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What coaster do your question the reach envelope on?

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Windstorm/Hurricane models. 6'3" me gets a little too close for comfort to some of those beams, with my head sometimes a few inches from getting whacked.


You will smack your hands if you put them to the side, especially out if the phscyo drop, it's about a foot from a few supports.

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There are a few older woodies where I can touch the handrails so I'm not really going to count that.

On one of my rides on batman at Warner Madrid my foot hit a few needles of one of the pine trees around the ride. I was wearing sandals so I could feel it yet it wasn't painful.

I never tired it but on TTD at CP (as it has lap bars only) you can lean your body to one side meaning you reach pretty far out with your arms extended. I saw one guy doing it during the launch and I imagined myself doing that during the 270º roll on the way down with all those supports so close. I guess that would be pretty close.



^Thus the rule about keeping your hands inside the train at all times. I've never put my hands up on Space Mountain for the same reason.

I often think about this. For instance, on rides like TTD or KK you hear that voice saying "arms down, head back,...." and there doesn't seem to be an actual reason for this other than the fact that someone with weaker arms may not be able to hold them as the train accelerates. I've always had my hands up with no problems so I often wonder what are the rides where we really should keep our arms down. I mean, on smaller rides or some stuff on fun fairs if they say to do so I won't have my hands up but when it comes to bigger "more serious" coasters I assume (maybe incorrectly, sometimes) that the clearances are all well done and there should be no problem and so when I hear/read instructions like these I'm never sure.

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Every time I read a post in this thread it makes me think... This is why they tell you to keep your arms, and legs instead the train at all times.


I myself almost never put my arms up on roller coasters. Not because I am "scared," not because I feel the need to "hang on so I don't fly out." I simply never have the desire to put my hands up. I don't white knuckle the ride, I just keep my arms down, and near the restraint. Not sure why. I guess I am just getting to lazy to want to keep my arms up.

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^^ And my fingertips caught a branch on SooperDooperLooper without being drastically extended a few weeks ago. But I love the woods around all these old Schwarzkopfs. 150 coasters in and there's still one among my very favorite rides. Trees swallowed Revolution too in a beautiful way, pretty sure I could have grabbed a branch there. It's like their natural setting.


The tunnel entrance on Wooden Warrior is tight. I wonder if a really tall guy couldn't connect with arms way up.

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On Dinoconda and Eejanaika, if you sit at the inside seats, you can touch the restraint release button with absolutely no problem. Don't know about X2 though.

Really? That definitely shouldn't be possible!

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I often think about this. For instance, on rides like TTD or KK you hear that voice saying "arms down, head back,...." and there doesn't seem to be an actual reason for this


This actually does raise a good point. On a LOT of modern coasters, they design a reach envelope in a way that no matter how you try, you just won't be able to reach something with how the train is designed. A lot of people know this, and trust putting their hands up because they "know" that it's actually safe to do so.


If you do put your hands up, and a sign told you not to, you're technically breaking the rules, so I guess it's on you. But, I wonder if there should be a "reasonable expectation" in the modern culture that people will put their hands up on a roller coaster no matter what you tell them, and what would happen in a lawsuit brought against a park if anyone ever did get seriously hurt.


Of course, on old coasters that existed before it became a cultural phenomenon, everyone should probably just keep their arms down and in


gerstlaueringvar wrote:

On Dinoconda and Eejanaika, if you sit at the inside seats, you can touch the restraint release button with absolutely no problem. Don't know about X2 though.


Really? That definitely shouldn't be possible!


I think that's true for a lot of things in Chinese parks that exist anyways!

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I've hit my hand on a branch during Prowlers airtime finale. I know if you sit on the right side of the train on Silver Bullet at Frontier City, you might be able to hit track during the first drop. You can also hit some supports on the brake run. Forgot to mentioan during Outlaw Run's wave turn, there is a tree branch that looks like it will chop your head off. Same with some supports during the double barrel roll.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely Beast at Kings Island. Not only can you very easily touch the handrails all the way up the first and second lift hill, but if you look at the walls on the left side of the tunnels you can see where they put up smooth pieces of metal to cover the wood. (I am assuming to keep people from hitting the wood and getting hurt?)


From TPR Youtube.

Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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Defiantly Beast at Kings Island. Not only can you very easily touch the handrails all the way up the first and second lift hill, but if you look at the walls on the left side of the tunnels you can see where they put up smooth pieces of metal to cover the wood. (I am assuming to keep people from hitting the wood and getting hurt?)


So The Beast has a questionable reach envelope because it's a rebel?



Also on Grizzly on KD you can easily touch the handrails on the lift which are covered by chainlink. People were doing it so often the day I went that the ride ops joked that they would shut off the lift if they saw someone doing it again (People did it anyway lol)

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Wolverine Wildcat flies by freakishly close to supports if you sit on the left side of the train. I always lean over to the right in fear I'm going to hit them. I've never been a coaster that has supports feeling as close as that one.


Mean Streak also has supports that you can touch on the sides when you go under the structure.

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Actually, most of the wooden rails around Coaster at Playland, on the left side,

can be touched, if you reach over far enough.


I usually do a "good luck" thing by knocking three times on the railing going up the lift hill.

I'm so used to doing it now, I'd be surprised if I didn't do it, on a ride.


P.S. I don't question it - I just go with it.


Below the last train row, on the left, where I do my knockin'.

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Although I know the reach envelopes are safe on most big rides, there are still some elements that make me bring my arms down.


-Goliath (SFMM)'s tunnel at the bottom of the first drop

-The drop after the high five on the blue side of Twisted Colossus

-Pretty much any point on GhostRider where you are going through the structure

-The low turn after the break run on Scream

-Touching the trees on Jaguar at Knott's (even though it wouldn't be very painful)

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