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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Hi Everyone,

I'm new here, just reading all the posts. I'm a season pass holder at Six Flags Georgia, and will be going for the first time this year on Sunday, March 27 with a friend. It looks like there is a decent chance of rain that day. I think we will drive there anyway (2 hours) and take our chances. I'm really looking forward to any first hand reports here. Someone mentioned that Easter Sunday might be very busy, but I'm hoping the opposite is true.

Nice to meet you.

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How busy does everyone think the park will be during spring break, like Tues and Wed and will they have more than one train running on most of the coasters?

Normally, the park has always had 2 train operations throughout the park all season, but that hasn't been the case so far this season. They did manage to get Great American Scream Machine up to 2 trains this past weekend (it was 1 train opening weekend) so here is what the rides are like now:


Goliath: 1 train (causing 3 hour lines when it would probably be about 20 minutes with 2 trains)

DDD: 3 or 4 but the VR brings the ride's capacity down to about 60-100 people per hour, resulting in 4+ hour lines

Scorcher: 2 trains (10-15 minute line)

Cyclone: 1 train (2 hour line)

Mind Bender: 1 train (2 hour line easily)

Superman: 2 trains (still a slow long line)

GASM: up to 2 trains now (15 minute line last Sunday, was a 2+ hour line with 1 train opening weekend)

Ninja: Closed until Memorial Day Weekend

Batman: Not sure, haven't gotten around to it.

Canyon Blaster/Joker Funhouse Coaster: Closed until Memorial Day Weekend

Dahlonega Mine Train: 2 trains (20-30 minute wait last Sunday)

Sky Screamer: 30-45 minute line (running on the short cycle mode)

Acrophobia: 30-45 minute wait (as of Sunday)


Even if they get 2 train ops on all coasters for Spring Break, expect it to be surprisingly busy for a weekday.

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We (my family) went opening weekend. Saturday was a nightmare. We waited 2 and half hours for GASM and over 2 hours for Superman. Sunday was a lot better. Still only one train ops, but the crowds were not as bad. I figure if the crowds showed up during spring break, that running more than one train would really help. It seems like they were not ready for the crowds opening weekend.

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From the reviews I've read about this years opening weekend do you think it will make SF decide to have more staff and more trains on the coasters for next year? Or will it even affect it at all?

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From the reviews I've read about this years opening weekend do you think it will make SF decide to have more staff and more trains on the coasters for next year? Or will it even affect it at all?


Part of the problem is they have had several weeks of offseason disappear thanks to Holiday In The Park.

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Holiday in the Park is more than worth coasters running one train at the start of the season so I refuse to complain. Also no, a 3 hour line would not be a 20 minute line with 2 trains instead of one. If they never stacked it would at most double the capacity, not magically give the ride 9 times the capacity it had with one (unless of course Flash Pass is being horribly mismanaged).

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Holiday in the Park is more than worth coasters running one train at the start of the season so I refuse to complain. Also no, a 3 hour line would not be a 20 minute line with 2 trains instead of one. If they never stacked it would at most double the capacity, not magically give the ride 9 times the capacity it had with one (unless of course Flash Pass is being horribly mismanaged).

I had pretty much word for word the exact same thing typed out ready to submit but then Bill reads my mind and posts it for me. Anyways, yes that logic makes no sense and is mathematically impossible. Thanks for echoing my mind

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Went to SFOG yesterday and I was amazed. Not amazed in a good way, amazed in a bad way. It was raining yesterday and most rides were closed. No, that didn't amaze me. What did amaze me was that the rides were wide open. Gates were wide open, not closed off and no park attendee was present at the ride. Any joe blow could walk right up to the ride and do whatever because it wasn't closed off. Just for craps and giggles, I walked right up to the Joker Coaster and stood next to the ride itself and nobody was around or looked, or seemed to care. Seriously, I was worried. I have a season pass to this park and anybody could do damage to this ride or any other ride that wasn't being watched. So I went up to a worker and told them my concern. I walked down there later and still didn't see anyone. This park needs a management overhaul. Yes, I understand it was Easter, and it was a rainy day, but still...At least rope the ride off. Just don't leave it open with no supervision. I am worried about SFOG. Carowinds has three train operations on Fury 325 and Intimidator but SFOG can't get but one train going on Goliath? I am going to write the park with my concerns but something tells me nothing will be done. And I'm not sure if this is a SFOG problem or a Six Flags problem. Either way, they need to step up their game.

