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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I would really like to hear about the day with the Flash Pass. I know it is great, but with a season pass this time, I'm thinking of going without the Flash pass and hitting the park on Sundays/Mondays/Tuesdays instead. Its my current strategy anyway. We'll see.

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I'll have a huge report, took a ton of photos and had a great day. The DDD thing first thing in the morning was only major hiccup. Park was crowded but nothing the platinum pass couldn't handle. Beautiful park! Goliath and Mindbender are some real gems y'all got here. I'll check back in in a couple days with a lot more to say.

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I'm hoping you regulars might be able to provide more support than the very poor customer service I've experienced from SFOG. So, I'm trying to put together vacation plans with my boys for when I visit them in the summer. I noticed that SFOG website currently is offering the $61.99 season passes this week for Earth Day. The only caveat is that I live in California and will not be able to pick up the tickets in Georgia before the May deadline to pick them up ("You must pick up your Pass cards at Six Flags Over Georgia by May 8 for this great deal."). I noticed that since there is a SF here in the Bay Area where I live, I could purchase almost the same deal ($3 more) from this SF and would be able to pick them up before May 8. But if I do that, must all members of my party be present when I pick them up?

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I'm hoping you regulars might be able to provide more support than the very poor customer service I've experienced from SFOG. So, I'm trying to put together vacation plans with my boys for when I visit them in the summer. I noticed that SFOG website currently is offering the $61.99 season passes this week for Earth Day. The only caveat is that I live in California and will not be able to pick up the tickets in Georgia before the May deadline to pick them up ("You must pick up your Pass cards at Six Flags Over Georgia by May 8 for this great deal."). I noticed that since there is a SF here in the Bay Area where I live, I could purchase almost the same deal ($3 more) from this SF and would be able to pick them up before May 8. But if I do that, must all members of my party be present when I pick them up?


Hi im gonna try to answer your question the best i can. If you purchased the passes for the 61.99 deal you would still get a season pass to six flags. The may 8 deadline is only if you want to get the free upgrade to a combo pass which includes white water and free parking. You could also buy a thrill pass for 44.99 but this wouldn't give u access to any other six flags and you couldn't go to fright fest or HITP. It is a little bit cheaper though. I believe all members would have to be there to pick up the passes in la just because of the fingerprint scanning but im not 100% sure.

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Not sure if this helps but we ordered season passes towards the end of December when they were running the special on the gold combo pass and it stated that the passes must be picked up before the end of December to get the deal and we had no problem picking them up in April.

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I'll have a huge report, took a ton of photos and had a great day. The DDD thing first thing in the morning was only major hiccup. Park was crowded but nothing the platinum pass couldn't handle. Beautiful park! Goliath and Mindbender are some real gems y'all got here. I'll check back in in a couple days with a lot more to say.

I'm excited to hear the details of your visit!


DDD has been down every morning I have gone all season. Sadly if you want to avoid the 3-6 hour lines you have to get there first and sit through the hour of downtime that seems to occur every single day (which is not a good way to start off on a ride that has an hourly capacity of 60 people).


Was Mind Bender running 2 trains for you? I was there the night before your visit and I was shocked to see 2 train ops but it went down to 1 after just an hour. Really odd.


Glad the rest of your visit was enjoyable! Like I said, can't wait to hear more and see the trip report.

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I'll have a huge report, took a ton of photos and had a great day. The DDD thing first thing in the morning was only major hiccup. Park was crowded but nothing the platinum pass couldn't handle. Beautiful park! Goliath and Mindbender are some real gems y'all got here. I'll check back in in a couple days with a lot more to say.

I'm excited to hear the details of your visit!


DDD has been down every morning I have gone all season. Sadly if you want to avoid the 3-6 hour lines you have to get there first and sit through the hour of downtime that seems to occur every single day (which is not a good way to start off on a ride that has an hourly capacity of 60 people).


Was Mind Bender running 2 trains for you? I was there the night before your visit and I was shocked to see 2 train ops but it went down to 1 after just an hour. Really odd.


Glad the rest of your visit was enjoyable! Like I said, can't wait to hear more and see the trip report.


I missed the fact that you are down in Georgia- that explains why the SFGA board has been so quiet! So I'm confused- you show up there, and didn't run to be the first on "The Joker Chaos Coaster?????"


Enjoy your trip- never been to that park.....looking forward to hearing your perspective on it!

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Looking sharp! I liked the old colors and would've still preferred just a fresh red coat and keeping the name Ninja. It will be sad to see the awesome entrance sign and ninja statues go. Also, the queue structure fit the theme.


As for it not going with Cotton States Exposition, I doubt the retheme is with that in mind. Remember Six Flags removed the Cotton States signage from the ivy tunnel entering the area and never put it back up (which drives me mad!).


Excited to find out the new name and try the revamped ride. I already absolutely love Ninja so this can only make it even more awesome.

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This is my first year for a season pass, and one of the benefits is free "bring a friend" days. Does anyone know where I can find out about which days are available? Thank you.

Also, if you have a smartphone you can download the Six Flags app. From there you can take a photo of your pass, which will put your info into the app, and the app can show you when the BAF days are.

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DDD has been down every morning I have gone all season. Sadly if you want to avoid the 3-6 hour lines you have to get there first and sit through the hour of downtime that seems to occur every single day (which is not a good way to start off on a ride that has an hourly capacity of 60 people).


Was Mind Bender running 2 trains for you? I was there the night before your visit and I was shocked to see 2 train ops but it went down to 1 after just an hour. Really odd.


Glad the rest of your visit was enjoyable! Like I said, can't wait to hear more and see the trip report.


Yes! Both trains all day. Well, any time we rode it, it was running both. Such a great ride, both in front and back. Totally different rides. So smooth but so old school and forceful and a beautiful setting and just fun. Wish I rode it more. I remember you all saying this (and Batman) were both doing one train each so far and was really stoked when we showed up and they were running two. That said, they were only running 3 on DDD and we got friendly with an crew member while waiting who was just as over it as us, and complained to us that even tho it was those 3 six-seater trains that 22 people had been assigned to work the ride that day! And there were. Like millions of SF ops running around doing nothing. And they were sooooo slow. Six Flags southern style I learned haha. (This wasn't an issue since I got Platinum flash pass and didn't really wait for anything at all but operations, and actually everything in Georgia is slooooooooooooooow lol) And the ride kept going down. Seemed like problems with the trains advancing in the station. They'd wait for maintenance which would take forever, dude would push some buttons, and they'd be good. Not like Great Adv style where they start banging on sh!t with mallets.


I just got back into town late last night. Had a great time but so good to be back in the city. I have a had a couple days to chill out in Athens and collect my thoughts on the park but I have to go to work now and I took like 500 photos between the park and Athens I have to sort through. Give me a couple days, tho if its dead at work today I can get a good chunk of it done.

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Give me a couple days, tho if its dead at work today I can get a good chunk of it done.



"Work, work, work, work, work! All I do is....work, work, work, work, work!" My gut says they'll be posted by the end of the day! Glad you had a good trip.....welcome back! And look to take advantage of SFGA being open during the day next week- should be epic walk on coaster time!

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Looks like it's between Blue Hawk, American Eagle, and Air Commander according to their YouTube channel.


Honestly, Blue Hawk sounds like something Cedar Fair would try to market for a smaller park, Air Commander would work better as a rename and retheme of Superman, and American Eagle just doesn't sound right when you already have GASM next to the ride.

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