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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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^ A Google Image search should reveal several pictures of the original concept art and show several spots where the design was changed. Also, go to The Gravity Group's YouTube page. Their Voyage POV video was editied together with some clips from the animation POV to show how accurate the final product was to the original animation.

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It seems to be going a little faster than in the animation, even though it's just the beginning. Once it breaks in it should be running even better. It's interesting to see them testing it with the snow still on the ground.

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Wow... Congrats to everyone at Holiday World!


I should also note that the train appears to be running with a different set of wheels than the ones that were on the train on the previous page. Perhaps a harder set to help it complete the course?


From HW's Facebook:



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I'm sorry . . . I was too busy picking my mouth off the floor. THUNDERBIRD, FURY 325, and CANNIBAL are going to slay all other coasters for 2015! Say what you want, but that's how I feel.

Wicked Cyclone says a bold statement to make...

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