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NEWS: Travel Channel 'Coaster Wars' finds a familiar expert

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HEY! GAIS!! I learned off Coaster Wars that Alpengeist has 4 vertical loops! Even that twisty bit that I thought was called a zero-g roll is called a loop! WHO KNEW??


But in all seriousness, the TV show wasn't all that bad. The footage was the best of any previous roller coaster show yet. And, overall, the show was put together well. Quite an entertaining show!

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^Yes. It would be nice to have some link to watch this since this won't be on air in Europe anytime soon, if ever...


Oriol "As long as its legal(ish) " Monroig

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I thought the show's strengths were the video footage (although they did reuse some shots a bit too often) and Robb's commentary (at least he got the last word on the winner at the end). I imagine that the producers were looking for breathless "excitement" in the interviews and, let's face it, that isn't the strength of the average coaster enthusiast. I would've liked to see Robb offering a comment at the beginning of each segment, rather than just at the beginning and the end of the show.


One comment in the narration amused the copy editor in me. It had to do with an "unsuspecting" coaster element. Mr. Narrator, the coaster element is an inanimate object; therefore, it is incapable of "suspecting" anything.

Edited by cfc
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A show like this is NOT made for the people who are on these forums. It's made for "GP" - and I think you all should keep that in mind before unfairly ripping into it.


--Robb "'Nuff said..." Alvey

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We enjoyed the show for what it was. Sure there were a couple of nit-picky issues but nothing that made the show un-watchable.


Hoping this show will do well so they can do another season and expand it to more parks. It was nice to see a couple of rides we are going to get to ride at ECB as well.

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I thought the show was good. Because of my industry bias. (Being a Coaster Enthusiast, as well as someone who works in broadcast production.) I usually gage these kind of shows on how my kids respond to them. And they both loved it. Funny thing, they both picked the winners. Jarett was drooling all over Apollo's Chariot, as he loves the huge hilly out and back steel coasters. And they both chose Aftershock because they liked the colors better than the others. So you never know why people choose one over another. Jarett did mention that Manta wasn't an invert, and that if he had his choice of flyers, he would choose Tatsu. So even he has biases. IMHO, I would have loved to see Robb a bit more, because I felt he was energetic, informative and entertaining. All in all, it was fun, and the coaster footage for the most part was quite good. So kudos to all involved.


Just my 2 cents .

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Since the show is more geared to the GP who aren't sure about elements of a roller coaster and what G-Force is I think it was great. Actually today one of my campers started talking about the show and how she wants to go to Busch Gardens to ride Apollo and etc. For myself I thought the show was pretty good and I will continue to watch it until the end of the series. I thought all of the on ride footage was great especially with all of the different angles it was shot.

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I really enjoyed it -- although I wish they had gone a bit more into the "making of" .. ie: WHY Alpengiest was build with 4 inversions (ie: loops ) instead of 5?. . that's the kind of stuff I enjoy learning about.


but overall, I thought it was very good.


Even as I questioned why they didn't bother naming the other coasters that would appear in shots (here's a fantastic shot of Loch Ness Monster's famous interlocking loops. . but we are gonna ignore that). . LOL


but My DVR is set for this

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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"



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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"




check out the post counts on those of us that commented after Robb chimed in.


most of us would be considered the GP, before joining up here

Edited by bert425
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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"



Who's Rob?

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I liked the show...it's always fun to see a new coaster show, even if most of the rides were built a few years ago. I watched it with my roommate who loves coasters, and his older brother who is terrified. I'm very familiar with the coasters they mentioned, as was my roomate, except Aftershock (obviously I was familiar with Deja Vu, but I had no idea one of those moved to Idaho!) - but his older brother seemed somewhat amazed by the rides. I wish they would have thrown I-305 in on the G's show, but perhaps the reason they went with older coasters is because people around the U.S. may already be somewhat familiar with these rides, or rides like them, and that way they can have a more educated vote on the rides?


Robb was great on TV! I'm not just sucking up here, especially as I see no reason to do so, he was just an excellent cast. (it's not like Robb would be like hey, that Yeti guy needs a free trip to Happy Valley or anything). He spit out valuable information quickly, and gave good insight in to what coaster enthusiasts look for in a ride!


How about the lady with the Montu tattoo? Did anyone else notice that she also had a Dueling Dragons tattoo (maybe my favorite moment in the show)? I wonder if she regrets that now...I can just see her showing the ride attendants on Dragons Challenge and making some sort of scene about it!

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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"




Obnoxious much?

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