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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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Six Flags Over Georgia to Debut Twisted Cyclone Hybrid Roller Coaster

Wood and Steel Thrill Coming in 2018



AUSTELL, Ga. — August 31, 2017 — Six Flags Over Georgia—the Thrill Capital of the South—today announced the all-new Twisted Cyclone hybrid roller coaster will arrive in 2018. Twisted Cyclone will offer guests the best of both worlds—a classic wooden structure combined with a modern, steel track for multiple inversions and a smoother, more thrilling riding experience.


“Six Flags was the first in the industry to introduce this hybrid technology and Twisted Cyclone is a shining example of Six Flags innovation at its very best. Year after year, our park keeps delivering unique thrills for all ages and this state-of-the-art hybrid coaster is an absolute game- changer,” said Park President Dale Kaetzel. “Our guests are going to be blown away by the unbelievable features of this coaster.”


Twisted Cyclone highlights include:

- An insanely steep 75-degree initial drop from nearly 100 feet into a jaw-dropping reverse cobra roll sending riders perpendicular to the ground;

- Three hair-raising upside down inversions and 10 airtime moments along 2,400 feet of track at speeds of 50 miles per hour;

- The feeling of weightlessness through a 360-degree zero gravity roll;

- One-of-a-kind custom coaster trains modeled after a classic 1960’s sports convertible;


- A smoother, sleeker, more intense ride than ever before.


Construction on Twisted Cyclone is underway and the ride is expected to debut in the spring of 2018.










Edited by robbalvey
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It looks fun, and I’m excited...but I can’t believe they made it so short. There’s going to be such long lines for such a short fide. Still looks fun, though.


A shorter ride means the line will move faster. I can't believe someone has a complaint about an RMC conversion of a coaster that has seen its day.

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It looks fun, and I’m excited...but I can’t believe they made it so short. There’s going to be such long lines for such a short fide. Still looks fun, though.


A shorter ride means the line will move faster. I can't believe someone has a complaint about an RMC conversion of a coaster that has seen its day.


The line won’t literally be longer, but it is going to feel long when the ride is so short. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad or angry at Six Flags. I’m still really excited, it just caught me off guard how much of the ride they’re getting rid of.

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It looks fun, and I’m excited...but I can’t believe they made it so short. There’s going to be such long lines for such a short fide. Still looks fun, though.


A shorter ride means the line will move faster. I can't believe someone has a complaint about an RMC conversion of a coaster that has seen its day.



Seriously! I mean, the ride doesn't look like Steel Vengeance in length, or even Wicked Cyclone, but it looks really fun, and will be a great addition to SFoG! Can't wait to ride it, myself!

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Larry, I understand where you're coming from, but in my opinion, Cylcone hadn't "seen it's day." While it could be rough and aggressive, I saw the Georgia Cyclone as a semi-modern wooden coaster with an incredibly fun, surprisingly-long layout full of unexpected, super thrilling moments. It was certainly no Mean Streak.

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Larry, I understand where you're coming from, but in my opinion, Cylcone hadn't "seen it's day." While it could be rough and aggressive, I saw the Georgia Cyclone as a semi-modern wooden coaster with an incredibly fun, surprisingly-long layout full of unexpected, super thrilling moments. It was certainly no Mean Streak.


If you rode it 20 years ago when it wasn't nearly as rough you would probably feel differently. I just can't believe how many of the first people to comment have not been fully appreciative.

Edited by larrygator
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Couple of observations from the renderings.

I love the blue track. Great color choice considering the original also had blue track.

The trains look sick as well, although why they are themed to cars I have no idea LOL. Seems kinda random.

The unpainted wood makes me think that a LOT of the original structure might have to come down and be rebuilt, which makes sense because a lot of the wood did look pretty bad. Perhaps the park just doesn't want to paint the new lumber and just pressure wash all the paint off the old structure. I don't know, but whatever. I'm a details guy I can't help myself.


While I'll miss the length of the original ride, I think Twisted Cyclone's layout will grow on me. Shorter coasters like this lend themselves to a lot of re-riding, which is never a bad thing. This looks like it would be a fun ride to marathon on a light day. It's sad to me that Six Flags never bothered to keep Georgia Cyclone in really good condition, BUT it's good to see the park finally do something with it. I mean you really can't go wrong with RMC.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!


But yeah this looks rather short.


Also shout out to everyone that seriously thought this was a freespin or waterpark addition lol even though the evidence was there all along.

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Georgia Cyclone was still a fun coaster when I rode it last year and had amazing airtime in the back, but this definitely looks like a major upgrade. It's like when Six Flags Discovery Kingdom closed Roar. Yes Roar was still a pretty good ride, but by all accounts Joker is a significantly better coaster.


I absolutely love that first turnaround. I saw a similar element in Planet Coaster when I got the game and was hoping to see it in real life someday. I love how they were able to use that turnaround to add the barrel roll drop since it allowed the ride to have a standard first drop, which is the best part of an RMC in my opinion. The ride does seem short on track length, but it certainly packs a lot into that time frame.

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As a sucker for blue I LOVE the rail color and yes that first inversion looks ridiculous. So stoked for this, and that my sister lives nearby. Definitely making a visit in 2018. Love this park! Congrats to the locals!

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To echo some other comments, I absolutely love the blue rails! I also really like how they’ve preserved the first drop while giving us something that looks messed up in all the best ways immediately after. It would be easy to complain about the length, but I’m thrilled we’re finally getting an RMC and I’m hopeful it will tear through its course.

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Hell yes! I don't care that it's a little shorter than most of the other RMCs. I'm just stoked to finally have one only 20 minutes from me! I love the blue track as it's an unique color on these RMCs outside of Twisted Collosus, and it'll pop when you see it coming up to the park. Everything just looks so amazing! With Twisted Cyclone, Mind Bender, and Goliath as the main trio, I think the park has a very strong coaster line up now.

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I really don’t see the length being too much of a problem. And trust me, I’m absolutely the first person to b*tch if I find something I don’t like about a ride. If the animation is to be believed, you’re still getting about 35 seconds of ride time, almost identical to Outlaw Run’s length, and 5 seconds longer than the Raptor clones. The ride will be going slower than the other RMC’s, so it won’t feel as short as the stats make it out to be. Plus, I really don’t see how much more they could’ve done with a ride this tiny. RMC did a great job with this ride.


Also, I love:

-The ride vehicles

-The track color

-The first two inversions

-The wave turn

-The fact that Over Georgia now has one of the best coaster collections in the world.

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