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NEWS: Travel Channel 'Coaster Wars' finds a familiar expert

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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"




Obnoxious much?

Yup...and banned.


If you're going to be rude and obnoxious...don't do it on TPR. We don't want you here.


--Robb "Guy can't even spell my name right lol!" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Since the show is more geared to the GP who aren't sure about elements of a roller coaster and what G-Force is I think it was great.


Actually, that's why I get upset at incorrect information about that kind of thing in these shows. Tons of folks watch shows like this and (unfortunately) when they hear something on TV, they just believe it. This is the entire premise behind Fox News, by the way... but I digress.


Since you've got the audience's attention, why not teach them something as well as entertain them?


I'd love to see an expanded roller coaster edition of "How It's Made", for example. They could cover mag brakes, launch systems, track construction, etc etc etc... I remember when Steel Phantom was in the planning stages, Arrow was worried that the glue that holds the polyurethane "tire" to the steel wheels would break down at those speeds. This is the sort of stuff that most folks don't even think about and could make for fascinating TV.

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I was rather dissapointed, only about 30 seconds of Robb and some of the pov shots seemed rather shaky. Overall, i thought the show was decent, but it could have been better.


- John "I want more Robb" Haer

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"this show blows!" "the show sucked!" "almost unwatchable!" ...Rob chimes in: "The show was created for the GP, you should consider that before unfairly ripping into it." ....."I liked the show!" "I thought it wasn't that bad!" "I'd watch it again!"




Obnoxious much?

Yup...and banned.


If you're going to be rude and obnoxious...don't do it on TPR. We don't want you here.


--Robb "Guy can't even spell my name right lol!" Alvey


Oh fu@k!ng fu@kball$! I spell your name wrong once and I get crucified.

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I liked the show...it's always fun to see a new coaster show, even if most of the rides were built a few years ago. I watched it with my roommate who loves coasters, and his older brother who is terrified. I'm very familiar with the coasters they mentioned, as was my roomate, except Aftershock (obviously I was familiar with Deja Vu, but I had no idea one of those moved to Idaho!) - but his older brother seemed somewhat amazed by the rides. I wish they would have thrown I-305 in on the G's show, but perhaps the reason they went with older coasters is because people around the U.S. may already be somewhat familiar with these rides, or rides like them, and that way they can have a more educated vote on the rides?


Robb was great on TV! I'm not just sucking up here, especially as I see no reason to do so, he was just an excellent cast. (it's not like Robb would be like hey, that Yeti guy needs a free trip to Happy Valley or anything). He spit out valuable information quickly, and gave good insight in to what coaster enthusiasts look for in a ride!


How about the lady with the Montu tattoo? Did anyone else notice that she also had a Dueling Dragons tattoo (maybe my favorite moment in the show)? I wonder if she regrets that now...I can just see her showing the ride attendants on Dragons Challenge and making some sort of scene about it!


Yes, I noticed her tattoo and and had the same thought. WTF! Maybe Universal will be nice enough fund a new Dragon Challenge tattoo to cover the old one.

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I liked the show...it's always fun to see a new coaster show, even if most of the rides were built a few years ago. I watched it with my roommate who loves coasters, and his older brother who is terrified. I'm very familiar with the coasters they mentioned, as was my roomate, except Aftershock (obviously I was familiar with Deja Vu, but I had no idea one of those moved to Idaho!) - but his older brother seemed somewhat amazed by the rides. I wish they would have thrown I-305 in on the G's show, but perhaps the reason they went with older coasters is because people around the U.S. may already be somewhat familiar with these rides, or rides like them, and that way they can have a more educated vote on the rides?


Robb was great on TV! I'm not just sucking up here, especially as I see no reason to do so, he was just an excellent cast. (it's not like Robb would be like hey, that Yeti guy needs a free trip to Happy Valley or anything). He spit out valuable information quickly, and gave good insight in to what coaster enthusiasts look for in a ride!


How about the lady with the Montu tattoo? Did anyone else notice that she also had a Dueling Dragons tattoo (maybe my favorite moment in the show)? I wonder if she regrets that now...I can just see her showing the ride attendants on Dragons Challenge and making some sort of scene about it!


Yes, I noticed her tattoo and and had the same thought. WTF! Maybe Universal will be nice enough fund a new Dragon Challenge tattoo to cover the old one.


I'm sure she will still enjoy the nostalgia of it.

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I think the show is fine for what it is - a show aimed at the GP, as Robb alluded to. It's engaging, great photography, some unique looks such as the view from Aftershock's catch car that I can't recall seeing in prior coaster shows. It's not meant to be a course in Advanced Coaster Enthusiast Studies with weekly vocabulary quizzes and the like. It's meant to show off how fun these rides are, and how the public gains so much from these little competitions coasters seemingly have with each other.


That said, I was a bit frustrated with the editing. It felt almost like the show had ADD. It would jump from one shot to the next to the next. It was obvious that Robb and almost anyone else who spoke had the phrases that made it to the final show snipped out, and we saw maybe 10% of what they actually had to say. While I know coaster dorks don't make for exciting TV, after each episode a part of me was left wanting to see the 60min version of the episode instead of the radically condensed 30min long version.


Also, were there any mentions of the companies who make these rides? I don't remember any, and coaster shows in the past have been good at at least mentioning who manufactured what ride. Was this done for a particular reason, such as trying to deflect attention away from how 1 Vekoma and 3 B&Ms were going for the G-forces vote and how that may appear unbalanced? Just curious.


Overall I thought the shows were pretty good, and certainly better than no coaster show at all. Excellent job on the expert commentary Robb.

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How about the lady with the Montu tattoo? Did anyone else notice that she also had a Dueling Dragons tattoo (maybe my favorite moment in the show)? I wonder if she regrets that now...I can just see her showing the ride attendants on Dragons Challenge and making some sort of scene about it!



Yes, I noticed her tattoo and and had the same thought. WTF! Maybe Universal will be nice enough fund a new Dragon Challenge tattoo to cover the old one.


Why cover up an awesome Dueling Dragons' tatoo with a crappy re-themed Dragon's Challenge one?

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