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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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All in all, I'm excited to see what Universal has come up with.


That sounds awesome. I would prefer it in a Jurassic Park format


Yeah, I agree. But this would be a great way to bring the action to life. Especially if it's 3D and immersive screens. A live action performer would really bring the action to life. Even if Kong somehow snatched someone from the Jeep, that's less graphic than a person being eaten by a T-Rex right in front of you. But, they did say it's next generation... of traumatizing children.

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I don't know if anyone else thinks this, but this seems like it's going to be the spiritual successor to jaws: the ride. You ride in a car that I'm sure will have a live actor- like the skipper, and it goes from being a tour of the area into a fight for survival (jaws the shark in jaws and the dinosaurs in Kong) does anyone else think this?

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I think it's going to be pretty much the jeep things as we've seen in the artwork, but will probably be guided by GPS similar to some of the trackless ride systems in the world. It'll be interesting to see if they're 'driven' by any cast members though. I think they might already be testing the vehicles as a couple of sites including Mako Madness have shown tyre tracks on the pathway leading into the building. They seem a bit too perfectly formed to be construction vehicles.

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^ Oh I'm aware, I've been on it a few times. It's nice they're repackaging it and making it more of an experience than just a film but I'm tired of these attractions getting ported between parks and advertised as some brand new thing.

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I don't think there's going to be drivers at all in this attraction. The main cabin windows of the

big jeeps will be darkened so you can't see if there's a driver in there, or not. They'll just drive up,

load up, and take off, with a taped "guided tour", until it all goes wrong....


My hunch.


They really don't show a driver, there. Just the passengers.

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^ I think they're reusing the same launch. They never removed the track out of the tunnel. Why fix it if isn't broke? Seems to me the tire launch has been really efficient for them.


I don't know if they have been efficient. That's a lot of motors!

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Am I seriously the only one seeing King Kong 360-3D with a longer preshow? Anyone? Bueller?


If by "preshow" you mean "it is now just a component to a longer ride," then yes. It's a bit like calling Formula Rossa and Dragster the same but that Rossa just has some additional post-show before the kiosk selling onride photos.

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Jebus I hope this isn't another film 3D based ride, its time to go back to the Kong of old, but than again they should never have shut the old ride down!


The old Kong used to break down. A lot.


The tore it down a decade ago. Deal with it


Fun fact: The track is connected to the ceiling of the building. The tagging in the queue is still there in back of house areas too.

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Jebus I hope this isn't another film 3D based ride, its time to go back to the Kong of old, but than again they should never have shut the old ride down!


I thought it was pretty obvious that it was going to be film based?!?



Well I don't live and breath theme parks, but the Hollywood version is rather awful, if you not in the right spot on that tram, it really is just a nice 3D forest

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Jebus I hope this isn't another film 3D based ride, its time to go back to the Kong of old, but than again they should never have shut the old ride down!


The old Kong used to break down. A lot.


The tore it down a decade ago. Deal with it


Got to love it when a 15 year old waste of space tells you to deal with it, where you off your mothers tit when it closed or still in nappies?

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Jebus I hope this isn't another film 3D based ride, its time to go back to the Kong of old, but than again they should never have shut the old ride down!


The old Kong used to break down. A lot.


The tore it down a decade ago. Deal with it


Got to love it when a 15 year old waste of space tells you to deal with it, where you off your mothers tit when it closed or still in nappies?

^That was quite rude condescending and kinda unnecessary . . .

I don't think there's going to be drivers at all in this attraction. The main cabin windows of the

big jeeps will be darkened so you can't see if there's a driver in there, or not. They'll just drive up,

load up, and take off, with a taped "guided tour", until it all goes wrong....


My hunch.

From what I have read, I think you will see a pepper ghost driver or a shadow of one. Also, the video they posted says once you're in the temple you will meet some people.

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"....You will meet some people...."


That sounds ambiguous enough, lol.


A driverless vehicle always sounds exciting!


Here's hoping.

lol . . . here some more solid info from Universals blog


Finally, you make it through to base camp and expedition vehicles. You set off for the heart of the island to rendezvous with your expedition leader.


The video says you will meet Kate McKalfrey and her team. Now, to what extent you meet them is unknown to me but it seems you're not gonna be along on this journey. It may something similar to what Poseidon's fury is like.

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