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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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most other Panda replacements in the SF chain are "Chop Six".

Is it "Chop Six" (which makes sense seeing it written) or "Chop Sticks"? The guy for Fiesta Texas seemed to say "Six" the first time but "Sticks" the second time.


See image below - it is a (marginally) clever play on words. I was able to try Chop Six for myself last summer at SFA; it was not bad nor was it great, but it was another option.


excited to hear DeeJay's will be getting self-service soft drinks (Freestyle machines I assume).

Freestyle machines are dining establishment nightmares. They take a lot of maintenance and up-keep. Guests love them, though, so many places suffer through them.


Agreed - Freestyle machines have been an on again off again nightmare -but- the technology is improving - and getting less expensive. I am seeing these machines in more and more places and for the most part they operate problem free. However, a fast food establishment environment is much different than a theme park with the sheer volume of guests using them. That is where durability and ease of use are a must. Hopefully the employees will be fully trained on reloading and maintaining them.


Coca Cola likes having these machines in a busy location like SF because of the data they collect. The Freestyles do more than just dispense your beverage. They gather data on what drinks / combinations guests are selecting and make marketing decisions based on that info. In fact, Coke is expected to debut a Coke Orange flavor during the Final Four next month, a direct result of the choices made at all Freestyle machines, including the ones inside Six Flags.


At any rate, the more of these machines that are installed in the park, the more spread out users will be and the less overburdened any one machine will be.


Chop Six logo in use at other SF parks.

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Agreed - Freestyle machines have been an on again off again nightmare -but- the technology is improving - and getting less expensive. I am seeing these machines in more and more places and for the most part they operate problem free. However, a fast food establishment environment is much different than a theme park with the sheer volume of guests using them. That is where durability and ease of use are a must. Hopefully the employees will be fully trained on reloading and maintaining them.


Coca Cola likes having these machines in a busy location like SF because of the data they collect. The Freestyles do more than just dispense your beverage. They gather data on what drinks / combinations guests are selecting and make marketing decisions based on that info. In fact, Coke is expected to debut a Coke Orange flavor during the Final Four next month, a direct result of the choices made at all Freestyle machines, including the ones inside Six Flags.


At any rate, the more of these machines that are installed in the park, the more spread out users will be and the less overburdened any one machine will be.


I'm a fan of the Freestyle machines, even if I'm only getting a flavored water.


However, Barqs Cream Soda with Orange flavor (and a bit of Vanilla, too) is my go to, but I doubt it will ever be a stand alone selection, since I can rarely ever find Barqs Cream Soda. Even without the Orange flavor I need the Freestyle machines to find Cream Soda in the park. The flavored waters

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It's finally happening:



Not sure if I missed it but do we know what colors they're going for? Can't tell if that is white or gray, but maybe that's just primer...

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Not sure if I missed it but do we know what colors they're going for? Can't tell if that is white or gray, but maybe that's just primer...

I will be heading to the park this weekend so hopefully I will get a few pics. Also it will be interesting to see the progress on the new "ScreamPunk District" themed area and all the other enhancements they have planned. Stay tuned....

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I’m glad Scorcher is finally getting some attention! I wonder why some parts are gray and some white? I know it was said possibly primer but I would think the gray is primer. What if it is white with differ color supports! That would really look nice!

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Does anyone know if there are any discounted park tickets for opening weekend for people with season passes?


Yes. Weekends from March 9-24. It's one time usage however.

I would assume it's also only available if SFOG is your home park with this offer.


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I’m glad Scorcher is finally getting some attention! I wonder why some parts are gray and some white? I know it was said possibly primer but I would think the gray is primer. What if it is white with differ color supports! That would really look nice!

I believe the gray sections are simply portions that have had the old paint sanded off so you are just seeing plain steel. Then the white is primer. That’s my guess anyway. I’m very curious to find out what the final color scheme will be!

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I believe the gray sections are simply portions that have had the old paint sanded off so you are just seeing plain steel. Then the white is primer. That’s my guess anyway. I’m very curious to find out what the final color scheme will be!


That would make sense, considering how bad the paint had gotten. The only thing they could do was take it off and start over.

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Hey everyone,


So as some of you know, I'm visiting Six Flags Over Georgia on Saturday the 30th, and I need advice! I'll only be there for about 5 hours (2:00 to 7:00), so keep that in mind when responding.


1. What is the best order to hit up the coasters and thrilling flat rides? I know that SFOG can get REALLY busy so the best advice possible for the short period of time is helpful. I'm not very knowledgeable on the non-coasters at SFOG, so give me your recommendations for what to ride here. Also the only credits I have at the park are GA Scorcher, Batman, Mind Bender, GASM, and DMT. Being the credit whore I am, DDD, Goliath, Joker, Superman, TwiCy and Blue Hawk to be on the list somewhere, plus re-rides on the other coasters.


2. What are the best restaurants for lunch and dinner? (best snacks in the park would be a nice bonus too )


3. "Magic" seats or the best rows/seats on coasters? I love trying multiple seats for the best possible ride so I always ask those questions when trip planning.



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Hey everyone,


So as some of you know, I'm visiting Six Flags Over Georgia on Saturday the 30th, and I need advice! I'll only be there for about 5 hours (2:00 to 7:00), so keep that in mind when responding.





Keep in mind that March 30th is the first day for Spring Break in the Atlanta area. The place will be completely swamped with people (unless it's actually raining all day). You will likely need the Flash Pass (and not just the basic level either) in order to get all the rides in you're looking to do in 5 hours at that park. Of course I'd wait to get to the park to make the purchase. The last time I went there on a Saturday in the early part of the season, I was only able to get on 3 coasters the whole day (though we entered the park at 1pm and stayed til close).


Here are the prices for each level of Flash Pass for March 30:


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^ I assume you mean "Joker's Funhouse" and not "Joker Chaos Coaster". . since the 2nd one is a Super Loops (fun, but not a coaster. . sorry Six Flags).


Expect: Superman, DDD, and Twisted Cyclone to have the longest lines from your list (DDD due to capacity, and Superman due to the loading times).


so.. yeah. . I'd splurge for Flash Pass, as you only have 5 hours. it will let you cut most of the lines and get on everything you want.


tho really no great loss if you skip Blue Hawk . .it's still terrible.


it's also good for many of the flats - in particular Monster Mansion (an insane classic "WTF" dark ride via boat), and Acrophobia - a unique stand up drop tower (that was down during my 1 prior visit to the park).


SFOG also has the best themed Wave Swinger (Gotham City Crime Wave) and a great version of Justice League (where all aspects of it were working on our visit).


oh, and the river raft ride here, Thunder River? WILL get you *soaked*.. so plan accordingly with a baggie for your phone/wallet.

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Like others have said, you'll need a Flash Pass to do everything in just 5 hours. Dare Devil Dive in particular is guaranteed to have a 1.5-2 hour wait if the park has any sort of crowd.


For the best seats, I really like the back rows on Goliath, Twisted Cyclone, or Mind Bender. But those rides are so good that I'd recommend you ride at least twice so you can try both the front and back.

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Yeah... Plan for at least the Gold level of Flash Pass.


I waited a long while for Joker Funhouse Coaster and I'll be hard-pressed to ride a coaster "for the credit" ever again. On the other hand, Blue Hawk was a pleasant surprise.

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^^ Thanks for the help everyone. I was able to talk my family into buying a Gold Flash Pass so I'm thankful for all the recommendations.


^ I thought Pandemonium was going in that old lot that was cleared out next to Goliath's queue? Or is that something else?

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