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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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i'm gonna take the bolt bus up there friday to check it out. not sure i'll be able to later this summer or not. so screw it, i'm coming! lol


also, i was watching the B roll again and i like how this dude in the second row is recording the ride.



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Lame my friend from Oakdale just called me and has decided not to go tomorrow for he season pass opening. Though it kinda works out better for me since *every* morning he does a news paper route (yeah people still subscribe those things.) so he'll always go back to bed for a hour or two after. If me and him were going together, he wouldn't get here until likely 10 am at the earlist then to the park from stockton at maybe 11:30.


So now, I could leave stockton at 8 am and be sure to get their early or at least on-time for opening baring any BS on highway 4 and the ever busy section of I-80 there in fairfield. Still sucks though I've let him known for at least a week and a half and he said he was keeping friday clear so it's his schedule today is preventing him from preparing for his work Saturday morning, referring little league.


So anyways my dad and maybe his friend will go, course they won't be riding The Joker I bet at all. Doesn't even matter if I say it's marbel on glass smooth which it pretty much should be close to.



But whatever, bring it (The Joker) on.

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i'm heading to bed soon, hopefully we'll all (whoever's going friday) will see each other in line and such. I'll be wearing my "farewell to roar" SFDK shirt that six flags gave out for winning trivia when they shut it down last season. I should be at the park before it opens.

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That POV was shot at kind of a funky weird off centered angle, but I kind of like it!


Also, I'm just assuming that Roar East will be getting a similar conversion at some point in the very near future.


Probably not, Six Flags America's annual expansion budget is approximately eight dollars.

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That POV was shot at kind of a funky weird off centered angle, but I kind of like it!


Also, I'm just assuming that Roar East will be getting a similar conversion at some point in the very near future.


Probably not, Six Flags America's annual expansion budget is approximately eight dollars.


If you would actually scroll back 46 pages and read something then you would know that Six Flags bought this conversion on a BOGO deal they found in the Black Friday coupon section of the newspaper at head quarters. Buy one iron horse conversion for a coaster that has an identical clone elsewhere in the chain and get the second conversion for free.

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That POV was shot at kind of a funky weird off centered angle, but I kind of like it!


Also, I'm just assuming that Roar East will be getting a similar conversion at some point in the very near future.


Probably not, Six Flags America's annual expansion budget is approximately eight dollars.


If you would actually scroll back 46 pages and read something then you would know that Six Flags bought this conversion on a BOGO deal they found in the Black Friday coupon section of the newspaper at head quarters. Buy one iron horse conversion for a coaster that has an identical clone elsewhere in the chain and get the second conversion for free.


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First impression: Better than Twisted Colossus. That was all kinds of awesome.

Agreed!! I got 8 rides in today before it went down and I left. That was counting a long lunch (due to long lines). Park was packed with school groups, however Joker maintained a pretty short line.


However, there was this:image.thumb.jpeg.0d950f4741cced9fb2bde07a14f1c9c8.jpeg

This was when there was still a 20 minute or so line outside in the a$$ crack hot sun. (And the coaster ran with all the rows still empty). They were being SUPER inefficient with letting people up the stairs at the right time, and grouping rows, for a good portion of the day, leaving entire rows and sections of train empty, or sending like 4 single riders to their own rows. Later, they got a bit better at filling the rows but still operating AWFULLY slow. Like sometimes one train in 10 minutes slow. And if you were a single rider getting off and noticed an empty seat or row, they wouldn't just let you fill it, you had to go out and wait in the sweltering sun for ages while watching trains go by with empty rows. I LOVE this ride but I hope SFDK gets it together better!


As far as the ride itself... (Spoilers?) the drop in the back left gets some serious ejector as well as the double down and a few other airtime hills. I think the stall is the best I've been on so far, step up under flip was awesome and different, and 0 g roll gets good hang time too, the over banks went kinda slow but I really feel it'll break in really well and speed up. I really think when it breaks in, it might even rival Wicked Cyclone.

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I'm in line for lap 4, my first three laps were middle row, back row, and front row. Back row SO much better. Haven't met anyone here yet that disagrees.


I got here right before it came back and has been running one train so it's like 40 min waits now. So worth it though. I'm staying till they throw me out.

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