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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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^ They definitely marketed outside of KC. They played the same commercial over and over here in Omaha. I do agree that Timberwolf sucks majorly. They could have at least added a flat or something. The last flat they added was Thunderhawk. I think they are lacking in the flats department.

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Cool trains!


...but as previously mentioned, the layout is disappointing. Why couldn't they have thrown in a helix or something in there? Maybe it's the amount of space that they are working with so perhaps this layout will suit it better for the park but still...


Anyways, as a 'family-oriented' coaster, it looks good and I'm sure it will appeal to the general public very much.

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  TC Ridesalot said:
So last year WOF got a Panda Express! Now we aren't getting anything? Man I need to run out and get my passport soon! Who in their right mind is running this mess! The built up the GP with Patriot two years ago and now their going two yeears with nothing. Six Flags, CC, and Sulver Dollar City are all very close, and Holiday World, and Six Flags in Dallas are less than 8 hours away. CF better wake up, with Slitterbaum coming in a year and a half the entertainment dollar is going to go else where! I'm pissed, my friends are pissed and the general Public will be pissed to hear this news! Other than Oct nights the park will be empty as always next year!!!!!!



To be quite honest, WoF is a regional park that is not as important to the chain as KBF or CP. KBF is in a very competitive area park-wise, while CP is the flagship park for the chain.


I wouldn't expect a ton of rides coming to WoF any time soon, as there is not a competitive market at all in terms of amusement parks. Look how long it was between major installations (on average): Orient Exoress in 1980, Timberwolf in 1989, Mamba in 1998, and Patriot in 2006. That's an average of slightly more than 9 years between major investments. So, with the current rate, I see the park getting it's next major attraction in 2015, with some minor attractions thrown in in 2009 and 2012 (think a giant frisbee or family oriented coaster).



Anyway, the Knott's coaster looks sorta...lame? How can you have a family coaster with a 48" height requirement? Same with Jaguar, it makes no sense...

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^ Agreed! There's not much room left in Knott's small footprint but it is nice to see that at least it's a custom layout. I've been on some Vekoma booster bikes and those layouts aren't that long either.


I really like the trains and the last picture on Screamscape...it's Bruno!!!!! Thumbs up there buddy!

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  RIP Psyclone said:


Cedar Fair theming, pre-Cedar Fair, at Cedar Point, circa 1970s.



Sorry to threadjack for a moment, could someone please tell me the name of that coaster and did anyone have a chance to ride it?




Back to Knotts, this looks a bit like the new Motocoaster on the Gold Coast, Family ride!

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Oh yes it is a launch 0-38mph thats slow compared to Rock N Roller at Disney World that goes 0-57mph. It seems to have good airtime on those hills by looking at the pictures. They should make a Maverick clone instead! Maverick would be a perfect fit since its a Wild West theme but this one with the horse cars! I guess they wanted to keep Maverick original for Cedar Point. But you never know it could turn out to be a Maverick clone! The layout can change at any time!

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So you have to be 48 inches to ride Boomerang, Ghost rider, and now Pony express. Whats the sense of advertising this ride as a family ride? Maybe they should of located it somewhere else and made something bigger. Or made a ride for the family that could be fun like Sierra Sidewinder. If you are making a really short slow coaster, make the hight requirement at least 42 inches.

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  KGA29 said:
So Screamscape has posted some concept art.

I do like the trains, however the layout is lacking (I know "It hasn't been built yet, so I don't know", but seriously.). A figure 8?


The layout just looks boring. Guess that's where they're getting "family coaster" from, since this doen't look thrilling AT ALL. Heck, the prototype "wild mouse" styled layout would have been much better.

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This really seems like an uninspired layout. You'd think they'd be able to come up with something more thought out than just a basic out and back. I'm sure it will be a fun little ride, but there is probably going to be a lot of, "That's it?" at the end.

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