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Roughest coaster

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On the steel side, I have to throw in a vote for Iron Wolf at SFGAm. I rode it about a month ago and found it to be as unpleasant an experience as I can ever remember having at a park -- and it used to be one of my favorites. The stand-up restraints were as uncomfortable as always, but the ride itself was even worse. I ended up putting my hands over my ears after all the head-banging.

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Last year I rode Texas Giant in the back and wanted to climb out half way through the ride. Glad they are going to retrack it. It needs it badly.


Really? It wasn't that bad when I rode it in March. I was riding in 2nd last row too! Grizzly is way worse, trust me.


Glad to hear about the retracking though. Certainly gives me another reason to go back to SFOT next year.


Well, it will be closed all of next year I believe...

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There are a lot of bad woodies out there (like Mean Streak), but there is nothing - and I mean nothing - on nearly the same level of awfulness as Son of Beast. One of the all-time worst-designed rides ever. I can only hope this investigation closes that damn thing for good - that area of land can be used for so much more than that piece of crap. Every ride feels like my insides are being rearranged...

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^I got really lucky on Son Of Beast last month! (Really really lucky because it closed the next week) We wanted to get the pain over with fast so it was the first ride of our day, the roughness was quite average and the ride was a lot of fun!


Mean Streak however was a disaster! I was actually kind of glad it was so terribly rough, it kept our minds off of how slow and boring the layout was!


Roghest Rankings


1. Mean Streak

2. Demon @ CGA

3. Revolution @ SFMM

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Drachen Fire pretty much anywhere on the train, especially in the middle.


But the legend of Drachen Fire says it was "amazing?"



- Mind Eraser at SFNE was awful

- The Georgia Cyclone was brutal when I rode it back in 2003, but I've heard it's been retracked a bit since then.

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Son of Beast hands down, I mean, I heard it was going to be bad, but it was even worse than I thought, and I can tolerate pain pretty well.


Second would be Wild Beast at Wonderland, though I think it might have come down to where I sat, it was still a horrible ride. My dad physically came off with a mark on himself from where he slammed into the side of the car.


Those are the only two coasters I would really consider rough.. I'm usually not very picky but these two I totally have no desire to ever ride again.

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^ Really? I didn't think Vortex was bad at all. In fact, every multi-looper I have been on has been fairly smooth, whether it be GASM, Vortex, Ninja, etc.. None of them have actually made me feel like I was being thrown around too terribly. GASM was probably the worst of them but it's still not something I'd consider to be very rough.


A tip for when you're riding, force your head against one restraint that way you don't get any headbanging. I do this for everything with OTSR's that inverts because of the amount of earrings I have, and surprisingly it minimalizes headbanging very well.

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Son Of Beast was the most pain I have ever recieved on a wooden coaster. I felt like it was trying to rip my upper body off of my lower, thankfully I got the credit though and I NEVER need to go near it again. Still don't get why it has 30 min+ lines most days...

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^I think the GP love Son of Beast because of the gimmicky title of tallest wooden coaster in the world. The GP loves that kind of stuff, but I don't mind because it means shorter lines elsewhere.


IMO, Mean Streak is probably the roughest roller coaster I have been on, not fun at all.

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