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The Most Shocking Ride Removals

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I would agree with Rolling Thunder being removed. The rumors were definitely there, but I didn't think Great Adventure would actually do it. I certainly hope it's replacement will be awesome (RMC anyone?), but it can never replace the rough fun of an old wooden coaster. Oh well, I guess I have Comet and Thunderhawk for that still.

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I was shocked when Stealth was removed from CGA (PGA back then) after three years. It was the most expensive ride PGA had ever built at the time I believe and I never got to PGA until 2004 when it was already removed. I was bummed until Tatsu was built so I could get the flying coaster experience (and a better version of it).

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  • 1 month later...
I was shocked when Stealth was removed from CGA (PGA back then) after three years. It was the most expensive ride PGA had ever built at the time I believe and I never got to PGA until 2004 when it was already removed. I was bummed until Tatsu was built so I could get the flying coaster experience (and a better version of it).


Yeah Stealth was definitely a big shocker!

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  • 1 month later...
I've changed my mind just yesterday: JAWS. It just came out of the left field, and I didn't think Universal had the guts to take out the whole Amity area!



That was the most shocking announcement.


They only gave everyone a month to ride it before it closed. It was like pulling teeth to get the time off to get there on closing weekend.


Fortunately, I was able to ride it about 6 times over the course of 2 days. Universal was dead on Saturday December 31, 2011.

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I accidentally timed my first visit to Universal Studios to be the exact date of removal for Jaws. It ended up breaking down while we were riding. We were stranded near the lighthouse, and our skipper did a fantastic job of staying in character during the wait. We arrived at the park around 4:00 PM, and it was dark by the time we got off!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Great American Scream Machine @ Six Flags Great America

This one came out of nowhere, really caught me off guard. I knew arrows were on the decline but I expected at least another 10 years.


Pandemonium @ Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

It was a relatively new coaster, and it was relocated quick.

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