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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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I just blew a wad of cash on land (about 500k) so I can redesign a better looking town.


I've also decided to follow the EA forum guideline to get things built (Found here), so I can be caught up to others when the next update arrives.


Tomorrow is my next mystery box. My last one was another angel topiary.


I fully expect a parking lot!

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I got my second parking lot in a row yesterday!


The game's getting a bit repetitive, really. i dont' even visit other Springfields anymore.


CBG is always Cosplaying, Krusty is juggling, Martin is riding a bike, Frink is playing iwht his gizmo, and I'm getting a bit bored.



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I have to be honest I'm getting to the point where I feel like I have "nothing to do" in the game as well. While I think the game has been fantastic up to this point, I feel like the designers are scrambling to get in new content to keep level 25 players coming back.


Interestingly enough, KidTums has started playing Animal Crossing on the Wii (now that she can read it opens up a whole new world of games she couldn't play as easily before), and it's interesting to see that, in Animal Crossing, even when you are waiting for the next thing to happen, there is always "something to do" like go fishing, get coffee, collect bugs, run errands for the other townspeople, etc. I feel in Tapped Out, they need some sort of "mini-game within the main game", which is exactly what the Animal Crossing fishing aspect is, to keep players occupied until the next major update comes along.


That being said, for those of you with a Nintendo 3DS, there will be a new Animal Crossing coming out sometime between March and May - which has a totally different storyline from the past three versions of the game, and it's going to be Wi-Fi enabled where you can visit friends towns: http://animalcrossing.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Crossing:_New_Leaf


Hopefully Tapped Out gets its content sorted out by then otherwise I might be shifting gears!



Edited by robbalvey
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Yeah, that's what I said a while ago, when I was comparing it to Smurfs that my wife plays a lot. They have a lot of minigames. Some look pretty dumb, but at least they have them. And the perfect place for them would be Noiseland Arcade.


Plus, as I had suggested, add the minigames to the premium buildings, so you actually get real content instead of just a sprite. Frink Labs could easily have 2 or 3 minigames included that are chemistry/lab related.


But, if lots of people are paying $10 for a static SPRINGFIELD sign, maybe they just don't care about adding minigames.



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I would rather the next update be delayed a month, and know they added 5 new levels with some more things to do, then just keep giving us Thanksgiving balloons that just sit there.


I mean, the coin collecting thing was nice, although I sorta think it was anti-climactic, but you know they can do mini games because we sort of saw it with the zombie killing thing.


Whacking Day sounds like it's a good step in the right direction, but hope that lasts a bit longer than a day!

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THERE IS A NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check the iTunes Store!


Anyone else not able to connect to the server? I haven't been able to get on since yesterday afternoon, but it sounds like other people are able to get on fine.


No issues here.

Edited by COASTER FREAK 11
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Woohoo! A valentines theme, and the snow is gone! Ends on February 28.


I'm really liking this update. A lot of really cool stuff in it.


What's New in Version 4.1.0

Love has come to Springfield! Send Valentines to your friends and collect Hearts to add a romantic atmosphere to your Springfield with limited time decorations. We’ve got new limited-time characters, quests, and more – check it out...


• New Buildings – Pick up some love handles a la mode at Phineas Q. Butterfat’s, capitalize on insecure relationships at Howard’s Flowers, and even lose some golf balls at Sir Putt-A-Lots.

• New Characters – Send Shauna around searching for young love, get Homer and Marge to snuggle in the Golf Castle, and send Valentines with Lisa.

• New Decorations – Sweeten up your Springfield with rose bushes, cherub topiaries, and the “I Choo-Choo-Choose You Train.”

• New Quests – Join Bart on his quest for love. Will Bart and Shauna enjoy a blossoming romance, or will Bart be left sulking in his room?

• New Event – Visit your friends’ towns, send Valentine’s Day cards, and generate limited-time Heart currency.


Thanks for playing The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Don’t miss new cloyingly sweet storylines – for a limited time only.


Hurry up and update! I can't visit anyone who hasn't updated yet.

Edited by jray21
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