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Skyplex Orlando Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Stu K said:
so Beckham is setting up a soccer team in Miami IS this where the polo coaster is going? maybe as part of the new stadium?


Just a thought.


Stu K


Oh Please!! that would be the day when South Florida get the tallest coaster in the world, we can bArely get some one even take care of the wooden coaster that is sadly rotting and decay with Florida Community College ads on it!!


Here is some advise to any one wanting to build anything amusment park related in FL...two words CENTRAL FLORIDA cause South FL is not ready for and will never be!

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  MrNemis2003 said:

Here is some advise to any one wanting to build anything amusment park related in FL...two words CENTRAL FLORIDA cause South FL is not ready for and will never be!


But what am I supposed to do with all these plans for a Key West-themed amusement park?

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  • 4 weeks later...



While I somewhat doubt it, this could be a clue to the Florida location. Orlando is

probably the most feasible area, but South Florida has been trying to establish

amusement style attractions, and parks, for decades. Despite something

seemingly insane for the area, maybe this tallest coaster, I can't see any park or

themed ride taking off in the area.

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We'll I don't really see why, or don't understand about the south Florida deal of brining attractions for which I think it would be really magnificent for Miami area, I maybe wrong, but my guess is maybe south Florida is the Everglades boundaries with many animals!


Just my point of view!

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe the marketing department will wait until construction actually starts, or when it's halfway up. I feel it's like how Lagoon's Marketing is where Air Race isn't even announced until a week before the park opens.

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  SharkTums said:
Pretty sure no one should have been/be holding their breath!


Yeah, I'm afraid this is turning out similar to the Hammerhead Stall project that was proposed for Orlando a number of years ago. Well, at least a Hammerhead Stall eventually showed up in Taiwan. Hopefully, a polercoaster will eventually get built somewhere. (I wonder if the one proposed for that Georgia sports complex is still in the works? That place sounded like an out-of-the-way location for a polercoaster, but what do I know?)

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Personally, I hope this ride never gets built. This looks like the cheapest, most unoriginal way to break 500 feet. Just look at the thing. There will be no airtime and no large drop. Plus they should have sick buckets waiting at the bottom. Sorry Mr. Kitchen, you had an excellent idea with the skycoaster, but the polercoaster looks like a real clunker.

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I can see this project easily falling through. Its a huge investment and would be difficult to really see the return on it. Sure you would have the tallest coaster, but Formula Rossa doesn't exactly prove that the ____-est correlates to profitable. Might be a tough sell to investors to get funding.

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  robbalvey said:
  Dr. M said:
Ok so this is S&S we're talking about, is anyone else half-expecting delays, explosions, chaos?

I think that's a really unfair and rude comment to make. Sure, they've had some issues in the past, but I think you're totally over-exaggerating some of the problems. And it's not like other ride companies haven't had their fair share of issues either.


How was this comment rude??? I would say giving the time lapse since, it is 100% spot on. We all know you have friends and S&S and there's nothing personal (until you make it) but I would hardly trust them to deliver anything, even a pizza.


When they contribute to this finished project I will be impressed; but currently it's all hype.

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