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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Okay great that the name is the Smiler. I really like it because it has something mysterious about it. Like: The Smiler? Is this supposed to make me smile? I also like the picture of it in the snow real good look on the inversions. But the whole picture is creeping me out really good those smiles of the people.

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Even though i'm not ecstatic about the actual coaster at the moment, the marketing is nothing short of incredible. Projecting the symbol on Big Ben, how the heck did they get permission to do this?


Even the imagery on the website is pretty intriguing (within the circle on the right side of the home page), can't wait to see how they theme this ride and continue the build up through the media. Definitely a few notches above the norm when it comes to ride concepts even if the coaster design seems reasonably unremarkable even if it does having a spinning "washing machine" secret element.

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The name is actually quite likeable. You can;t argue they haven't got imagination! They have really created a quite creepy atmosphere with all the marketing so far. The Sanctuary last year was quite disturbing at parts. Really can;t wait to be there for it's opening day in May

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  andybarnes84 said:
Even though i'm not ecstatic about the actual coaster at the moment, the marketing is nothing short of incredible. Projecting the symbol on Big Ben, how the heck did they get permission to do this?


Even the imagery on the website is pretty intriguing (within the circle on the right side of the home page), can't wait to see how they theme this ride and continue the build up through the media. Definitely a few notches above the norm when it comes to ride concepts even if the coaster design seems reasonably unremarkable even if it does having a spinning "washing machine" secret element.


Not a fan of the layout then?


I think it's pretty remarkable considering the limited space.

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  Angry_Gumball said:
I like the name a lot, as odd as it sounds. Logo is creepy/trippy and very Cheshire Cat-like. Not to mention, the snow covered pic looks like the logo (with a little imagination of course )



Did this as a mock up to back up your theory. I can see what you're getting at!

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This coaster is shaping up to look awesome!


Even if it turns out not to deliver an amazing ride, at least it's breathing life into a sort of run-down section of the park. And hey, Alton already has the best looping coaster in the world just across property, so there's always that...

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  JayTricky said:
  Angry_Gumball said:
I like the name a lot, as odd as it sounds. Logo is creepy/trippy and very Cheshire Cat-like. Not to mention, the snow covered pic looks like the logo (with a little imagination of course )



Did this as a mock up to back up your theory. I can see what you're getting at!


Exactly! I'm glad I just wasn't going off the deep end! It sort of reminds me of how Stinger's logo was done up at Dorney Park. Looking at the scorpion they designed, it looks very much like a Boomerang/Invertigo sans the loop.

And yes, I like when logos are kind of done up showing off a unique characteristic or distinctive look of a ride.

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I'm not seeing anything special with the section of The Smiler that has been blocked out. Or it's hidden behind the trees there in that structure, which it's hard to make out here.


John Wardley, now that's a name I haven't heard of in a while, but dang, sad to hear that this will be his last project and is retiring.

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  Angry_Gumball said:
I like the name a lot, as odd as it sounds. Logo is creepy/trippy and very Cheshire Cat-like. Not to mention, the snow covered pic looks like the logo (with a little imagination of course )


Damn, beat me to it!

Now which came first, the element or the logo?

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  UrbanLegend said:
  Angry_Gumball said:

Now which came first, the element or the logo?


I'm guessing the designs for the ride were planned up first and then the marketing team may have got some ideas form the inversion as well as the possible 'washing machine'.

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I personally am reserving judgement as best I can with the ride. When I first saw the plans they really didn't do much for me and with the past few Merlin coaster investments I haven't massively enjoyed any of them. I as always am hoping for a nice surprise when I ride though.


I also will as always give Merlins marketing department a huge round of applause for their strategy as it always seems to do what any good marketing strategy should do, which is get people talking!



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  SharkTums said:
It kind of looks to me like they just blurred out stuff in the other image so you wouldn't see how much was still left to do!


In other images, TowersTimes blurred out a section of the track that hasn't been blurred out in the previous snow pic. Which is confusing. They still maintain that there is something behind their censored box though!

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Take this whole thing with a grain of salt (if not an entire salt lick), as with every rumor. So with the announcement of John Wardley retiring, I headed over to his Twitter feed to send him a farewell tweet. However, I noticed this, all the way back from September.



Hinting at something?

He says that the "technology" used is "beyond anything seen in the industry." Now most of the ride that we've seen so far seems just like a run of the mill Gerstlauer coaster; just some steel bent into shapes that it shouldn't be bent into. That's what we expect from Gerstlauer at this point. But he uses the word "technology," hinting at something that must be theming related. Yes, it could be holographic projections onto floating water screens powered by unicorns and sliced dolphin, but I think we all know what he means by this new "technology." I'd say that we have pretty solid evidence, if not confirmation, from the designer himself, of the washing machine. Again, grain of salt.

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