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TPR's Front Page - What do you like/dislike?

Do you think TPR's Front Page needs updating?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think TPR's Front Page needs updating?

    • Yes - New hotness, please!
    • No - It ain't broke - so please don't break it!

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I have to admit that I quite often go straight to the forums rather than the front page... I'm usually directed to any major updates / trip reports via being on the forum so much / your update e-mails / Facebook status updates from you / other TPR friends that I tend not to always look at the front page. However, I am aware that having a trip report featured on the front page brings a huge amount of extra views. As it is, I'm not sure that it's 'broken', so I've voted accordingly.



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One thing I've always liked is the "darkness" about it. I think the colors that were chosen are some of the easiest on the eyes, as far as web viewing goes.


To answer the question honestly about whether the site could use a major overhaul to be less "early 2000's website-y," and maybe stand out more, my answer is um,........ no.

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One thing I've always liked is the "darkness" about it.

I agree. I realize this goes against the whole "books were printed on white paper for a reason" argument for why all websites should be dark text on light backgrounds, but for my personal preference, I've never been a fan of that. We very rarely get any complaints that TPR is too hard to read, in fact, it's not come up once in this thread so far, so that's an aspect of the site that won't ever change unless someone wants to give me large buckets full of money to change it.


So I'm glad so many of you guys like that part of it!

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I mean, I guess I'd really like to know some honesty here - do most of you agree with this statement, but just don't want to say it, or do you really think that if the site needs any updating at all, it's more of "minor tweaks" and less of a "major overhaul?"


Again, I'm all about gathering as much information as possible before we do ANYTHING as I've seen to many other sites do completely stupid stuff and make huge, sweeping changes, that only frustrate their readers, without adding much benefit.

Evolution, not revolution. That's why I'm only suggesting minor aesthetic changes.

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One more vote for keeping things as they are. As someone said above, the look of the site is part of its "brand" and if it sort of feels like early 2000s, that's fine! It's got a "Hey, everyone, let's put on a show!" feel to it, which I dig, rather than some slick, soulless "corporate" look to it.


If a site refresh had anything to do with something other than "user experience," then I might argue differently. But if not, then it's all good.


If you DO choose to do some tweaking, I'll only beg to keep any text columns from getting wider than they already are. Narrow text columns are much easier to read.

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1. I think an update to the site would be nice, because it is kind've starting to show it's age, but why change the thing that everyones familiar with? I mean if the majority of TPR enjoys the feel of the front page, no need to change. But I do agree that an update to widescreen would be nice


2. I think TPR is very well organized the way it is. I mean it's not to pretty to look at, but it get's you where you need to go. If TPR wants to go for a sleeker, more streamlined look (maybe something like Westcoaster's new look?) , I would be all for it. But, like I said, there isn't anything wrong with it the way it is.


3. I honestly don't think anything is missing from the front page. It does it's job, it gets you where you want to go.


4. Maybe just sprucing it up a bit? It's not very pretty to look at, that's my only complaint. haha

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I mean, I guess I'd really like to know some honesty here - do most of you agree with this statement, but just don't want to say it, or do you really think that if the site needs any updating at all, it's more of "minor tweaks" and less of a "major overhaul?"


Since I'm primarily a lurker who visits the site at least once a day I didn't want to be blunt for fear of it coming across as rude or disrepectful.


However, I do agree with angryemobeaver. The site does look a bit dated and a bit dark. Updating the front page and graphics to look a bit more current, modern and sleek would be a nice change. In my opinion minor tweaks is pretty much the only changes I would suggest.


With that being said, as a lurker of 5 years I do take comfort in the familarity of the look of the site but I do think that sometimes change is a good thing.

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Sounds like an interesting topic! The front page hasn't changed a smidge since I first visited this site... but I feel it could use some tweaks.


1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?


The general layout of the Main Page doesn't need any updating... although I would like to see new features. The ideal design I want is still there... it could use just a little bit more.


2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.


The randomizer has been one of my favorite parts of the main page, but I feel as if some of the links there are very outdated (Like, 2004-ish outdated ). I would like, if possible, to see trip reports from 2009-2010 and see some newer special events (Like... Cheetah Hunt's media day) to go along with them.


3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page?


I feel that you could use a bit more integration with the site's Game Exchange. In particular, I would like it if you had a feature where you could look at a random NoLimits track and, if you like it, possibly download it on the spot. I would also like some links to the latest NoLimits user contest where you can create new tracks, since I often forget about things like that.


4. What other changes would you suggest?


Not that much, really. I wouldn't change a thing more.


I hope you find my wonderful tidbits of knowlege to be of upmost importance to the site! You're an awesome guy, Rob!