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^That is horrendous operations and service quality.


Opening day was an absolute mess like that too, however last Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) was MUCH better. There were still a lot of issues and Cyclone, Mind Bender and Goliath desperately need their second trains in operation, but at least it wasn't so terrible. DDD still opened almost 2 hours late too.


I am pretty concerned about the operations this year which seem to be ranging from just barely good enough to downright awful.

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Carowinds has three train operations on Fury 325 and Intimidator but SFOG can't get but one train going on Goliath? I am going to write the park with my concerns but something tells me nothing will be done. And I'm not sure if this is a SFOG problem or a Six Flags problem. Either way, they need to step up their game.


Supposedly Goliath's trains are getting major work done this year that is causing them to take longer for rehab. Again, they have literally cut their off season in half. It's much easier to get trains done with a 21 week offseason (Carowinds) vs a 10 week offseason (SFOG). I'm sorry, but I enjoyed riding coasters in December when I was in Atlanta. If the trade off is fewer trains in March then I'll take it. But maybe that is just me.

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Carowinds has three train operations on Fury 325 and Intimidator but SFOG can't get but one train going on Goliath? I am going to write the park with my concerns but something tells me nothing will be done. And I'm not sure if this is a SFOG problem or a Six Flags problem. Either way, they need to step up their game.


Supposedly Goliath's trains are getting major work done this year that is causing them to take longer for rehab. Again, they have literally cut their off season in half. It's much easier to get trains done with a 21 week offseason (Carowinds) vs a 10 week offseason (SFOG). I'm sorry, but I enjoyed riding coasters in December when I was in Atlanta. If the trade off is fewer trains in March then I'll take it. But maybe that is just me.

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Just because the park has a shorter off season now doesn't excuse the fact that they can't get their off season work done. They obviously need to expand their maintenance team. Six Flags keeps finding ways to increase attendance and revenue but they aren't doing anything to provide service and manage that larger attendance and longer operating season. I see it every time I go to the park. People aren't happy waiting over an hour for food and standing in 3 hour lines due to one train operations. Long term that will backfire for Six Flags. Good for them for increasing attendance and revenue but they clearly need to spend the money to accommodate those crowds.

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Throwing money at more maintenance staff doesn't necessarily mean faster turn around. There's things like NDT and ordering parts and space available that can all limit how quickly they can get trains running again, plus any track work.

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Just because the park has a shorter off season now doesn't excuse the fact that they can't get their off season work done.
I pray to god this is sarcasm, because this has to be the most hilarious comment I've ever read!


In case it wasn't sarcasm, allow me to to explain that off season maintenance is ALL about time. Hiring a Bunch of Extra Bodies, who must be specially trained to complete the Necessary work, still won't make much of a difference when you don't just tear down the Train and put it back together and turn a ride on. There's non destructive testing that needs to be completed and parts that may have to be special ordered or parts sent off site for testing. On top of that, there's the entire structure and all mechanical systems that have to be checked. Once everything is done by maintenance personnel, the Ride gets turned over to a "Safety" Department and they have things they have to complete. Once their job is done, a ride can finally be turned over to Operations for their Duties, and finally, testing, training, and Operation. 10 Weeks to turn everything over in this particular park is literally InSAnE!


