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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Chris - is the list on page one up to date?


Yes, it's up to date. I've started putting a 'Updated on' date at the bottom and I'm gonna add one to the top of the post too.

Awesome! Thanks! I sorted the names alphabetically so it's easier to match up in the game who I have and who I don't. I also added an (*) to those names more recently added to it's easy to see who's new to the list.


Thanks for keeping this updated!

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But I wonder if Mr. Plow isn't available after the snow is gone, like his tasks get grayed out till next year. Would it still be worth it then?


I've decided it's worth it!


When the game added level 25, it made my XP 35,000. At that time I had just a hair over a million dollars. I bought the new restaurant "Pimento Grove" for $168,000 (IIRC). If you look at my Springfield, I started rearranging everything, and making it look nicer. I probably spent another 50,000+ on trees, benches etc...


In the 3 days since, I'm now well over 1.1 million, and maxed out at 105,000XP. BUT, with Homer doing the Mr. Plow stuff, I have a feeling it will take me longer to get the last 4 bldgs (Ch. 6, Hibbert family practice, hospital and Burns mansion). But I think the extra $$ is definitely worth it, as the land is getting expensive. I think my cheapest available parcel is now $33,000!


As far as the NEXT update goes: Anyone thinking Valentines Day? Visit your neighbors and collect Valentines?

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I'm wondering if the next update will revolve around Valentines day since the past few things have been holiday related.

I think it's possible since so many mobile games seem to follow the pattern of doing seasonal updates. Were there that many valentines related episodes? What about Easter? That wacking day thing isn't until May 10th (from Simpsons lore) so it's a while before we could get any other theme.


Gotta think that with them doing something for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas all back to back, they should be *something* coming? Even if the next update is more simple, like what they did for Thanksgiving, at least it would be *something*...

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Just started this game. Please add me as username: MechanicTPR




Added, thanks!




This post here is something I've wondered as well, but I find it all VERY confusing! All I know is that the premium items really DO seem to generate more cash for me, I just don't quite understand the formulas...


Here's the thread I'm talking about: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/9238543.page


That makes sense. I just don't want to go through the game and find out what my total premium items are. I can see the money I'm getting is higher then it should be, so I'm content.


It would be nice if they added a total somewhere that was calculated for you. It would probably entice people even more to buy premium things cause they can see their percentage rise!

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