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Roughest coaster

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Mean Streak destroys my back every time I ride it.


Mighty Canadian Minebuster gives me headaches, hence why I've always called it the Mindbuster. Seriously, because of all the headaches it gave me, I actually thought it was called the Mindbuster well into my teenage years and I actually started looking at signs and maps.


Wildcat at Hershey, especially since adding the Millennium Flyer trains. The PTC trains beat me up, then the MF trains just really knocked it further down my list.


Predator at Darien Lake. Last time I went with my friend a few years ago I just remember thinking "when will this damn thing end?!" Shame, since when I rode it as a kid, I loved it.


Top Gun/Flight Deck @ PCW and any other SLC coasters. I actually do my best to avoid it, but if my friends want to ride, I will usually do it for them.

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I'd go with CW's Flight Deck too. Rode it only once when I was 13-14ish, and it was a really bad experiance. Although my dad wants to try it this year when I go to Toronto (might make him ride it alone or with my cousin who suprizingly likes it).


I don't even know if I am even going to touch Kong after that bad experiance few years ago with the "Kong clone" as I like to call it at CW.


Judge Roy Scream at SFOT (Runs with PTC trains) beat me up abit. I ended up bruised afterwards...

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You know X was never a problem for me until yesterday. I rode front row, outer seat and I think I did a little boo boo because I didn't tighten the restraints too far down. I usually give myself a little bit of space so I can float a little during the ride but just a little mind you. Well let's just say I'm lucky I didn't bruise a rib or give my noggin a little bump from all the bouncing around I did on the ride. I still enjoy the ride because this seriously has been the first time I got beat up on. I will try riding front row next time but with the restraints as tight (and comfortable) as possible and hopefully I'll let you guys know if it helped!

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^ That's why I don't like to give myself ANY slack on multi loopers and X is no exeption (although I've never ridden it). I get shaken like a human salad, mostly becase of my size and height too.


Anyways back on topic, I think that Corkscrew at my local park is quite rough too. Especially all the neglect in maintainence it's getting. I don't think the park crew even bother lubricating the track anymore. I can't think of 1 time that I got off Corkscrew without hitting my head atleast once.

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^ Just remember that X2 isn't your normal "muti-looper" so going through inversions are different that a regular caoster. I just find it funny that I have given myself the same amount of slack on other seats and never had this problem. Trust me it isn't like I make it a point to have huge space on the restraints, it's just enough to still feel comfortable and secure while riding. So we'll see next time I get a chance to ride it and hopefully I'll enjoy it a tad more.

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^I've heard Kong is the worst of the SLC's (which is hard to believe, considering how horrible T2 is...). Don't put yourself through the misery.


Even though Kong was on my roughest coaster list, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I've ridden it two times, both at different times of the year, and both rides were okay...lots of headbanging but the restraints are very padded so it doesn't hurt, and you can't forget the great SLC layout that SLCs have!

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^ Arrow? Arrow who?


I think Intamin and B&M are about the only ones doing hypers these days.




Don't forget Morgan... Now granted, they haven't built a hyper since Steel Dragon, but it's in their line-up.


And they just retracked more of Phantom's Revenge this year.

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Viper @ GADV was pretty bad. So was Manhattan Express. NO one ever clapped/cheered whenever that ride was over lol.


I might be in the minority on this one but I'm personally not the biggest fan of Mean Streak @ Cedar Point, nor Wildcat @ Hershey. I thought both of those were pretty rough; enough to the point where I just can't enjoy them.


The former "Hurt"-ules at Dorney was painful too.

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...and you can't forget the great SLC layout that SLCs have!


Sure I can. They bang your head around so much, you're bound to forget some things.


Then T2 must be pretty bad to ruin the experience for you...too bad, SLCs are a part of life... amusement park life.

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^LOL, trust me, I've ridden plenty of SLC's...(more than just T2)


All of them, with the exception of Hangman at Wild Adventures, were equally terrible.

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I'd say Ninja @ SFoG....... granted it's really rough, and if you're a short person, you'll really hate it due to banging your head on the OTS restraints . It used to happen to me, but once I got older, my head rose above the restraints.


Rough as hell, but awesome due to the intensity!

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^I've heard Kong is the worst of the SLC's (which is hard to believe, considering how horrible T2 is...). Don't put yourself through the misery.

It's pretty bad, not the worst, but sure down near the bottom. This year it was more painful than ever. Mind Eraser at my home park of Elitch Gardens is by far worse. It shocks me that the GP seem to love this ride.


Some other steels that are pretty bad: Flying Coaster and Super Flight (Zamperla Volares), as well as CGA's Demon stick out in my mind as non-Vekomas being bad enough that I would not want to ride again.


As for woodies go, the roughest is Hurler at Kings Dominion. It jackhammers the crap out of you on those spine-shattering-rib-crushing right turns. Grizzly is not too far behind either. That was far more painful than CGA's Grizzly which is just plain boring. The worst is Mean Streak because the jackhammering (although not the roughest I have felt) lasts for so long. Unlike Hurler which is over fairly quickly, Mean Streak just prolongs the exposure to the pain.


Contrary to common thoughts here on TPR, I didn't find Hershey's Wildcat all that rough at all. Nor Ghostrider - my last ride would have been quite fun if it wasn't for the edge seatbelt buckle jamming into my lap. SFA's Roar is a different story...man that was a pile of crap.

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