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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^We had several girls that were behind curtains and we could see their silhouette, but if they popped out it was only for a second. The only girl that was out in the open was the one at the end.


I recall another at the beginning of the maze, too.

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Nice to see the winners of Face-Off doing some real work. I love seeing the creations but hate the drama on those types of shows.


I know what you mean. It's fun to watch them coming up with the designs and hearing the judges critique them--but I'm not a fan of all that "confessional" BS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And the originality.


Hell no. Walking Dead for the fourth year in a row! /s


If they do Walking Dead again next year at either Orlando or Hollywood I'm almost certain there will be riots. Like I said in my TR from Hollywood, during the hype announcement at the beginning of the evening there were crickets at every mention of Walking Dead. The crowds wanted nothing to do with it anymore.

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^It is still getting ridiculous ratings on TV. I think the issue this year (at least in Hollywood) is that not enough changed in the maze or on the Terror Tram. I don't think people would mind if they got an all new experience each year. The problem of course is that the new seasons always start in October, so Universal can't use the latest material.


Personally, I'm on the fence about using IP's. Original mazes are cool, but so is seeing horror movies/TV shows come to life. A good balance of the two is ideal IMO.

Edited by Jew
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^It is still getting ridiculous ratings on TV. I think the issue this year (at least in Hollywood) is that not enough changed in the maze or on the Terror Tram. I don't think people would mind if they got an all new experience each year. The problem of course is that the new seasons always start in October, so Universal can't use the latest material.


Personally, I'm on the fence about using IP's. Original mazes are cool, but so is seeing horror movies/TV shows come to life. A good balance of the two is ideal IMO.


Heck walking dead even got a place in Everlands horror themeing.

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^I think at this point, you can't assume anything. Inserting Jack into the video could be a hint at the year ahead or simply just an homage to years past since it is the 25th anniversary.

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Would be nice if they brought back some of the icons.


And the originality.


I'd like to see an icon for HHN again. Like Joey, I'd also welcome a good mix of ips and original houses. As long as they're done well.


I am a bit tired of zombies, though, so I wouldn't mind if they gave Walking Dead a rest.

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I'm sure NO ONE wants IPs when the longest lines at HHN24 Orlando were consistently 1. Walking Dead 2. Halloween 3. AVP. And the shortest were: 1. Roanoke 2. Dusk til Dawn 3. Dollhouse.


HHN could certainly be better, everything always can. But it's still the only event in the world that provides brand new stuff each year on such a massive scale. I'd rather see a half and half split between IP houses and new stuff, but having those big properties keep the event very popular and add a movie-sheen that other events don't have. If they do Walking Dead again I think it would be exactly the same as Disney's treatment of the Frozen franchise, a way for these places to bring in massive crowds. I would understand it completely.


Not that I want to see another (mostly boring) TWD house. Bring on Jack and all of his friends for #25. And if I could complain about anything, every year I've gone the scarezones do nothing for me when compared to the houses. Singapore's look amazing, they should do that!

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