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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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Yikes, that sounds awful. I got to go with my high school class once like ten years ago and I think we literally rode like Medusa and maybe one more thing all day, and it was SUPER hot. One of the worst days I've ever been to the park. I had reasoned that classes were still in session so today should be light, but I didn't think about end-of-the-year school groups and senior trips. No thanks. Glad I didn't try to stop by for a "quick ride on Joker." I'd be interested to know how long the lines actually did get.


Did you guys know if Joker is even running today?

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Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

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Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

Seriously. I'm wondering what the heck is going on with that ride. It's been down for most of 2016.

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Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

Seriously. I'm wondering what the heck is going on with that ride. It's been down for most of 2016.


It's June 2nd. I get it, it's frustrating but "Most of 2016" is a little unfair this early.

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Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

Seriously. I'm wondering what the heck is going on with that ride. It's been down for most of 2016.


I kept hoping it was partly closed because of the Joker construction next door, but I guess that wasn't the case.

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It's June 2nd. I get it, it's frustrating but "Most of 2016" is a little unfair this early.



It's a year round park. If the downtime goes into July even a day then it officially by definition has been down most of 2016.

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Do they let you pick your row for The Joker? Also, I called the park today and said, how crowded do Discover Card days usually get? I was told roughly 500 people go to the event. In regards to that figure, would it seem like that's 500 more people at the park than they'd normally get on a Saturday or Sunday? Thanks.

Edited by moviemansig
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^On the two pass preview days they were somewhat grouping to fill in the trains but you could request the front or back if you wanted and wait for those rows.


Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

Seriously. I'm wondering what the heck is going on with that ride. It's been down for most of 2016.


It's June 2nd. I get it, it's frustrating but "Most of 2016" is a little unfair this early.

It was down most of 2015 as well. I think I went to the park once or twice when it wasn't down for refurb. Granted, I didn't visit all summer when it was likely open, but most of spring and fall/winter it was closed as well as this year. I'm hoping it means they're taking good care of it so we can have many more years with V2 rather than something is wrong and this is signaling the end of its time.

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Does anyone know if V2 has reopened yet?


It was still down for rehab last weekend and it didn't look close to being ready...train in pieces.

...that was how it looked when I was there back at the beginning of March. Have they done anything?

Seriously. I'm wondering what the heck is going on with that ride. It's been down for most of 2016.


It's June 2nd. I get it, it's frustrating but "Most of 2016" is a little unfair this early.

I'll be more specific: most of 2016 up to this date. It's just weird, as I've never seen V2 have so much downtime. It is unusual.

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^On the two pass preview days they were somewhat grouping to fill in the trains but you could request the front or back if you wanted and wait for those rows.

Yeah they were giving me a row but I just said "No thanks I want ____" and they just said ok.

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So I've gone to town this year with the photo pass, to the point where the employee at the photos would be expecting me every time I got off the ride. I ended up with 34 photos from 12 rides (somehow she put a lot of duplicates) so it's hard to narrow it down to a few, but here goes.


My first ride on this thing on Friday, 5/27. First train of the day, front row. Utter shock, and a cute stranger riding buddy


That one time they didn't fill all the rows and I got probably the only picture to date as the only one in the back half of the train. I only chose to sit on the right to give it a chance, but I like the left better!


Doug's first ride on Saturday, in the front!


Proof that Doug really does like the back better. Notice the change in facial expression between the two pics ;)

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One more, shout out to the two red-headed guys that I ended up sitting behind twice and then jumping into their blasphemous conversation. They thought a certain coaster in Southern California was better (it's not) and they thought the front was better than the back (it's not). Also, I'm a little concerned about where my riding buddy is looking in this photo.



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Nice, this kind of makes me think I should get a photo pass, haha.


Is that the same stranger in the last picture as in the first?


(Also, I might agree with the two red headed guys on part one, but I'm going to give it some more rides before I actually judge. They're definitely wrong on part 2).

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^In denial

Nice, this kind of makes me think I should get a photo pass, haha.


Is that the same stranger in the last picture as in the first?


(Also, I might agree with the two red headed guys on part one, but I'm going to give it some more rides before I actually judge. They're definitely wrong on part 2).

Yeah, the photo pass has been great! I got pics at SFGAdv and SFNE (would have had more on Wicked Cyclone but one of the trains wasn't triggering the camera). Totally worth it this year.


And yes, same guy. After riding in the front with him, we took our second ride in the back. He had to go to work after that.


Red-headed guys took a selfie with me and said something about posting on their site. I was somewhat hoping they were TPR members and I'd get to see the picture on here.

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^In denial
Nice, this kind of makes me think I should get a photo pass, haha.


Is that the same stranger in the last picture as in the first?


(Also, I might agree with the two red headed guys on part one, but I'm going to give it some more rides before I actually judge. They're definitely wrong on part 2).

Yeah, the photo pass has been great! I got pics at SFGAdv and SFNE (would have had more on Wicked Cyclone but one of the trains wasn't triggering the camera). Totally worth it this year.


And yes, same guy. After riding in the front with him, we took our second ride in the back. He had to go to work after that.


Red-headed guys took a selfie with me and said something about posting on their site. I was somewhat hoping they were TPR members and I'd get to see the picture on here.


so with the new digital photo pass, do they add any of the artwork on any of them? i haven't had it since the USB drive. they always added it to all the pics then. just curious if the Joker doesn't have a graphic yet, or they just don't do them anymore.

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There's this:


But in seriousness, nothing Joker specific. There are some generic SFDK borders. On the website, it says my photo is available until 8/10 so I assume I can change all the borders when they make one available.


ah that's cool. yeah before you were stuck with what they gave you

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