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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Just wondering - does anyone else have ideas for characters/landmarks they'd like to see in future updates??


For example:




Mr. Smithers



Tooth Chipper!!


I understand that there are probably heavy liscensing issues with having guest stars that have made appearances (Robb can probably verify that).


Anyway, what other things would you like to see in future updates??

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I understand that there are probably heavy licensing issues with having guest stars that have made appearances (Robb can probably verify that).

I'm sure they own the rights to the characters, they just have to decide if they want to pay whatever the real actor was to do the voice, or do a sound-alike (if Fox will even let them.) For example, though, Fat Tony, who is voiced on the show by Joe Mantegna, is in Tapped Out...he just doesn't speak. Which is the other way to get around having a name guest star actor character in the game!

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^ The candies just disappeared when the update auto-downloaded that got rid of Halloween. So if you have them, and you don't want to spend them, you're going to just lose them.


I'm still "hopeful" that they will add something else to buy with the coins on Christmas or something.


--Robb "Oh, who am I joking? I'm actually not hopeful at all..." Alvey


I actually thought it was amusing when the Christmas event started and they were explaining the Christmas Coins, I think it was Lisa that asked what happened to all of the Halloween Candy after the Halloween event ended and Homer said he ate it all on November 4th.


They have also started advertising the game on the TV Wall at Target. I was a little startled when all the TVs had Homer running around screaming as buildings dropped down around him.

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Just a heads up, this morning when I went to visit my neighbors my town completely restarted itself. I still have all my neighbors, but my town is back to square one. So for the time being I don't think you'll be able to get any santa coins or really much of anything from me. Stupid EA.


Edit: I decided to just restart my game, having lots of neighbors has helped me catch up quickly. I have four houses with lights now so you can collect santa coins from me again.

Edited by deathbydinn
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I haven't played much at all since I got Santa's Little Helper so I'm just posting this in case others have not really played, but there is a bonus 25% more doughnuts right now! I don't ever remember them offering a deal with the doughnuts so if you were going to get some, get them soon as the deal is only good through December 27.

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Anyone else find that they have thousands of Santa coins left with nothing to spend them on? I really enjoyed the Christmas update but I found that it either has gone on too long or just wasn't enough to do. Kinda want my weekly Mystery Box back already!!!

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Anyone else find that they have thousands of Santa coins left with nothing to spend them on? I really enjoyed the Christmas update but I found that it either has gone on too long or just wasn't enough to do. Kinda want my weekly Mystery Box back already!!!


Yeah. I actually bought that second stupid funzo because there's nothing else left to buy.

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It pisses me off that other Springfield doesn't have Santa coins for me to collect. I mean I get it. But yeah.


Also I'm a little late to the game, but I'm still trying to get Santas Little Helper so I'm at a lack of Santa coins. But the whole concept of how sparce the coins come is aggravating. Though it keeps me involved. I mean it told me to get Santas Little Helper when I had like 20 coins so I've been working at it for a while.

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Supposedly there is a Stocking item that gives random gifts for Santa Coins (pictures can be seen on the EA Forum) but until the update gets pushed to the games, its just a rumor.

I kinda hope this happens soon as Christmas is kinda over!

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Yup, I have around 800 coins and was just going to get the final Funzo I haven't got, but I would be happy to spend it on something useful instead. Even if it was just some random items in the game that you can buy with coins, at least that will help your star rating.

Edited by ernierocker
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I'm sensing a lot of benches and fences in my future!


Ditto. As well as shrubs, trees and other crap.


I'm actually going to redo the layout of my whole city, something similar to a Simpsons PS2 game I used to play. Still waiting to get the quest for the Town Hall before I start that. Currently building the Retirement Home.


Oh, and went over 4000 coins this morning. (And to think I was worried about getting enough to get SLH in the time frame they first announced - Jan. 3)

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What has been everyone's trick for getting money? I really want to buy more land, but I never seem to have enough money. I'm on level 24 now, but still have lots of buildings to go. Seems like every time I get a decent amount of cash, I have to build another building and its all gone again....

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