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About robinschroder

  • Birthday 03/27/1979

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  1. Jamesmichael : The best way from the airports to the city that I know is with the Flygbussarna bus. The park opening times are almost certainly correct - it's more of an afternoon / evening park!
  2. Oh great pictures as usual! Looking forward to my first protest lap on Sky Scream with you soon! Oh - and it's Maja's birthday today I see - great timing for your trip report!
  3. I love how we're suddenly getting lots of new "queue lines" where you get eaten by an animal - they still count, it's part of the ride experience!
  4. Did we already have this one from the long-since defunct Spreepark in Berlin? Edit: OK... So it was already featured on page 1 it would appear! But me accidentally reposting this picture generated renewed interest, i.e. all of page 10 that follows, so it's not all bad!
  5. Shambhalalalalala!!!! After hearing such great reviews of this ride, and the resort, I would really love to visit! And on a 30 C + day, of course! The fastpass system sounds excellent value too. Great photos as usual Hans!
  6. I've always felt that Spinning Racer is a mixture of thrill and great fun! Great photos!
  7. Great pictures as usual Hanno! Can't wait to ride this in September!
  8. Excellent coverage of the sea-dragon-snake-thing that you got eaten by during the ride!
  9. This morning I got a message from Anth to say that TPR had just been eaten by an animal on a rollercoaster at E-DA park in Taiwan! And here is the proof in the form of Robb's freshly posted POV of "dark ride" rollercoaster! Wishing you all a great trip! And maybe some more rides where you get eaten by animals!
  10. I have recently heard a lot of great things about the park and resort! Looking forward to the rest of your report!
  11. My many thanks and congratulations to everyone for submitting such brilliant contributions so far! Are there any more rides out there? I'm sure there must be! Which are your favourites so far? If these 7 pages over the last 24 hours have anything to show ride manufacturers and parks, it's that people love rides on which you get eaten by an animal - please make more!
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