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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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It would be nice to have a economy hotel like a motel 6 or super 8 near the park.


Actually, there is a Motel 6 fairly close by. It's located in the town of Dale, which isn't too far away. I stayed there when I went to the park in 2010 and it was quite nice.


I looked into that hotel, and it's six miles away from the park.


Just wish there were more options closer to the park.

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Just wish there were more options closer to the park.


I agree with your point about cheap hotels- but they better be GOOD, quality hotels with a GOOD breakfast. I do not want to pay $130 for a hotel when I only spend one night. It's important that a theme park visitor gets a good night sleep and good breakfast before going on some heart-pounding rides!

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Just wish there were more options closer to the park.


I agree with your point about cheap hotels- but they better be GOOD, quality hotels with a GOOD breakfast. I do not want to pay $130 for a hotel when I only spend one night. It's important that a theme park visitor gets a good night sleep and good breakfast before going on some heart-pounding rides!


Santa's Lodge was only $80 a night for ClubTPR members last year.

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Just wish there were more options closer to the park.


I agree with your point about cheap hotels- but they better be GOOD, quality hotels with a GOOD breakfast. I do not want to pay $130 for a hotel when I only spend one night. It's important that a theme park visitor gets a good night sleep and good breakfast before going on some heart-pounding rides!


Santa's Lodge was only $80 a night for ClubTPR members last year.

They changed the deal for 2015. It's over $100 even with the discount.

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I am sure the park is going to have a HUGE increase in attendance this year with the new coaster, and people are going to need hotel rooms.


There are plenty of hotels in Dale, Huntingburg, Jasper, Ferdinand, Tell City and their is definitely plenty in Evansville. It's not like the park is located in a very populated area. Yeah it is more than a 5 mile drive from all but one of those locations, but it's not like traffic is bad (Evansville would be the only exception and if you consider that bad, you probably shouldn't be driving).


While it would be nice for closer hotels, it's sort of hard when HW owns all the land around the park in which one could be built on. Anybody remember that trademark "Holiday World Hotel"? HW's long term goal is to develop into a place where people come and vacation for almost a week. For this to happen, eventually they'll probably want to build their own resort/hotel.


Oh and I couldn't help but notice that it was going to be almost 60 degrees in the area this weekend and it's February. Maybe they'll start testing this weekend? They couldn't ask for better weather!

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Cabin Fever Sweepstakes




Truth be told, we haven’t had it too bad so far this winter.


This morning there was just a dusting of snow on the ground.


… and on the roof of the loading station for our new roller coaster, Thunderbird:




However, our brethren to the north and to the east have received a load of snow, with more to come this weekend. And so, there is no argument from us that it’s time for a Cabin Fever Sweepstakes! Here’s what you could win:


Grand Prize: Two overnights in a Rudolph’s Christmas Cabin at Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, plus four tickets to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari!


Runner-Up Prize: Two tickets to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari!


How to enter? Let’s start with a few necessaries:


You must be at least 18 years old to enter.

Employees of Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, Sun Communities, and Sun RV Resort (and the immediate family members of employees) are not eligible to enter.

Use the widget, below, to enter daily. There are lots of options, so you can earn extra entries by posting here on our HoliBlog, tweeting about this sweepstakes, and visiting us on our Facebook page.Two winners – chosen at random – will be emailed the afternoon of February 13. If you win the Grand Prize, which includes overnights in a Christmas Cabin at Lake Rudolph, please note you must be at least 21 to phone in your reservation; also, the dates the cabin may be reserved for are May 1 – 21 and May 25 – June 11, 2015.

For the “post a comment on the blog” entry option, simply tell us your best cure for Cabin Fever. (Our comments are moderated, so as long as the content is HoliFriendly, it will appear soon.)Did you know you can subscribe to our HoliBlog so that you receive all of our posts (including contests) by email? If you’re using a desktop computer or tablet, look for the “Subscribe to Blog” sidebar at the top-right corner of this page. On a smartphone? Just scroll down a tiny bit more to find it.


Ready to enter? Of course you are: Simply enter our sweepstakes here from a mobile device; or if you’re using an immobile device, enter by using the widget, below. And not just today – enter daily through Friday, February 13, 2015 at 1pm CST.

Good luck to all – winter won’t last forever!

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Made in Germany




No, we’re not referring to the Koch family, although they certainly carry a strong heritage from their Germanic ancestors.


We’re talking about something called a flywheel.



Two, actually.


VP James explains in this edition of The Hard Hat Chronicles:

Thunderbird, our new steel roller coaster – the first launched wing coaster on the continent – opens April 25, just 77 days from today. Oh, you prefer to ride in 76 days? Be sure to line up some Holiday World Season Passes for you and your family and you get an invitation to ride April 24. And if you’d like an easy payment plan, but sure to get started in the next week, as our Easy Pay option goes away after February 15. Make your launch plans now!

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LOL.... sounds like a plan...

hey, does holiday world offer any type of fastline

They don't. But to be honest I don't think they need one. Wildebeest and Mammoth are the only rides that ever seem to have lines over an hour. Then again, Thunderbird could change that.

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the reason i asked, is that we are planning our first trip there during Holiwood Nights, and was worried on how packed the place was going to be...

I attended HoliWood Nights last year, and lines were pretty short all weekend, and even shorter during the event.


This year, I'm kinda upset because the event was so small and had such short waits last year, but it seems like every enthusiast in the nation is gonna try and be there this year, which is great for the park, but will mean big lines during the event.

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the reason i asked, is that we are planning our first trip there during Holiwood Nights, and was worried on how packed the place was going to be...


I actually happened to be there over the Holiwood Nights weekend last year (but didn't take part in the event, unfortunately) and the crowds were completely manageable. I never waited longer than 20 minutes for The Voyage and never more than 10 for The Raven - not to mention The Legend being a walk-on all day. Waterpark crowds were definitely higher - I think the Mammoth/Wildebeest lines hovered between 30-45 minutes during the day - but man, those two are more than worth the wait.

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