dining services to ducks in an effort to bring in more profit during these tough economic conditions. This particular restaurant is indoors.


Thanks for reading


Another look at the new CityWalk area


In some unrelated news, they were having a media event in CityWalk for the new BK burger bar as well as the new Panda Express and Moe's


Just a quick look out front. This part looks like it could have some fun airtime


This is how the stage area looks, it should be pretty cool when all of the track is complete


For those of you worried about how the new skyline will effect your rides on the Suess Trolly, this is what you can expect


As you can see they've added spikes to the roof that match the track's color scheme. The roof itself is red


Here's the track portion that goes between Jimmy Neutron and the station






A look at the expanding skyline from the MiB area. Rockit has gotten big enough that it can clearly be seen from I-4 as well as from the turnpike

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