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Honestly, I love TPR,but I think it's got to be one of the worst looking sites I visit. It's too 'early 2000's website-y'. TPR really needs to be modernized. I'd love it if it wasn't so dark.


I mean, I guess I'd really like to know some honesty here - do most of you agree with this statement, but just don't want to say it, or do you really think that if the site needs any updating at all, it's more of "minor tweaks" and less of a "major overhaul?"


Honestly Robb, I completely agree with this statement but opted out of saying anything simply because it seemed like the majority of responses thought the site was fine. I really like the front page for what it offers content wise, but I can't stand looking at it. It honestly reminds me of the web pages I made back in elementary school using html in "web club." It's simple and to the point, yes, but it could have so much more visually.


Thinking about someone who happens to stumble upon the site and might just be searching for causal information, I figure (or at least this would be true for me) they would move along and try to find another site simply because the site looks so old. I mean, would you rather get movie information from here or here? Obviously these sites don't offer quite the same thing but I hope you still get my point. A little updating can go a long way. Drop down menus would be an awesome start.

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Honestly, I love TPR,but I think it's got to be one of the worst looking sites I visit. It's too 'early 2000's website-y'. TPR really needs to be modernized. I'd love it if it wasn't so dark.

What I find interesting about reading this comment is that I was actually expecting quite a few people to say this exact same thing. But the reality seems to be that the majority think the site does NOT need a huge overhaul. Which is one of the reasons why I posted this question in the first place.


I mean, I guess I'd really like to know some honesty here - do most of you agree with this statement, but just don't want to say it, or do you really think that if the site needs any updating at all, it's more of "minor tweaks" and less of a "major overhaul?"


Again, I'm all about gathering as much information as possible before we do ANYTHING as I've seen to many other sites do completely stupid stuff and make huge, sweeping changes, that only frustrate their readers, without adding much benefit.


If you're going to make huge changes and frustrate me...DAMMIT! MAKE IT WORTH IT!!!


--Robb "Hi Facebook...how's it going?" Alvey


Here's the thing,

TPR has so much fucking content and the current design is clean, but clearly based on an earlier version of phpbb.. I love what miceage and yes, westcoaster have done with their sites. They focus on a few really hot topics and wow the audience with photos. The thing about those sites are, their scope is relatively limited. TPR has content from nearly every theme park in the world that is created daily. A major redesign would have to include the same broad spectrum of links to make TPR; TPR! I like the layout as it is.. It's simple, familiar, and elegant in it's simplicity.

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I love what miceage and yes, westcoaster have done with their sites. They focus on a few really hot topics and wow the audience with photos. The thing about those sites are, their scope is relatively limited. TPR has content from nearly every theme park in the world that is created daily. A major redesign would have to include the same broad spectrum of links to make TPR; TPR! I like the layout as it is.. It's simple, familiar, and elegant in it's simplicity.

This is EXACTLY the problem we struggle with. You have to remember that sites that focus on one type of park, or one specific area, don't have the volume of updates that TPR does.


It's one of the reasons why we have the left and right column on the front page. I look at it this way -


The right columns if for the daily updates.

The left column is for our "Featured Updates."


All articles are put on the right hand side when they are initially posted, and then moved to the left hand side if they belong there.


I actually really do like the front page of MiceAge. Three really big pictures, focusing on their three most recent updates. And if I look at their page right NOW, those three updates span three days.


The biggest problem we have on TPR, like what Croniq said is that we are constantly updating, in just the past 2 days we've had 7 front page updates, and if I thought the world could handle more, I would post more.


It's sort of like we need to be in-between what Screamscape does, which is a long list of bullet point list of text updates, and what MiceAge does, which is a short list of updates and a corresponding image. Both which I feel work VERY WELL for those sites.


And since TPR has always been more of a "visual" site, I would always choose to do something that includes images.


But I agree - the front page IS dated, and I do feel it needs updating...but how drastic of an update is what I'm trying to gauge.

Edited by robbalvey
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Just an idea.. TPR has shown time and time again, that we have a a lot of talented members amongst our ranks. The contest for the club tpr logo and card layout blew my mind. I'd love to see what some of our talented friends can think up for a front page redesign. Even if it was a "just for fun" contest. ?

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It's got a "Hey, everyone, let's put on a show!" feel to it, which I dig, rather than some slick, soulless "corporate" look to it.



I agree with this.... TPR's site is like comfort food. Sure it isn't the prettiest thing you've ever eaten, but it still feels like home. For anyone following non coaster sites.. Look at how the gawker network (gizmodo, etc.) ruined a site redesign.

