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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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Found it!!!

Exclusive Sneak Peek for THE JOKER!

You can be one of the first to experience our new hybrid coaster before it opens to the general public. If you are a 2016 Gold, Season or Membership Pass holder, we are giving you exclusive access to our innovative coaster where you'll experience 15 moments of airtime, three inversions, the first ever step-up under flip, and the West Coast's only breaking wave turn. Just show your pass at the ride during the following date and times:


Friday, May 27 - 10:30am to 8:00pm

Saturday, May 28 - 9:30am to 1:00pm

THE JOKER opens to the general public on May​ 29.


9 and a half hours on Friday, it's on!

Between the two days, 12 hours.

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[attachment=0]SFDK Tweet.jpg[/attachment]

As excited as I am for the Joker, this caught my eye the other day on the park's Instragram. Anyone have any clue as to what this could be? My guess is that they are retheming Tsunami Soaker to the Penguin, which would make perfect sense next to the Joker. Has anyone who has been to the park recently noticed anything?


You mean, like this guy?


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Found this on Instagram... Not official source but still interesting...


If that's real it looks pretty nice, although the name "The Penguin Ride" is one of the least creative names I have ever seen. Then again, it is Six Flags It could also be fake though because it's weird how the birds from Tsunami Soaker are still on the spinners. I have a feeling the retheme will happen, but not 100% sure if that photo is real. I guess we'll find out this weekend.

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From the newsletter:

You can be one of the first to experience our new hybrid coaster before it opens to the general public. On May​ 27 and 28, the ride will open for all 2016 Gold, Season, and Membership Pass Holders. On May​ 28, Season Pass Holders can ride from 9 a.​m. to 1 p.​m. Plus, purchase the featured exclusive JOKER T-Shirt at The Funhouse Shop and you'll be able to ride from 1 p.​m. to 9 p.​m.!


Enjoy private access to our innovative coaster where you'll experience 15 moments of airtime, three inversions, the first ever step-up under flip, and the West Coast's only breaking wave turn. THE JOKER opens to the public on May​ 29.


So basically, passholders can ride all day Friday and Saturday from 9-1, but in order to have access from 1pm to 9pm on Saturday you have to have a pass AND purchase a T-Shirt.


I think I'll go on Friday.

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On Saturday, is it opening 9am or 9:30am for season pass holders?

Interesting now that you mention it, the park is listed as opening at 10:30, I would guess that means that 9-10:30 is just essentially passholder Joker ERT, but if you're going I'd call the park first to get confirmation.

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Some pics we've posted already from today....



We just got to @sixflagsDK to ride The Joker! Follow along! More coming soon!




New themed area around The Joker! Looks cool!



And of course where there is the Joker, there are PENGUINS!!! Win!!!



We are ready for our "Extreme Wood Meets Steel" experience!



The ribbon is cut! Who is ready to ride The Joker @sixflagsDK?


The Joker saw Amy try to ride and he stopped her! She may never get her chance!












Trains are rolling! Joker is screaming & laughing through the course! Who wants to ride?

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Friday should be the day as the park will be way less crowded compared to the rest of the weekend. Even if the passholders only being able to ride The Joker on Saturday makes the lines somewhat bearable, the rest of the park will be a nightmare given that it's memorial day weekend.


I'm actually wanting to get some other rides in...got our passes last fall on the one off-season Sunday that was ever crowded for us (cheerleader day) so that was a nightmare where we got on all of two rides. Then took some friends for free a few months back but Superman and NotACoaster were both shut down. Bummer. Hoping to finally ride Superman for the first time in nearly two years and get in a rapids ride or two since that's always closed off-season.


God, and a few pages back I saw someone asking which of the two parks they should go to on a specific day (GA or DK) on July 4th weekend in order to avoid crowds. Um, buddy, I hate to break it to you...

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All that Six Flags Discovery Kingdom needs to complete their DC Comics themed area is a Batman ride!


