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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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^Happened around 2PM today (02/10/15). Just before the camera was set to Voyage's lift hill, you could see workers adjusting the dummies and putting restraints on them. I wonder if they tested today and just didn't want any witnesses on the first one in case anything went wrong. Would have been bad pub for B&M's first launcher if we witnessed a rollback or worse. I'm sure we'll get to see future testing.

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This photo is displayed whenever you try to view the ConstructionCam on HW's website (TBCam can toggle between Raven, Legend, Voyage, the Water Tower, and Hyena Falls). Holiday World never ceases to amaze me with their attention to detail; from large to small, they're always on point. I cannot wait to see Thunderbird in action!


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the reason i asked, is that we are planning our first trip there during Holiwood Nights, and was worried on how packed the place was going to be...

You are going to love this event. Holidayworld spoils us rotten and has one the best events around everywhere. There is nothing else out there quite like a pitch black voyage ride where you can't even see your hand in front of your face then getting off and getting a free drink and jumping right back in line again. Also, don't forget to bring you swim suit as splashing safari is one of the best water parks in the country. Can't wait to go back again this year for my third year.

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As someone who has been to Holiwood Nights a couple times, what kind of waits were there during the ERT's both coaster and water coaster? Did you spend all of Saturday in the park, or did you primarily go to the park during the ERT sessions and for the walkback? Any tips you can offer to get the most out of the experience?


I imagine that Holiwood Nights will be more attended this year due to Thunderbird, so like a lot of people, I'm planning on going to Holiwood Nights this year for the first time and want to know what to expect as best as possible.

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There is nothing else out there quite like a pitch black voyage ride where you can't even see your hand in front of your face then getting off and getting a free drink and jumping right back in line again.


I think I'd rather be able to see the track so I can brace myself...

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the reason i asked, is that we are planning our first trip there during Holiwood Nights, and was worried on how packed the place was going to be...

You are going to love this event. Holidayworld spoils us rotten and has one the best events around everywhere. There is nothing else out there quite like a pitch black voyage ride where you can't even see your hand in front of your face then getting off and getting a free drink and jumping right back in line again. Also, don't forget to bring you swim suit as splashing safari is one of the best water parks in the country. Can't wait to go back again this year for my third year.


Sounds good... count us in, M.a.g.g.i.e and I will be there

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the reason i asked, is that we are planning our first trip there during Holiwood Nights, and was worried on how packed the place was going to be...

You are going to love this event. Holidayworld spoils us rotten and has one the best events around everywhere. There is nothing else out there quite like a pitch black voyage ride where you can't even see your hand in front of your face then getting off and getting a free drink and jumping right back in line again. Also, don't forget to bring you swim suit as splashing safari is one of the best water parks in the country. Can't wait to go back again this year for my third year.


Sounds good... count us in, M.a.g.g.i.e and I will be there

Sorry about my last comment. I came off as kind of a selfish jerk.


You'll have a great time! Holiwood Nights was probably the best time I've ever had a theme park. HW puts together an amazing event, and I'm sure they'll plan for the bigger crowds that they know will be there this year. Hope to see ya there!

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This photo is displayed whenever you try to view the ConstructionCam on HW's website (TBCam can toggle between Raven, Legend, Voyage, the Water Tower, and Hyena Falls). Holiday World never ceases to amaze me with their attention to detail; from large to small, they're always on point. I cannot wait to see Thunderbird in action!

The puns in this picture are pure genius

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As someone who has been to Holiwood Nights a couple times, what kind of waits were there during the ERT's both coaster and water coaster? Did you spend all of Saturday in the park, or did you primarily go to the park during the ERT sessions and for the walkback? Any tips you can offer to get the most out of the experience?


I imagine that Holiwood Nights will be more attended this year due to Thunderbird, so like a lot of people, I'm planning on going to Holiwood Nights this year for the first time and want to know what to expect as best as possible.

I can only relate my experience from last year and I would imagine things will be more crowded this year due to thunderbirds opening. During last years ert sessions the waits on the coasters were either walk on(and you could stay on if you wanted) for anything except the front or the back and on the water coasters the wait was at most maybe five minutes. I actually did spend all of Saturday at the park and spent the morning in the water park and the afternoon in the dry park and had a nice full day.

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They're not testing yet. Paula just confirmed my suspicion to someone on Facebook. It's been 30 or below in this area since Tuesday. For most B&M's, doesn't it have to be at least 50 degrees for them to even run? I remember reading that somewhere.


50 degrees is too high! B:TR at SFSL operates at well below that temp. I'm not saying 30 is good, but 50 isn't the number.

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