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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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  robbalvey said:
  thrillseeker4552 said:
GhostRider was open and actually running really well

Oh, no. Has it started to get rough again?


No, not at all. Still running like the day it reopened. I was mainly referring to the operations since they are usually horrendous, but that day they were quite good, relatively speaking.

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  robbalvey said:
  thrillseeker4552 said:
GhostRider was open and actually running really well/quote]

Oh, no. Has it started to get rough again?


IMO, It's typical "decent" GCI...it's definitely not opening day smooth, but not anywhere close to as bad as old GhostRider was either.

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  Jew said:
IMO, It's typical "decent" GCI...it's definitely not opening day smooth, but not anywhere close to as bad as old GhostRider was either.


I agree. When it first re-opened, it was almost too smooth and even a tad sluggish. It seems to have broken in quite a bit now, running fast and aggressive but without any of the backbreaking ridiculousness of the original track. The additional banking really does help.

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
I’m heading to the park tomorrow. The only rides listed as closed on the website are Xcelerator and Sky Cabin, so I’m crossing my fingers that Sol Spin will finally be operating.


Don't get your hopes up. It wasn't listed as closed the day I went, but it was. The park has verified it on twitter, but oddly hasn't seemed to update their own website or in park closure list.

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I would guess it's going to have a winch or the machinery for the elevator (which will probably be something simple like a construction elevator) attached to it.

Edited by Jew
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I have been going to Knott’s regularly since about 2004, and I’ve seen the good, bad, and ugly from this park, but I think today was the most crowded I’ve ever seen Knott’s.


Silver Bullet completely filled its queue, all the way to the entrance (which was about a 1 hr 45 min wait with two trains running and semi-decent ops). Monte had a full queue as well (which NEVER happens). Supreme Scream also did, despite them running all three towers. Jaguar was out of the entrance, the Log Ride went as far back as it could go, GhostRider filled the switchbacks outside the building (and easily had over a 2-hour wait), and Pony Express filled the queue and went all the way down to the burger place (near the ride’s launch). Absolutely insane. I rode a whopping 3 rides over the course of a 9-hour day, and one of those involved sucking it up and waiting for Bullet. Wow.


Sol Spin also ending up being closed after all. No surprise there. I’m really hoping 2018 is a good year for the park (excluding HangTime), hopefully they can get Xcelerator, Sol Spin, and Sky Cabin all up and running regularly again. It’s getting kinda old.

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  bert425 said:
  WestCoasterKing said:
Call me ignorant, but it looks like HangTime has some sort of wench/elevator to access the top catwalk. What is that arm sticking out near the top?


possibly a camera?


That's a huge arm for a camera. I also noticed there's a track of sorts next to the ride track. That's what made me think elevator or hoist.

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
I have been going to Knott’s regularly since about 2004, and I’ve seen the good, bad, and ugly from this park, but I think today was the most crowded I’ve ever seen Knott’s.


Silver Bullet completely filled its queue, all the way to the entrance (which was about a 1 hr 45 min wait with two trains running and semi-decent ops). Monte had a full queue as well (which NEVER happens). Supreme Scream also did, despite them running all three towers. Jaguar was out of the entrance, the Log Ride went as far back as it could go, GhostRider filled the switchbacks outside the building (and easily had over a 2-hour wait), and Pony Express filled the queue and went all the way down to the burger place (near the ride’s launch). Absolutely insane. I rode a whopping 3 rides over the course of a 9-hour day, and one of those involved sucking it up and waiting for Bullet. Wow.


Sol Spin also ending up being closed after all. No surprise there. I’m really hoping 2018 is a good year for the park (excluding HangTime), hopefully they can get Xcelerator, Sol Spin, and Sky Cabin all up and running regularly again. It’s getting kinda old.

I've unfortunately only been able to go Halloween & Christmas week my only 2 visits in the last few years and it is very much like this. At least Silver Bullet moves quickly but Ghostrider is just miserable when it is long. I still haven't ridden the refurbished version and it is killing me inside.

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