It makes more sense financially, to have Rides operating at Capacity when it makes the most financial sense, like Halloween and Christmas Events. Pre season is the slowest time of year in terms of revenue and attendance. Whether you like it or not, the Park is first and foremost a Business, and adding a high amount of Labor for little benefit would be financially terrible.

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All these operations complaints are worrying me for my visit in just over 2 weeks. :/ I also found out there is an ACE "Spring Fling" event that day where according to their promo for it they get unlimited exit passes on everything til noon. (WTF I hope there aren't a million of them)


Platinum FP in the budget so I hope you guys can assure me waits won't be an issue. It looks like I'll have about 6 hours in the park from opening (or whenever I arrive) until about 4-5pm and would like to hit up all the coasters (except Ninja, obviously, not to mention I rode that f*cker when it was brand new next to the sea 25 yrs ago), the drop ride, and Monster Mansion of course.


Skyscreamer, skyride and train would be bonuses. I hope its all doable! Also any insight if that coaster in the newer kiddie area be open? The Chance junior coaster (whatever the eff its called)?


Also I don't know if I asked this before but I need lunch spot recommendations. Any places unique to the park/not-to-miss grub? I noticed there is a Macho Nacho.... (But we have that here.)


Also the regulars: post your preferred seats on rides (except Batman and Superman, I'm well acquainted). Assuming Goliath is a back seater? I'm a huge fan of airtime so in particular the woodies I'm interested in the magic seats and if my Platinum FP will dictate where I have to sit.

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Just because the park has a shorter off season now doesn't excuse the fact that they can't get their off season work done.
I pray to god this is sarcasm, because this has to be the most hilarious comment I've ever read!


In case it wasn't sarcasm, allow me to to explain that off season maintenance is ALL about time. Hiring a Bunch of Extra Bodies, who must be specially trained to complete the Necessary work, still won't make much of a difference when you don't just tear down the Train and put it back together and turn a ride on. There's non destructive testing that needs to be completed and parts that may have to be special ordered or parts sent off site for testing. On top of that, there's the entire structure and all mechanical systems that have to be checked. Once everything is done by maintenance personnel, the Ride gets turned over to a "Safety" Department and they have things they have to complete. Once their job is done, a ride can finally be turned over to Operations for their Duties, and finally, testing, training, and Operation. 10 Weeks to turn everything over in this particular park is literally InSAnE!


It makes more sense financially, to have Rides operating at Capacity when it makes the most financial sense, like Halloween and Christmas Events. Pre season is the slowest time of year in terms of revenue and attendance. Whether you like it or not, the Park is first and foremost a Business, and adding a high amount of Labor for little benefit would be financially terrible.

It is not sarcasm and you shouldn't over assume what I am saying. The park has 1 month of off season before HITP and 2+ months after. Many parks handle off season maintenance in that time and ones who cannot have an additional train for a reason. I am talking about business decision here because I've been to the park multiple times this season and I've never seen so many extremely frustrated and unhappy guests. Long term Six Flags (company wide) needs to provide a proper level of service for the attendance they are so pleased about. Sacraficing experience for revenue and attendance is a short term plan that will fail if the parks are consistently unable to provide. Meanwhile Cedar Fair is investing in high capacity rides and highly effencient service.


You can see it through social media that the average guest is currently more unhappy than ever. Eventually that degrades reputation and honestly the way our park in particular has kicked off their season is unacceptable to many people.

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All these operations complaints are worrying me for my visit in just over 2 weeks. :/ I also found out there is an ACE "Spring Fling" event that day where according to their promo for it they get unlimited exit passes on everything til noon. (WTF I hope there aren't a million of them)


Platinum FP in the budget so I hope you guys can assure me waits won't be an issue. It looks like I'll have about 6 hours in the park from opening (or whenever I arrive) until about 4-5pm and would like to hit up all the coasters (except Ninja, obviously, not to mention I rode that f*cker when it was brand new next to the sea 25 yrs ago), the drop ride, and Monster Mansion of course.


