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What is the best flat ride/ rides to you?

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I get to ride the Rock-O-Plane every year during the Main Street Festival. When I go on a wristband night and there's not a big crowd, the carnies let me ride over and over without getting off! Last year, one of the carnies told me, "Watching you control the gondola on that ride was like an artform." I was like, "Ummmm, yeah. I, ummm, have to go now before this gets too carried away :shock: ."

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1. Tilt, Gröna Lund, 80m tall Intamin floorless stand-up drop tower that tilts you at the top :shock: 8)


2. X-Scream, Stratosphere Tower, you probably know what it is...


3. Kieppi, Linnanmäki, I don't know what the model is called, but it's WILD!! and it's a Huss...


4. Slammer, Thorpe Park


5. Big Shot, Straosphere Tower

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I don't know why, but I just love the Mondial Revolution (basically a HUSS Giant Frisbee). It's probably 'cause it came before the HUSS Giant Frisbee, as people were naming it "the frisbee with seats facing outside".


Yeah, so that and probably a tie between a Mondial Splashover and Top Scan. Both those rides have awesome potential but sometimes the park decides to run them crappy.

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Last year I went all the way to Germany with the ECC to try various parks and a German Fair. I was determined to ride a Huss Booster after seeing it on a ride-compilation DVD called "E Kirmes." :o


I was with a friend and we found the Booster only for me to chicken out at the last minute, so my friend rode alone (I'm such a wimp!) I regret not riding it, however I hope to rectify this matter in 2006! I would also like to ride a Mondial Shaker.


As a side note; Alpina Bahn is a great coaster!


Simon Baynham

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Since i puke when i spin and most flats are spin and pukes.

I really like the flats flattened by the wrecking ball!


Is a sky coaster or slingshot a flat? If so they are awesome!

Drop rides also.


I know i could take sky swatter and screamin swing but they just don't apeal to me.


I want to ride the flats soooo bad.

Tried taking dramamine to acomplish this but ended up sleeping for three days!

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Vekoma Waikiki Wave- It was really disappointing for me to see SFKK take out the last flat ride of its kind in the U.S. to put in a dull waterslide that is being installed everywhere. The Waikiki Wave is an incredible flat that is now only found outside the U.S.


Huss Giant Frisbee- This thing is just a monster. I love being spun nearly upside-down 140ft above the ground.


Intamin Freefalls- These things never fail to scare the living crap out of me.

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Any Intamin drop tower, preferably the taller ones


The Tivoli Orbiter is a SICK ride if its run on a good program


Huss Breakdance


Giant Frisbees are cool


The Herschell Looper is probably the most insane of all my favorite flats


I love rocking pirate ships


Screamin' Swings



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Huss Breakdance, Top Spin, Flipper, Rainbow, Magic, Frisbee, Enterprise, Giant Enterprise (Skylab), Troika, Swing Around, Jump 2 and Condor (yes, I've ridden them!).

Eyerly Spider

Mondial Top Scan

Moser Rides Sidewinder (Knoebel's Fandango)

Dartron Downdraft


What I want to ride: Huss Flic Flac (I saw the videos online and that thing looks sick!), and Booster.


Mondial Shake, Inferno and Swinger.

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Huss Flic Flack?! :shock: That thing looks so ill-conceived. I believe Huss only sold/made a few of these rides. If you're interested in coasters and spinners you would do well to purchase the DVD "E Kirmes" and the second title in the collection "I Kirmes" Each disk is packed (2+ hours) with transportable rides. Highly recommended. (Try Ebay!)


Simon Baynham

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Huss Flic Flack?! :shock: That thing looks so ill-conceived. I believe Huss only sold/made a few of these rides. If you're interested in coasters and spinners you would do well to purchase the DVD "E Kirmes" and the second title in the collection "I Kirmes" Each disk is packed (2+ hours) with transportable rides. Highly recommended. (Try Ebay!)


Simon Baynham


I already have eKirmes, and am thinking about getting the iKirmes DVD. I think the reason why there is only a few Flic Flac's due to the metal fatigue problems. Or was that the Magic? They both share the stroke technology and the hub.

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The ekirmes and ikirmes DVDs are excellent. The newer IKirmes shows High Enrgy (Zierer Star Shape) it's the flat I want to try out the most.


My favs are...


Giant Top Spin, Giant Frisbee and Jump 2 as well as the Mondial Top Scan (particularly LI Adventureland's)


Oh, can't forget the KMG Tango, definately the most intense ride I've ever been on.

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I've got loads of favourites. As long as the ride is pretty forceful and does what it sets out to do, it gets a thumbs up. I've been on identical rides both bad and good.


I'd love to ride a good Huss Breakdance again, they're probably my favourite flat ride of all time.

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