Someone on the Instagram post a page back where DK revealed The Penguin mentioned turning V2 into Batman. All that would require is a paint-job.


Personally, I think the answer is actually pretty obvious. The Flash. The color scheme already is similar and the ride is all about that very fast start. They should make it Flash themed and that would be incredibly easy to accomplish.

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Will the park likely be more crowded Sat. 6/11 or Sun. 6/12? Both days are Girl Scout days at the park, while Sun. is Discover Card Day. Thanks.

I almost think you've answered your own question!

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Were there no Discover Card Day on the 12th, I would definitely be leaning toward Sunday, as they tend to be less crowded. But that second event is what is causing me to be on the fence about the two days. Hopefully some SFDK regulars could help me out.

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Today, Theme Park Review was invited to be one of the first to experience The Joker! Here's some facts about the park from the SFDK website:


The ride feature a state-of-the-art experience that combines both classic and modern coaster designs. As the second DC Comics-themed attraction at the park, THE JOKER features 3,200 feet of dual-colored purple and green steel track atop a wooden base.


On this new adventure, you'll race through chaotic twists and turns, including a first ever step-up under-flip, inverted roll, that truly takes riders on an unexpected twist! THE JOKER also has a unique breaking wave turn, the only one of its kind on the West Coast. Additionally, you'll tackle a wild Zero G barrel roll, three unbelievable inversions, and 15 moments of airtime like you've never experienced before at ride speeds up to 53 miles per hour.


The event was complete with Penguin(s), comedians (Jokers), and lots of amazing rides! RMC has another winner on their hands, and it's a great addition for Six Flags Discovery Kingdom!


We have arrived! We will be riding The Joker very very soon!


Even the bus is all decked out for The Joker.


So, would the real Joker be considered something suspicious?




Special media entrance!


The Joker car is all ready to advertise all over town!


It's all ready for the first riders of the day!


Putting up the finishing touches!


Just this last piece and it's all ready to go!


Waiting to enter the event.


Hey, look what they have over there...


Mr. Penguin!


Time for some pre ride snacks!


Some tables to hang out at and upload all of our footage.


Amy's the first one there, don't eat it all!


Getting ready to be eaten by a clown/Joker?!




The queue has been extended and now is approximately double the size as before.


Penguin and Joker.


I see some freebies!


Getting ready to start!


Kirk Smith starts us off with some information about the ride!


The comedian Michael Pritchard is the 'Joker' (get it, joker, comedian, jokes, comedy) anyway, he gets us laughing and ready for a great ride!


The real Joker for The Joker!


I will make you scream!!!


All you selfie taking people will die first!


You think this is a joke?!


Don McCoy puts the Joker in his place and is ready to open the ride!


The ride is officially open!


The Joker looks on to make sure no one survives.


The Enrgrish translation


The Joker joking he's strangling amy.


He's not joking!


Some lunch boxes to take home after the event.


First train is away!


The long hallway of doom.


The sign is pretty big and nice looking!


The ADA/Flash Pass entrance.


The station.


Lots of equipment for the media day.




Even the ride to the lift hill has some twists and hills!


The front car had a live video feed the whole event.


The extra train sits patiently waiting for opening day!


This was a fun little part of the ride.


Over the top!


The ride really moves throughout the whole course.


Hair time!


Returning to the station.


Upside down!


Straight down!


There are a lot of nice pops throughout the ride.


Important stuff


More important stuff


Amy is next in line!


Finally! After a long wait, the time to ride is finally here!


Amy approves of The Joker!


The backseat was by far the best place to ride! Simply incredible!


It's got a great layout.


Up the final bump to the station.


Upside down!


Still upside down!


This ride had a lot of speed!


And it has ton's of great pops of air!




The underside of the cars!


We got some great stuff to go along with our great rides on The Joker! Definitely worth a trip to SFDK!

Edited by robbalvey
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