Skyscreamer, skyride and train would be bonuses. I hope its all doable! Also any insight if that coaster in the newer kiddie area be open? The Chance junior coaster (whatever the eff its called)?


Also I don't know if I asked this before but I need lunch spot recommendations. Any places unique to the park/not-to-miss grub? I noticed there is a Macho Nacho.... (But we have that here.)


Also the regulars: post your preferred seats on rides (except Batman and Superman, I'm well acquainted). Assuming Goliath is a back seater? I'm a huge fan of airtime so in particular the woodies I'm interested in the magic seats and if my Platinum FP will dictate where I have to sit.



The exit pass for the ACE event is an awesome offer. I actually went last year and it really wasn't that many people. Just a few people at any ride at a given time. Now with one train ops in half the park the Flash Pass has piled up but it's still fast especially compared to the massive one train op regular lines


Joker Funhouse Coaster will not be open. They just started painting it a week ago basically.


Macho Nacho has an awesome portion size on the nachos. Miners Cookhouse has my favorite burgers in the park by far. Bacon cheddar ranch waffle fries are at the front gate and in Lickskillet and they are awesome. The park's curly fries are better than their normal fries.


GASM: front seat or middle row back car. Keep in mind Flash Pass has assigned seating here for the last 2 rows of second to last car.

Cyclone: front of back car. Awesome ejector if you can handle the roughness.

Batman: assigns last 2 rows

Scorcher: front or if not very back

Goliath: back is my favorite

Mind Bender: back but front is great too. Great ride in any seat really.


Don't forget to do Acrophobia (unique seating not and tilt makes it scarier than the normal models) and Monster Mansion because it's a great unique classic.

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Also, while waiting for 2 hours for one train Mind Bender I watched a Flash Pass user at DDD (the line for flash pass was running well down the ramp) and it took him over 30 minutes to get on the ride and another 10 to get to the unload dock afterwards so be ready for a decent wait even with FP. I would do it early but it's been opening late pretty consistently so it may not be open for the first hour or 2.

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Thanks again for the tips, I can't believe the trip is coming up so fast. Just praying to the weather gods (that its cloudy and a small chance of scattered rain to be honest LOL).


I am now kinda thinking it might be smart to just stay at one of the hotels right outside the park so I can stay riding until closing. And then just head out to Athens in the morning and not be rushed on Saturday. Probably a dumb question but assuming the same buses arriving at SF on Sunday morning will be able to get me back to HG Holmes and therefore into downtown ATL on Sunday morning?


Anyways, any recommendations on the hotels right outside the park? I see a couple - Super 8 (really bad reviews), Sleep Inn (average to bad) and Wingate (decent but $$), I would literally just be sleeping there so something affordable but not a total dump would be sufficient.

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^I'm a bit of a hotel snob, but Wingate is your best bet if you have the option and are willing to pay a bit more. The Wingate is the only hotel of the three that I feel safe in. A friend and I stayed at the cheapest hotel on the street a few years back (it was a Howard Johnson at the time). It's outdoor entry, and our door never locked properly. We feared for our lives every night we were there LOL.

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^ I am also a hotel snob, trying to not be for this since I'll really just be sleeping there. Just booked at Wingate. Closest walk from the park and just looks the nicest. Got a deal though orbitz that was 30% less than what the hotels website had listed. Just figure the extra money I am spending will allow me to relax a bit more and not rush around all day and can stay til closing, not to mention be able to take a hotel break midday if I so choose.

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Keep in mind if the chance of rain is high enough they will be on one train ops basically throughout the park. I asked the ride operations director about this and he claims it is to "prevent slippage causing a train to bump another train" ...I've been on scattered rain days where even on a Saturday they are one train ops. Kind of ironic considering it rains almost every day in the summer at some point during the day.


Most coasters will run in the rain though although Mind Bender and Batman aren't always running.

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