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Schlitterbahn Kansas - Verrückt Water Slide

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Has this opened yet?


Nope. Just isn't gonna happen this year with only this coming three day holiday weekend left for their season. I didn't get any pics (cameras and water parks just don't work out too well for me). The tower looks to be complete and the drop is almost done, they have to put the slide from the top where it curves to meet the top of the support tower.

Though I give the park a pass on this new one-of-a-kind world's first crazy insane Master Blaster Slide, with the park being around now for 3 years, its seems and the perception here in the KC area is that they never get any scheduled announced attractions open the year they say they will. It is always the following season. Part of it could be they are used to operating in Texas where it doesn't usually get so cold or have snow in the Winter. That being said, WOF got their new slide complex open pretty early in the season, granted it wasn't a new type of slide/world's first, but it's kind of sad that they just always have issues regardless of the reason and are unable to get stuff opened when they plan to.

I'll try (yet again) to get pics of it this weekend. I think I said that before, but life got in the way that week.

It looks scary as hell in person, and I am apprehensive about riding it, not because of the drop or the (I'd estimate) 70 foot second hill that looks as though it would launch you to the admissions building on the other side of the park, but the climb up is going to make me pee my pants. I love coasters and rides, actually the most terrifying for me is the Sky Screamers, as you're up there for what seems like forever. A coaster it's up down, zip around. I've already worked a strategy to climb this 150+ b i o t c h. I will have my spouse in front of me and another friend behind me. I will hold onto my spouse's arm and shut my eyes. I will not open them until I am ready to climb into the raft.

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I guess I just don't get how that's not going to hurt people's spines - I get that Schlitterbahn, more than anyone, know what they're doing - but, dang, that just doesn't look right! I know we're way ahead of what we used to have, what with all the computer simulation and calculations, but it will be fun to hear actual human reaction to riding this beast!

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  • 4 months later...

Based on the height of that tower, I think you should be ready for the "walk of your life" to reach "the ride of your life."


^Agreed. Maybe they're hoping that once you reach the top, you won't mind how terrifying the method down is.... as long as it doesn't involve going back down the steps.

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Nice video, but I'm disappointed in how the drop looks. The concept art made it out to be so much steeper. That doesn't look too bad at all.


Still, it looks like fun and I'd love to give it a shot someday.

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Nice video, but I'm disappointed in how the drop looks. The concept art made it out to be so much steeper. That doesn't look too bad at all.


Still, it looks like fun and I'd love to give it a shot someday.


Er, how much steeper do you want it? Looks plenty steep to me.

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Nice video, but I'm disappointed in how the drop looks. The concept art made it out to be so much steeper. That doesn't look too bad at all.


Still, it looks like fun and I'd love to give it a shot someday.


Er, how much steeper do you want it? Looks plenty steep to me.


Twin Peaks in Italy is (due to the PTSD caused by it) near-vertical in my mind. Granted, in reality it is probably closer to a 60-degree drop. They still haven't released the angle of Verruckt's drop and in the promos the camera is always in some strange orientation to throw off your perception. In the video it didn't look nearly as bad as Twin Peaks coming over the top, though.

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Probably not going to be a lot of re-rides after climbing that tower a few times.

I see this as well.

Nice video, but I'm disappointed in how the drop looks. The concept art made it out to be so much steeper. That doesn't look too bad at all.


Still, it looks like fun and I'd love to give it a shot someday.


Er, how much steeper do you want it? Looks plenty steep to me.


Twin Peaks in Italy is (due to the PTSD caused by it) near-vertical in my mind. Granted, in reality it is probably closer to a 60-degree drop.

We could always compare. Spacemaker at Aqualandia (also in Italy) has a 60 degree slope, and that thing already looks extremely steep for a slide of its kind.

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Based on the height of that tower, I think you should be ready for the "walk of your life" to reach "the ride of your life."


^Agreed. Maybe they're hoping that once you reach the top, you won't mind how terrifying the method down is.... as long as it doesn't involve going back down the steps.

Or maybe it's to eliminate the chances of the rafts being too heavy.... by the time riders are done walking up, they would've lost enough weight (if they're heavier) to safely ride lol haha


Seriously though, why not just put in an elevator?

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