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Just an idea.. TPR has shown time and time again, that we have a a lot of talented members amongst our ranks. The contest for the club tpr logo and card layout blew my mind. I'd love to see what some of our talented friends can think up for a front page redesign. Even if it was a "just for fun" contest. ?

When the time is right for this - I may consider that. As it is now, we actually have quite a few talented people that I'm working with that I may have do a few samples, but I am not ready to even move forward on any of this until the fall at the earliest.

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I definitely think it should be updated. You could figure out a way to keep the two columns but make it look more modern easier to read. It looks really busy and dizzying as it is.


What about something like the page for Six Flags does? Where there are 6 featured articles/pages and they change after a few seconds. But there's a bar on the side where you can click to change the feature or go back to one that you'd like to read more about.


You could have two of those side-by-side with the new news and the featured news.

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I love the front page the way it is! Don't make a drastic change. It's dark, simple yet elegant, and functional. It would make it sooo much harder to read if the general color palette were to get brighter. If you change something, maybe make the announcements be able to drop down, or relocate/remove the search bar. The updates start too far down the page for my taste...but a major streamlining isn't necessary at all.


People that complain about it looking too old seem to be focusing on aesthetics more than functionality and ease-of-use.


My 2 cents.

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One of my favorite features on the site is the Random Stuff feature! It would be cool to see it more or less updated, maybe even random links in the forum (A thread).


That might allow for more forum interaction.


One Idea for the front page is- maybe we can have a picture of the week that is the background for the main page. (It could also be another contest idea)

You've put so much work and time into this site and we all appreciate everything you do for it!




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I love what miceage and yes, westcoaster have done with their sites. They focus on a few really hot topics and wow the audience with photos. The thing about those sites are, their scope is relatively limited. TPR has content from nearly every theme park in the world that is created daily. A major redesign would have to include the same broad spectrum of links to make TPR; TPR! I like the layout as it is.. It's simple, familiar, and elegant in it's simplicity.

This is EXACTLY the problem we struggle with. You have to remember that sites that focus on one type of park, or one specific area, don't have the volume of updates that TPR does.


It's one of the reasons why we have the left and right column on the front page. I look at it this way -


The right columns if for the daily updates.

The left column is for our "Featured Updates."


All articles are put on the right hand side when they are initially posted, and then moved to the left hand side if they belong there.


I actually really do like the front page of MiceAge. Three really big pictures, focusing on their three most recent updates. And if I look at their page right NOW, those three updates span three days.


The biggest problem we have on TPR, like what Croniq said is that we are constantly updating, in just the past 2 days we've had 7 front page updates, and if I thought the world could handle more, I would post more.


It's sort of like we need to be in-between what Screamscape does, which is a long list of bullet point list of text updates, and what MiceAge does, which is a short list of updates and a corresponding image. Both which I feel work VERY WELL for those sites.


And since TPR has always been more of a "visual" site, I would always choose to do something that includes images.


But I agree - the front page IS dated, and I do feel it needs updating...but how drastic of an update is what I'm trying to gauge.



I didn't want to quote the whole block but it all applies to my next statement. As I said in my vote post I wouldn't mind an update - but I love the way TPR is set up AS-IS.


Just an idea you might peruse, I play a lot of MMOs and games with a lot of online play. The communities tend to make some mind-blowing websites, and they update on a regular basis (if not more often than TPR). One website I frequent for my WoW account (yeah haters gonna hate) is: http://manaflask.com/


You have your featured updates in a continually scrolling (but selectable) slideshow, and then your current updates on the right side of the screen. Its extremely easy to read and navigate, and I really love the format. With a bit of TPR magic you could create something just as great as what you do now, but it WOULD be different.

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1. Do you think it even needs updating at all?

2. What elements of the front page do you really LIKE, and would hate to see go away and/or change.

3. What elements do you feel are MISSING from the front page?

4. What other changes would you suggest?


1. I usually skip the frontpage and go straight to the forum, but it might be that time top update the looks a little.

2. I like everything there, just might want to change where what is and how it's displayed

3. Nothing comes to mind

4. see 3


i'm not 100% sure yet on how i would like the frontpage to change..

but here's a few things that come to mind.

- change background/color for menu (and make sure menu is the same everywhere on the site)

- change headers for the different sections on the frontpage

- remove the white border color around the different sections/updates

- i could see the announcements and random updates being less static (aka 2 separate boxes with sideway scroll/fade thing in it)

i'm still running 17" at home (not wide screen) and i'm pretty sure a lot of people are still running 1024 as screen size..


Just some random thoughts, if it ain't broken don't fix is is still valid, but yeah.. might as well see what's possible (nice) without forgetting what TPR is about..

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