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What are some loud rides and coasters?

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  OCJ48 said:
Kumba has been running really loud of late, to the point that it was rumored (don't know if it was true) that last year some ride ops were given ear plugs.


Still, nothing quite like that B&M roar...

Not a rumor... they do wear earplugs...'at least they were last week... Kumba gets my vote...

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Kumba is the loudest overall coaster I've heard. Having worked on TTD, I've had the opportunity to walk in the restricted area under the tower with a hard hat on while the coaster was operating. Standing right behind the hydraulic room when a train launches is extremely loud.

Edited by xChris125x
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^ When I last rode it in August 2010 I thought it was MUCH quieter than it had been back in August 2005. I am happy to hear that they just turned it off, and that my assumptions were correct! The fact that the sound is contained inside the cave made re-rides unbearable for me!

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I love the signature Ra-tat-tat-tat of Schwarzkopf coasters when the train goes through the loops.


On modern coasters you're always from the parking lot stretching your neck to see if they're all running - on the Schwarzkopf coasters you just have to point your ears....


The opposite are B&M divers - if it wouldn't be for the screaming girls you could sleep under them for hours and you won't be disturbed.

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  • 2 years later...

Thought I'd bring back this topic after two years. The loudest ride I've been on was Dragon Khan, probably followed by great bear. You could just hear it from miles away! (well, almost) And I wish every B&M was like that.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
Definitely Superman:Escape From Krypton. My ear really hurt every time I walk under the structure.


I agree with this--definitely the loudest launched coaster anywhere. It sounds like a jet plane taking off.

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