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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Chris, is the first post up to date with everyone's screen name from the thread? Going to update my friends towns soon...


I'm updating it today!!


EDIT: The list is up to date. We have had no new usernames added to the Forum since 706781.


However, I didn't get a request from someone who isn't posting, haha. so I am adding: TPDave!!!


Also, there was a new building added that doesn't require a quest. Make sure to start building Pimento Grove! $168,000!

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Yay for Level 25!!!


I'm not sure whether to be excited or concerned that they released this update so close to finishing another major update!


I mean, it's great an all, but is it going to be a super long time before we get more now? Or are we finally seeing some benefits to the game doing so well and there will now be a bunch of random updates?!

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^ I guess I'll find out.


I also noticed a new building besides the one you mentioned: Mr. Burns mansion, and it comes with Mr. Smithers!! (I just started the Crabapple apts, so I still have a way to go.


Mr. Burns car is also available, but I think that costs more doughnuts, so that will wait.

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Gill is offering the Springfield sign and the Volcano Lair with Hank Scorpio for 250 Donuts. Advertised at 370 value! It might be that if you already own one of these items you don't get the deal because you can only have one of each and its a package deal.



I still probably wont take it. Id rather save my donuts and see whats coming up. I don't want the sign I'm kinda 'meh' on the volcano.

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I still probably wont take it. Id rather save my donuts and see whats coming up. I don't want the sign I'm kinda 'meh' on the volcano.

I have actually noticed the amount of money I get from buildings and tasks has gone up quite a bit since I bought the sign and some other premium items. For example, a house that says it should give me $200 now gives me around $350.


It's been helpful since I've been kinda struggling with money.

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