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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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This crazy thing just keeps wowing me no matter how little of it changes.


Which reminds me, I think I have a hypothesis of how this is going to go up... They built the Smile element, now I think they're going to wait a long time for it to sink in while they leave that up and don't put any more track in, but maybe they build the station. Then they're going to throw up the rest of the track all at once.

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This thing looks awesome, even though I've only been on a few Gerstlauer coasters I've always been a huge fan of them. After Takibisha and now this thing hopefully an American park will invest in a full size crazy looper (I don't consider Dare Devil Dive and Mystery Mine "full size" even though they are both great rides.


The indoor section of this thing is intriguing, I can't wait to see what is in there. If it is the rumored "inversion machine" or what ever I wonder if there will be one or multiple setups for that. I haven't seen info on how many cars this thing will operate but with multiple lifts on a ride this size for a park like Alton Towers it would might have more than normal 4 or 6 cars that Euro Fighters have, and it might be useful to dispatch 2 trains at once maybe through two different pre lift layouts. Just a thought.

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Great picture of the Element. I must say I really see them focusing on the station now because the ride is still under construction when the park opens. That way they have more control of the release of the element. Can't wait for more vertical pictures of the Smiler and in July I really am going on this.

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Yea i wouldn't really think that this would get lap-bars. With all the inversions on it, im sure that the train would have to fly through every inversion for it to considered "safe" for riders. I know, i know, you can have lap-bars on an inversion coaster, but i just cant see it happening on this one.

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^ When I was in the UK I went to Thorpe Park and rode Saw and still found it to be pretty good (WAY better then Fahrenheit) so even if this ride has OTSR it's not the end of the world. However it will be 10x better with lapbars and I think it would have them due to Gerstlauers very recent additions all having lapbars.

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Have we seen or heard rumors about trains yet? I'm not following this very closely so I don't know, but I'm really hoping for lap bar only!

Just something interesting you may want to know is that these trains will have 16 people to a train rather than the usual 8 or 6, so it's not all that likely that Gertslauer will develop the lap bars with it. I personally am hoping for the OTSRs, which means a smaller envelope, which means (hopefully) more close calls and headchoppers.

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Just something interesting you may want to know is that these trains will have 16 people to a train rather than the usual 8 or 6, so it's not all that likely that Gertslauer will develop the lap bars with it. I personally am hoping for the OTSRs, which means a smaller envelope, which means (hopefully) more close calls and headchoppers.


From what people say about how the Eurofighters age...I'm not sure we want the OTSRs.


And I don't see why the washing machine element makes OTSRs any more necessary. People got stuck upside down for how long on the Magic Springs X-car with just their lap bars? They're all alive to tell the tale. Unless this thing is going to throw you around laterally, the OTSRs honestly shouldn't be necessary. And if it's going to throw you around laterally, the OTSRs are going to hurt anyway so that's unfortunate.

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Just some advice for here: Always prepare yourself for the worst case scenario, because then everything will end up better than expected. But I really don't see them going for lap-bars with at 4X4 train. I mean look at Gerstlauer's Euro fighter lap-bar trains there almost just as wide as the normal euro fighter trains and only have place for two persons per row. Those trains will be too wide for the Smiler.

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Just some advice for here: Always prepare yourself for the worst case scenario, because then everything will end up better than expected. But I really don't see them going for lap-bars with at 4X4 train. I mean look at Gerstlauer's Euro fighter lap-bar trains there almost just as wide as the normal euro fighter trains and only have place for two persons per row. Those trains will be too wide for the Smiler.


With Iron Shark, Gerstlauer introduced their four-across, lap bar only cars. Same (or at least very close) dimensions as the old OTSR cars. No reason for this ride to move backwards in that aspect.



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The lap bars are awesome on Iron Shark are awesome. I've been on it plenty of times at it adds a huge amount of comfort. From the concept art it seems the train will look more like a 4 car long B&M floorless style than the Eurofighter cars.

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From what people say about how the Eurofighters age...I'm not sure we want the OTSRs.


And I don't see why the washing machine element makes OTSRs any more necessary. People got stuck upside down for how long on the Magic Springs X-car with just their lap bars? They're all alive to tell the tale. Unless this thing is going to throw you around laterally, the OTSRs honestly shouldn't be necessary. And if it's going to throw you around laterally, the OTSRs are going to hurt anyway so that's unfortunate.


The problem is that T-bars (Iron Shark) and U-bars (Sooperdooperlooper) unlock in the forward direction. For a coaster where upside-down stalling isn't an issue such as Iron Shark, T-bars are fine (you don't need OTSRs to a vertical lift, you simply need a back/headrest). But to put a forward-opening bar on a ride with hang time (Smiler in the washing machine) seems a little unsafe in my opinion unless there is a redundant safety system such as a seat belt in place.


For quick loading and unloading then, you would use an OTSR or an OHLB (am I going to coin a new acronym?) with a safety belt that buckles in between the riders' legs.


The thing is - Gerstlauer has already made a new overhead lap bar in the style of the new restraints from B&M. It debuted on Shell Shock at Nickelodeon Universe, a Sky Fly.



I think that that style is what will end up being used, albeit with a redundant safety belt. But, I could be absolutely full of crap because another Sky Fly was built in 2012 in Legoland Germany that uses Gerstlauer's traditional OTSRs.

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The Washing Machine element is not happening.


However, I can only see OTSR's on this ride. The sheer volume of inversions and need for high capacity will dictate this, I reckon. With lap bars only, the need for a more secure 'check' on riders will be vital, and walking across the train won't be quite so easy, as the lap bars will need workings in the floor.


Alton Towers need capacity much higher than your typical small park Eurofighter, with all due respect to them parks!


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^ What do you see happening then on that small space? If you say the Washing Machine element isn't coming.

I must say I really doubt that people are trying to be up to date with this ride. It's like you can say the same thing over and over and over and over again.

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^ What do you see happening then on that small space? If you say the Washing Machine element isn't coming.

I must say I really doubt that people are trying to be up to date with this ride. It's like you can say the same thing over and over and over and over again.


I believe there will be an inversion inside, nothing more, nothing less.


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