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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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  WestCoasterKing said:
I just got an email from some friends who are at Knott's. They saw this sign while on Iron Reef and are wondering what it means. They thought I might know since I'm since such a Knott's nerd, but I have no clue.



seems pretty straight forward: Do Not Stand Up



but I dunno

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Knott's just updated their rehab schedule



Now - TBD


Sky Cabin

Now - TBD


Sol Spin

Now - TBD


Timber Mountain Log Ride

1/8 - 2/9


Bigfoot Rapids

1/8 - 1/12



1/16 - 2/2


Pacific Spin

1/22 - 1/26


Rocky Mountain Trucking Company

1/29 - 2/2

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  Vonni said:
Speaking of Iron Reef, does it still draw long lines? I'm curious as to how its popularity has held up.


Iron Reef is definitely still popular. The average queue fills the switchbacks inside the building. But the ride also has a terrible capacity, so maybe that’s why it always has a line.


I spent a few hours at the park today to check out HangTime construction. It was far less crowded today than last week, but GhostRider’s line was still crazy, and most of the family coasters had almost 1-hour waits.


As for HangTime, about half of the overbanked turn is complete along with the double down leading into the cobra roll. I also searched around at Xcelerator, and a train is still parked in the station with the other one no where to be seen. Sol Spin is still closed, as expected. Although I saw a few maintenance guys working on it sometime mid-day. Here are a few photos.


Hopefully this will give a nice pop of airtime!



Dormant Xcelerator.

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  Vonni said:
Speaking of Iron Reef, does it still draw long lines? I'm curious as to how its popularity has held up.


I personally wasn't as impressed as I hoped. But it could just be me. For one the 3D made me nauseous. I really just don't think that the 3D adds anything to the experience at all. I liked the interactiveness, but I hated the over reliance on screens. I think they should have made it more like Buzz Lightyear at Disney, with more physical props.

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  WestCoasterKing said:
  Vonni said:
Speaking of Iron Reef, does it still draw long lines? I'm curious as to how its popularity has held up.


I personally wasn't as impressed as I hoped. But it could just be me. For one the 3D made me nauseous. I really just don't think that the 3D adds anything to the experience at all. I liked the interactiveness, but I hated the over reliance on screens. I think they should have made it more like Buzz Lightyear at Disney, with more physical props.


Cool. That's not what he asked at all.

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  coasterbill said:
  WestCoasterKing said:
  Vonni said:
Speaking of Iron Reef, does it still draw long lines? I'm curious as to how its popularity has held up.


I personally wasn't as impressed as I hoped. But it could just be me. For one the 3D made me nauseous. I really just don't think that the 3D adds anything to the experience at all. I liked the interactiveness, but I hated the over reliance on screens. I think they should have made it more like Buzz Lightyear at Disney, with more physical props.


Cool. That's not what he asked at all.


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  coasterbill said:
  WestCoasterKing said:
Cool. That's not what he asked at all.


It was a "speaking of Iron Reef" comment. I think it does address to an extent his comment. Nearly everyone I have spoken to feels pretty much the same way as I do.


  Vonni said:
Speaking of Iron Reef, does it still draw long lines? I'm curious as to how its popularity has held up.


No, it is not popular. The public for the most seems to dislike it. As for why it still seems to have a line it is partly because every ride is going to have some fans no matter how awful it is (Pony Express) and the crappy capacity makes those few people back up.


Knott's had an opportunity to create a really cool dark ride and they ruined it with screens and goggles.

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Looks like I'm going to be in LA over President's day weekend, which gives me the golden opportunity to use my platinum pass and visit a new park - Knott's!


So I have a PP, can anyone throw out hotel recommendations? I'd likely fly in and go to the park on Friday 2/16 most of the day/night, then go in the morning or until other friends arrive in LA to meet up with them before we venture out to Joshua Tree.


Fingers crossed they can get their Intamin back up before then. I've already missed out on Superman Escape in Australia, I'd hate to miss Xcelerator!



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  Mr Stratosphere said:
^ I actually really enjoy staying at The Knott's Hotel


The Knott's Hotel is super convenient (literally next door to the park) and you can get a package that includes parking and the breakfast buffet (which is actually pretty good). Since you are a season pass holder, you can get a discount on the room. Just use the code SEASONPASS when you book your room online. There are some lesser priced motels in the area close to the park, but I haven't stayed at any of them.


I would highly recommend getting to the park 15-20 minutes before opening and then heading straight for GhostRider at rope drop. It has been extremely popular since the re-tracking and lines can get over an hour even on slower days. I would get a few rides in early and then head back there about 15-20 minutes before closing for a sweet night ride.

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  Jew said:
While I think it has tons of flaws, I do think guests enjoy the ride and it works for the park.


Agreed. It's a nice break from the other rides, and it has a certain charm about it. Not every ride built needs to knock everyone's socks off to be appreciated for what it is.

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While I'm not a huge fan of shooting games in general (just not a gamer guy), I actually enjoy the game play on Iron Reef. I'm not crazy about the theme, but I find the shooters are well calibrated, accurate, easy to use, and I especially enjoy the more continual flow of the game--as opposed to that herky jerky and choppy feel of TSMM.


Aside from quibbles about the relatively slow loading, I don't really get the hate for that ride either.

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  VegasBaby said:
  Mr Stratosphere said:
^ I actually really enjoy staying at The Knott's Hotel


The Knott's Hotel is super convenient (literally next door to the park) and you can get a package that includes parking and the breakfast buffet (which is actually pretty good). Since you are a season pass holder, you can get a discount on the room. Just use the code SEASONPASS when you book your room online. There are some lesser priced motels in the area close to the park, but I haven't stayed at any of them.


there's also code JoeCool. for 1/1/18-2/28/18 it's $89 sun-thu and $99 fri and sat. not sure if thats better or worse than the season pass discount. but if anyone else is reading and wants to use that code, there it is. it comes on the flyers knott's hands out at local businesses.



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Checking the webcams, it looks like about half of the corkscrew is now complete. Once they do that, all that is left is to finish the cobra roll and connect the first drop to the first inversion. My guess is track work will be completed by the end of the month.


Assuming electrical work, queue and station work, and testing will take 2 months or so, I could see HangTime opening in early- to mid-April. I can’t wait to see the trains!

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^ What a way to kick off the annual Boysenberry Festival there!

It's happening this year, during that same time period you've suggested.


That would be great, if it was true!

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^^ I still say gotta say that is honestly the weirdest looking corkscrew I've ever seen. I understand it's only a single inversion version, but still, it like looks more like an ovoid loop to me.


When I heard that it was going to have a cobra roll and a corkscrew, I got excited, hoping it would be a double corkscrew that hearkened back to, well, Corkscrew, and of course, Boomerang, all in one ride.


But back to the corkscrew. It just doesn't look like a corkscrew to me. It looks fun, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining.

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